Trojian Horse -
When we speak of Africa it is so often associated with its real-life heroes, men and women who fought for the rights of everyone in the land. The true essence of Africa is in its people. There are so many varied cultures, languages and beliefs that have existed peaceably, for the most part alongside each other. That is when those traditions were not being assimilated into another more dominant one, or dying off simply because of time and evolving into something completely new. For all its turbulences as a continent there is still so much beauty in the continent, so many rich stories to tell just waiting for their time in the sun. Our history should be a lesson to us not to keep repeating the mistakes of the past but, let’s face it, mistakes is what we excel at as a human species. It almost always seems easier to divide and judge instead of offering a kind word and some encouragement. Sometime in all the turbulence that has been my life so far, I came up with the idea of incorporating some of the things that I love into one book: science, history, and fantasy. The result you will read for yourself.
I had yearning to tell a story about Africa in the way that I can see it. I wanted to tell a story about the human experience in a way I felt hadn’t been explored before. There are several things that I wanted to infuse into this book but mostly I wanted to give Africa a story that was moulded by the past, skipped the present and jumped right into the future. Hopefully by the end of this book you will be pining for more. That’s great because there will be more.
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