By the time that the sun was between its zenith and the horizon, Dawn had stopped the ship and hid it in the nearby dunes. The vast Endii mountain range reared up in the distance to the east, dominating the skyline. The four teenagers dismounted from the ship and walked the last few miles through the warm sand until they reached the end of the desert. The terrain gradually transferred from gold to green. After a wide area of un-kept tufts of grass, then rugged hills, the surroundings became recognisable as farmland.

Mighty mohorns pulled carts and ploughs through fields while dakdaks and flibles wandered their enclosures searching for food. The boys steered clear of the sheep fields but only shuddered when Dawn asked why.

The farmers in the fields gave the teens inquisitive glances before continuing with their work. They were use to travellers visiting the city, but a group of four teenagers, all dressed in desert tribal robes, three of them looking like they had been through hell while the last looked like a princess, was something they did not see every day.

Trey had never been to Onlasar before so he was not sure what to expect. He did know that it was suppose to be the greatest place in modern Farava. In the past, Pastrino was the most pleasant settlement to live in because the other two cities were always at battle with barbarian tribes but now Pastrino was just a place to live. It was overcrowded and boring. Onlasar was supposed to be the entertainment capital of Farava.

“Onlasar is right ahead now,” informed Billy who had been several times with his parents.

“Where, I don’t see it?” asked Trey as he looked where everyone else was looking. There were trees and mountains but little else. Then he spotted it, hidden in plain sight.

The walls around the city were all made of the same rocks that made-up the Endii mountains. The tall peaks served as a stunning background for the city. The few sections of buildings that could be seen over the walls were all fashioned to look like the surrounding area too. Trey guessed that many of the smaller mountains had been converted into vast buildings. A diverse array of flags and banners were just visible above the walls.

The massive wood and iron doors into the city were open, welcoming all visitors but a guard was stationed at either side of the wide entrance. The thick wood looked very sturdy and was further strengthened by metal beams and plates. If closed, the doors looked easily capable of halting an army.

The guards each had a large shield depicting a red field and the image of another shield bearing the Faravian crest to symbolise the city’s position as ‘Farava’s Shield’. In their other hand was a mace. Both were highly decorated as were the armour plates that they wore. The crimson surcoats were embossed with yet more shields.

“How are we going to get to the Lord of Onlasar?” asked Trey. “He’s the only person who can actually help us.”

Billy was about to answer when Zak walked up to one of the guards and said in a strange voice, “Take me to your leader!” The guards looked at each other in a confused manner. Billy ran forwards before Zak could mess the situation up further.

“Excuse my… associate for his strange behaviour. He’s somewhat moonstruck. We need to see your Lord for we have important information.”

“No one may see the Lord without going through the legal procedures first,” answered a guard gruffly.

“How long would that take?” asked Billy, trying to contain his rising anger.

“It would depend on how many other people have appointments ahead of you. It could be weeks before he can see you,” the same guard replied.

“We don’t have weeks,” said Billy, his eyebrow twitching.

“Sorry, there’s nothing I can do. I just stand here and look impressive. You’ll have to petition for an audience with him or something,” said the guard in a bored tone.

“Let’s storm the castle and make him listen to us!” roared Zak, readying his axe.

“Let’s,” agreed the now very annoyed Billy as he drew his sword.

Trey sighed. “The fools,” he mumbled to himself. He was about to take their weapons off them and point out how foolish they were but Dawn beat him to it. She had picked up a nearby branch and smacked them both across the back of the head with it. The guards seemed satisfied as they watched the two boys roll around the ground clutching their heads.

“Does this warrant an audience with your Lord?” asked Dawn as she pulled something from under her robe.

The guards tensed, expecting some kind of attack but instead she revealed a necklace. It was masterfully crafted from an extremely rare green metal named kizni. In the centre of that was embellished a finely cut gem that was the very colour of a red sky at dusk or dawn. Inside the gem Trey could just make out what looked like a small pile of sand.

The guard who had been speaking to them before stayed tense, unsure of what she was holding. The second guard, who was older and had remained silent, lowered his weapon.

“Tommy, keep guard. I’m taking these kids to the castle,” ordered the older man.

The younger guard, Tommy, looked slightly confused but replied “Yes sir.” He knew not to question an order.

