The Wild Beasts of Anthony Mannis -
We the Tzolkhan, historic natives of Hoemba, sister tribe to the Peryatans of Kamisha, Safavids of Garuda, and the Naazari nomads of Yoawarkii, with one unified voice establish this formal Declaration of Secession from and Denouncement of the Borges Oligarchic Republic of Atos (BORA). We make this claim independent from our Hoemban brethren, commonly known as Foresters, and state clearly here that they are politically uninvolved with this movement.
We the Tzolkhan refuse the Treaty of the Four Zones of CA16, a land takeover disguised as a trade alliance, made to our forefather under their duress…
We reject the Borges mindset of progress over welfare…
We reject the Borges mindset of individual triumph over communal health…
We reject the Borges mindset towards engineering and emphasis on destructive power…
- We the Tzolkhan have perfected vertical irrigation, sustainable farming, wind and water energy.
- You the Borges have bastardized engineering by creating Disarray Tech, Timesink, and Dragon Slayers…
We reject the Borges temperament towards the health of our state…
- Your farming style is unsustainable.
- Your logging and mining practices are destructive.
- Your fishing and hunting methods are indiscriminate.
We reject the Borges caste system of dividing citizens based on income or trade and organizing them by district…
We reject strongly the Borges mindset towards invokers. Your invokers arc down in their teenage years. Ours never…
- We condemn the use of child soldiers and the SSI.
- We condemn the use of invokers as aggressors in combat.
We have identified long-standing, deep-rooted, and systemic discrimination of our people from the Borges…
- Historic Tzolkhan land holdings has dropped to five percent of what it was in the year CA01.
- The number of Tzolkhan citizens in Borges prisons is disproportionate in percentage to the population of Atos.
- The forcible induction of our invokers into the Borges School for the Gifted is condemned by the Tzolkhan.
We the Tzolkhan recognize that freedom is an innate human right, and recognize BORA’s continuous desire to restrict said freedom and their continued ignorance of our attempts at diplomacy as an act of war.
We the Tzolkhan now do declare our secession from BORA and invalidate the Treaty of the Four Zones of CA16, reinstating instead the Tzolkhan tribe and recognizing its government.
We the Tzolkhan do not recognize BORA as a governing organization, and fully reject BORA’s claimed authority.
We the Tzolkhan understand that we will formally reunite with the State of Free Atos once BORA has been dissolved and reparations have been made to our satisfaction.
We the Tzolkhan will fight to the last person to preserve our way of life and defend the rights of our unborn.
We the Tzolkhan do not fight for pay, like your mercenary troops. We do not fight for power, like your wardens and generals. We fight for our rights as citizens of Atos.
Know that the natives of Atos have been here long before you, and will be here long after.
Tzolkhan Council
Queen of the Tzolkhan
North Tzolkhan Tribe Representative
West Tzolkhan Tribe Representative
Chief Engineer of Tzolk’in
(Lup Gee Academy class of CA183)
South Tzolkhan Tribe Representative
Bad Heart
East Tzolkhan Tribe Representative
Chief Physician of Tzolk’in
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