“Miss, if you and your escorts would please follow me I’ll take you to my Lord,” the guard said in a respectful manner. “Or at least as close as I can get you.”

“Thank you,” said Dawn as the man began to lead them to the hollowed out mountain at the far side of the city that the guard informed them served as Onlasar’s castle.

The buildings that they passed were a wild array of different designs and cultures. The majority were built from the same brown stones that littered the entire region but splashes of colour ran rampant at ground level. Banners crisscrossed the streets and posters, wall art and bright fabrics gave a permanently festive feel. All of this was hidden from the outside, any invading enemies only seeing the brown spires of rock. Not that many armies had ever attempted to storm the city. Barbarian hordes from the mountain passes were the main threat now.

No one paid the group any attention along the streets. There were people from all over Farava frequently visiting the city so it was a mixture of different fashions, cultures and tastes. There were even the occasional international travellers revelling in the rich environment. A small group of teens was a common sight, even wearing the yellow robes.

As they drew nearer to the castle, there was an increase of guards that they passed. The buildings that lined the streets were becoming more official, like offices, banks and other important looking structures. There were less general shops and more expensive restaurants. The amount of tourists was no less dense though.

Up close the mountain castle was truly magnificent to behold. It was easily the tallest and broadest structure in sight. A nearby sign stated that it was a real mountain that had been dug into and converted into a human stronghold during the Klade wars. The city had grown around it after the war until it became the metropolis that it is today. It alone took up a fifth of the city.

The guard turned to address Dawn. “Please remain here while I sort out the necessities. I will return as soon as the Lord is notified.” He bowed to the girl then entered the castle without even a glance at the three boys.

“How rude,” complained Billy.

Trey ignored him. “What was that necklace you showed that guard?” he inquired.

Dawn slowly pulled it from her shirt as she began to explain. “It’s a family heirloom. There are only three in existence. All of them belong to the Heptalli. It’s a sign of royalty. Anyone who knows of the Heptalli knows that piece of metal is a symbol of power.”

For the next ten minutes nothing happened. Zak and Billy started to argue about paint drying, Trey had seemingly fallen asleep on a nearby bench while Dawn scribbled thoughtfully on a small note book. The instant the castle door opened she snapped the book shut and rose from the bench opposite Trey. Trey slowly opened one eye and looked at the door as well.

The grizzled old guard stepped out onto the street, followed by a young woman who wore an obviously fake, over exaggerated smile. He bowed his head in respect to Dawn then headed back the way they had come. The young women looked at the small group then motioned them to come inside.

“I am the Lord Baranox’s personal assistant,” she stated. “If you would please follow me then I can take you to the audience chamber for your ‘emergency’ hearing with my Lord.” She added emphasis on the word emergency and spoke down to them in a patronising voice as if they were young children. She was still wearing the fake smile.

The corridors they were led down were magnificent to say the least. Crystal chandeliers hung from the roof every ten yards and the finest of tapestries decorated the surface of the walls. The carpets were of a lush red and the image across the entire roof in between the chandeliers depicted the holy Sprites in many beautiful and glorious positions. The rock walls had been smoothed down to perfection.

The woman did not speak a word after her initial introduction. She seemed to be grudgingly taking four teenagers to see her lord. She only spoke after ten minutes of traversing the maze of corridors once they reached a huge iron door that was stunning to look upon but in the opposite way than the rest of the castle. It was ugly compared to the vast artwork occupying the other areas. It had no decoration and big, bulky beams and rivets blotted its dull surface. In the centre of the iron door was a small but grandly designed entrance, built into the bigger door. It was a masterpiece of craft and art.

“Once through this door you will be in the audience chamber and in the presence of our Lord. You will show him the proper respect. Do as he orders, if not, you will be punished severely.” Her voice was harsh, but her facial expression had yet to change. She gave Trey the impression of a doll.

She rang a small silver bell hung by the door then waited. A few silent seconds passed by then another small bell sounded from the other side of the door. With over exaggerated movements she swung the door open.

The chamber they stepped into was huge. It looked like it could seat the entire city. The space spoke of the ancient tradition of the people gathering together to decide upon policy rather than the select few that had now taken over that role. Padded pews encircled the chamber, leaving only gaps for the door and the throne at the opposite end. A few important looking people were dotted around the pews in silence. Elegant and colourful clothes of finest silk stood in contrast to the stern, arrogant looks that seemed commonplace on the face of nobles.

Opposite the teens was the throne, masterfully carved from the finest of wood and embellished with a gold finish. Sleek lions stood out from the smooth wood like spirits trying to escape. It was cushioned with lush red pads that appeared to be form fitting.

The man who was seated on the throne was no less decorated. He was tall with cropped black hair and a small but neat black beard. Every finger was in possession of a valuable looking ring that caught in the light of elaborately placed torches and decorative candles. They sparkled like tiny stars. His robes were a splendid purple with gold and silver patterns rolling across its material every time he moved. His body was on the slide towards fat.

He rose to meet his guests. “A princess of the sand comes to seek an audience with me, I am truly honoured.” He spoke in a way that said ‘whoever you are, I am above you but to save time and effort I will feign respect and humour you’.

Dawn gave a perfect curtsy to show her respect while the three boys grudgingly gave a low bow. The lord merely inched his head forward, more to acknowledge their respect than to show them it in return.

“I am Dawn Rayin of the Heptalli clan.”

“What brings you before me, my fair maiden?”

Billy rolled his eyes at that comment; Trey was watching the Lord’s face and actions carefully to judge his character while Zak was humming under his breath, causing Billy’s hair to rise magically unbeknown to him. Pux had remained hidden in Zak’s small rucksack to avoid notice.

“I bring grave news, my Lord,” Dawn began in an official sounding voice. “The great city of Pastrino was invaded and destroyed. Its entire populace was killed or taken as slaves by demonic warriors known as Forukks from the westland.”

Lord Baranox gave a laugh and looked at the girl in a humoured way. “You expect me to believe that the second great city of Farava was destroyed without message reaching us sooner? Speak validly or stop wasting my precious time.”

The women who led them in looked ready to usher them out when Dawn spoke again.

“Why would a princess of the sand lie?” She tried to keep her voice calm but her words still had a keen edge. Her amber eyes burned at the suggestion that she was a liar.

The Lord thought about this for a moment then sighed. “After contemplating the circumstances I see that you may have a valid point. If this is true then we are all in terrible danger. Were it anyone else I would have imprisoned them for wasting my time. Let’s hope that I made the right decision in trusting you.”

After taking a sip of wine from a golden cup that had rested on a small throne side table he turned to address one of the men sat nearest to him. He had medium length blond hair, ice like eyes and his military uniform had several medals positioned upon it.

“Commander Nakai, what do you make of this whole situation?”

The man sighed thoughtfully. “I would recommend you send out a scout team to head up there and check the city, or lack of one, then make any necessary decisions after they report back.”

Lord Baranox nodded his head. “Miss Falati, have a scout team dispatched to Pastrino to check on its status.” After receiving a nod from his assistant he went on. “It will take between seven to ten days at the earliest for the scouts to get there and back again. You are welcome to stay here in the meantime.”

“What!” shouted Billy. “Seven days! Our parents could be dead by then. So could everyone else. We need an army and we need one now!”

“Even if what you have said is all true, we aren’t going to drop everything and march off to war,” stated Lord Baranox angrily. “Take the rooms and hospitality we have given you or go. Whichever you choose, no more discussion on it will be had until the scouts return. Now if you would kindly leave I have other pressing business to attend to.”

Dawn gave another small curtsy, turned and left, followed by the three boys who neglected bowing and just walked away. After the door had closed and the sound of footsteps faded into the distance, Commander Nakai turned to Lord Baranox.

“You don’t think that the demonic warriors she mentioned were from Lanstiro like the last time,” he asked in a low voice that only Baranox could hear.

“I doubt one word she said was true. Pastrino destroyed. Ha!” laughed Baranox as he drank deeply from his goblet.

“If what she said was true though we are in deep water,” Nakai argued. “There could be a large barbarian horde assembling in the mountains without our knowledge. Those savages are always waiting to attack in times of trouble. I would also recommend sending scouts there just in case.”

“Fine,” Lord Baranox agreed. “This will probably be a total waste of time and resources but I will send out the scouts so you can sleep easy at night in the knowledge that the city is safe,” he mocked.

Trey, Billy, Zak and Dawn were led from the castle to a nearby private inn named the ‘Silver Chalice’. It was a large wooden building that stood out among its mostly stone neighbours. The majority of its patrons were minor nobles or well-off merchants.

They had a week long stay. That was seven days without being able to do anything constructive. They had been invited to a noble’s birthday celebrations the next day because of Dawn’s status and for the remains of the current day rest was in need, but that still left five days.

“Here are your rooms,” stated the inn’s owner after she had led them upstairs. She was a portly woman by the name of Clarabelle Jaile who had a kind face but sharp, calculating eyes. Her inn was kept tidy and if it was not to the standard of kings and lords, the rooms were still grander than any place that the boys had ever stayed before. “Miss Rayin, yours is the one on the right and your escorts’ are the one on the left. If there is anything you need just ask a member of staff. We hope you have a pleasant stay.”

“If one more person addresses me as an escort I’m gonna destroy something,” growled Billy angrily.

Dawn made a sad face. “Don’t you want to be the person who keeps me safe on our travels? That’s all an escort is,” she said innocently.

Billy’s face turned a shade of red as he tried to stutter a response. Zak and Trey could barely contain their laughter.

Pux pulled himself from Zak’s rucksack and hopped onto the boy’s shoulder. “This city is unfamiliar to me. I need to get to know it. Try not to create too much chaos while I’m gone,” he said before releasing a shrill whistle. A mouse darted from under a cupboard and stood beside the Yuxova. Pux mounted then took off out of sight at a gallop.

“Exploring will have to wait. Let’s get some rest until the party tomorrow when we can get some good food. I’m going straight to bed. I’ve missed too much sleep recently so don’t bug me. Goodnight,” yawned Trey as he headed into the boys’ room. The others followed suit.

When Zak and Billy walked into the bedroom, Trey was already in bed and asleep. The problem was that there were only two beds in the room, one occupied by Trey, one spare.

“Dibs on the bed,” shouted both boys simultaneously. They glared at each other angrily.

“Rock, paper, scissors. Winner gets the bed,” challenged Billy.

“Sure,” replied Zak. “You should know though that I’m immensely lucky.”

“We’ll see,” Billy said.

Round one: Billy chose scissors, Zak chose rock.

“Damn it,” muttered Billy. “Best two out of three.”

Round two: Billy chose rock, Zak chose paper.

Billy swore. “Best three out of five,” Billy offered. Zak hefted his axe. Billy took the hint. “Fine. I’ll sleep on the chair,” he said gloomily.

The next day passed by uneventfully. The boys had a well earned and overdue bath after a few choice words from Dawn. The staff seemed to look more kindly on them now that they did not have a full layer of dried substances encased over their skin and did not smell like they had been dead for a few months. Forukk blood was a pain to wash clean.

The rest of the day was spent looking around the city then cleaning their gear. Dawn had rented some clothes for the fancy party with her own Rhen. For herself she chose a flowing jade gown that fitted her form perfectly.

For her “escorts” she chose fine silk trousers and lace heavy shirts with colourful jackets that were worth more alone than Trey’s entire wardrobe back home. Trey’s jacket was a deep blue with silver embossing while Billy’s was a leaf green number with slightly puffy sleeves. Zak managed to wriggle his way out of a ruby red article and into a black long coat with golden flames sown into the flowing silk. Billy added a thin red scarf that had the lyrics to his favourite song, ‘Blue Moon on a Windswept Night’, by Avocado Dusk, after learning they had a concert arranged for the day after tomorrow that he could go to.

After dressing they set off to the castle which was where the event was being held. The boys had scrubbed up rather well and even looked quite handsome, thought Dawn, as they walked the short distance through the streets.

Trey picked up a stone from the floor and put it in his pocket, giving no explanation before walking in front again.

As they entered the castle the sounds of a large crowd and background music seeped through a closed door to their right. After showing the guard their tickets they entered. It was a large room filled with brightly clad men and women who danced around the chamber to the sound of lutes, flutes and harps.

Magnetically the boys veered towards a magnificent buffet table that had enough food to feed the entire room and still have leftovers. Dawn sighed and followed so that she would not have to talk to the annoying noble people around her.

Smaller tables were set up around the hall for the guests to sit and eat at but the boys just pulled chairs up to the buffet table and started to stuff their faces. One of the guests complained but Billy flashed a series of throwing knives that seemed to appear from nowhere. The man retreated quickly.

“Ah, Miss Rayin. I’m glad you could make it,” said Lord Baranox who seemed to just appear at Dawn’s side. He wore a flowing red cloak today that looked weighted down by gold and jewels. “I would like to introduce you to my colleague, Commander Michael Nakai. I believe you briefly met yesterday in the audience chamber.”

“Good evening Miss Rayin,” said the Commander politely. His pure white suit was pressed perfectly while silver armour with elegant engravings were positioned over the formal wear.

Before Dawn could reply, Lord Baranox started to speak again. “I have many things to attend to but I wish for you to meet some of the distinguished guests so I leave you in the capable hands of the Commander. Enjoy your evening,” he turned and left, casting Dawn from his mind the second that she was out of his sight.

The Commander sighed when the Lord was out of hearing range. “Sometimes that man can be so vexing. Not that it isn’t an honour to show a princess around but I have my own duties to attend to.”

“I understand. Don’t worry about it. I don’t like the whole princess thing anyway,” replied Dawn sourly.

“Hey! Liam, get over here,” he called over to a lanky, long black haired, black clothed boy who looked about seventeen. His skin looked unhealthily pale. He stood out terribly compared to the brightly dressed people around him. Even his nails had been painted black. Despite this he had bright blue eyes, their colour suggesting that his real hair colour was a light brown or blond.

“What?” he asked in a dull, emotionless tone.

“Miss Rayin, this is my little brother Liam Nakai. Liam, this is Miss Rayin. She is a desert princess, an honoured guest of the city. Those three boys scaring everyone away from the buffet table are her companions. Make yourself useful and introduce her to the other guests.”

“Sure,” he answered in that same deadpan tone. “Please follow me Miss Rayin.”

“Just call me Dawn please,” said Dawn. On closer inspection she could see a similarity in his features to his brother. Had he cared about his looks he would have been rather handsome if the commander was anything to go by.

“Dawn,” repeated Liam.

Liam led Dawn around the hall, introducing her to various important people. Every one of them greeted Dawn with respect but not one spoke a word to the black obsessed young man. They gave him looks of disdain or disappointment. Liam kept his eyes low and his expression blank.

After being introduced to everyone the night was becoming dark. The sense of tension between the various nobles and other distinguished guests had melted as the night drew on and the ale supplies were starting to run low. The guest were now laughing and joking and making other merriments. People danced freely to the music rather than sitting, making snobbish comments about others and nibbling at their food.

Commander Nakai joined Dawn again. He had a gentle smile on his face. “The Buffet table was set for five hundred people with enough food to spare. Your friends have single-handedly eaten half of it.” He chuckled softly. Dawn smiled in return.

“Good people of Onlasar,” announced a man stood on the stage. “I hope you’ve all had a good evening.” There was a general cheer from the crowd. “I’m afraid that this party is coming to a close but we have enough time for one more song.”

The music started once more but it was slow and relaxing. Many couples made their way to the dance floor and began to sway together in the rhythm of the music. Soon, most of the hall was up and dancing.

Trey and Billy shyly approached Dawn and simultaneously asked “Would you care to dance.” They glared at each other with venomous eyes.

“If you let me have the dance then you can have my wallet. It is worth about ten Vim and has that again inside it. That’s nearly two Rhen,” Trey offered Billy.

“How about you run along and I’ll give you my house keys,” bartered Billy.

“You don’t have a house anymore,” growled Trey.

“It’s the thought that counts,” argued Billy .

“Well it was a lousy thought,” Trey retorted.

Before either could say another word, pain shot through their heads. They turned holding their heads in agony. Zak was stood there staring confusedly at a glass bottle in his hand.

“It was supposed to smash when I hit you and knock you out,” Zak stated. “Oh well.” He shoved past the other two boys and took Dawn’s hand in his and dragged her onto the dance floor. “You snooze, you lose,” he shouted over to the blank faced Trey and Billy.

“I hate him,” said Billy slowly.

“Me too,” agreed Trey in the same slow manner.

The two boys picked at the last portions of food soberly as they watched Dawn and Zak dance. The music faded then the guests began to disperse noisily into the night.

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