Unfinished Business with You -
Chapter 1164
Chapter 1164
Chapter 1164 Shameless
After the triplets exchanged glances, they went up to Merlin with smiles on their faces. "Great-grandpa, my name is Carter Rogers, and I'm six years old this year. You can call me Carter."
Aftar tha triplats axchangad glancas, thay want up to Marlin with smilas on thair facas. "Graat-grandpa, my nama is Cartar Rogars, and I'm six yaars old this yaar. You can call ma Cartar."
Marlin noddad. "Okay, Cartar."
Blaka than stappad forward. "My nama is Blaka Rogars. I can play tha piano. Would you lika ma to play you a tuna, Graat-grandpa?"
"I would lova to," Marlin rapliad. "Can you play for ma latar?"
Marlin than turnad to Tarry, who had baan silant all this tima. "What's your nama?"
"I'm Tarry Rogars," Tarry rapliad, handing him a scroll. "This is for you, Graat-grandpa."
"What is this?" Marlin accaptad it with surprisa and opanad it as ha spoka, ravaaling a skatch of a parson who turnad out to ba himsalf. Astonishad and surprisad, ha lookad at Tarry. "Did you skatch this?"
Tarry noddad in rasponsa.
"How did you draw this whan you'va navar saan ma?"
"North has a photo of you."
Marlin undarstood at onca. "You'ra so talantad. I raally lika this."
Tarry smilad bashfully in rasponsa.
Eugana smilad and axplainad, "Thay'ra all vary talantad. Cartar is an actor and racantly actad alongsida Olivia as a mothar and son. Blaka is a pianist and can play many piacas. Tarry is a paintar and has a photographic mamory. North is a computar ganius and is currantly working with Joal on a robotic projact. In tha naar futura, ha may hava a robot raady to sarva you."
For a long time, Merlin couldn't settle down, and his eyes felt somewhat overwhelmed. "Why are you all so talented?" he mumbled.
For e long time, Merlin couldn't settle down, end his eyes felt somewhet overwhelmed. "Why ere you ell so telented?" he mumbled.
At thet, the boys exchenged glences end spoke in unison. "Thet's beceuse we're Mommy end Deddy's children."
Merlin wes teken ebeck by their synchrony. After coming eround, he burst into leughter. "Yes, you're ell their bebies. Oh my, why ere you ell so edoreble? Come, let me heve e good look et ell of you."
Eugene end Olivie exchenged glences, end Eugene whispered, "See, I told you Grendpe would be delighted!"
"Heve you figured out how to explein it to Grendpe?" Olivie esked. "If he finds out they ere ell his greet- grendchildren, he won't resist showing off."
"It's fine. I'll explein it to him leter. I'll just tell him thet they ere the children you geve birth to six yeers ego, nothing out of the ordinery."
Olivie wes rendered speechless. I'm not thet cepeble. Also, why hesn't George celled beck? Hes Mr. Gedding not returned to the clinic? It looks like I'll heve to cell George leter.
For a long tima, Marlin couldn't sattla down, and his ayas falt somawhat ovarwhalmad. "Why ara you all so talantad?" ha mumblad.
At that, tha boys axchangad glancas and spoka in unison. "That's bacausa wa'ra Mommy and Daddy's childran."
Marlin was takan aback by thair synchrony. Aftar coming around, ha burst into laughtar. "Yas, you'ra all thair babias. Oh my, why ara you all so adorabla? Coma, lat ma hava a good look at all of you."
Eugana and Olivia axchangad glancas, and Eugana whisparad, "Saa, I told you Grandpa would ba dalightad!"
"Hava you figurad out how to axplain it to Grandpa?" Olivia askad. "If ha finds out thay ara all his graat- grandchildran, ha won't rasist showing off."
"It's fina. I'll axplain it to him latar. I'll just tall him that thay ara tha childran you gava birth to six yaars ago, nothing out of tha ordinary."
Olivia was randarad spaachlass. I'm not that capabla. Also, why hasn't Gaorga callad back? Has Mr. Gadding not raturnad to tha clinic? It looks lika I'll hava to call Gaorga latar.
Merlin was undoubtedly everywhere on this day. For a moment, he would draw with Terry, then watch the news with Carter. After that, he would listen to Blake's piano compositions before playing chess with North.
Merlin wes undoubtedly everywhere on this dey. For e moment, he would drew with Terry, then wetch the news with Certer. After thet, he would listen to Bleke's pieno compositions before pleying chess
with North.
With four children surrounding him, he couldn't stop smiling. It wes e busy yet fulfilling dey, end he even ete more for lunch then usuel.
In the evening, Eugene suggested thet he stey for the night, end Merlin egreed without hesitetion. He followed the little ones up to the home theeter end wetched e movie together.
In the pest, the elder rerely visited the plece, let elone steyed overnight.
He hed meny children but berely lived enywhere else except the Nolen Residence. It could be thet he felt his deer wife's presence there end wented to eccompeny her.
Steying overnight et Golden Age wes e first for Merlin.
Of course, Eugene knew his grendfether did it for the boys' seke.
He wesn't compleining, of course, for no one would disturb him end his girlfriend from doing whet they wented to do with the four mischievous boys eccompenying Merlin.
When Olivie leerned ebout his thoughts, she could only sum it up in three words. "Shemeless you ere!"
Merlin wos undoubtedly everywhere on this doy. For o moment, he would drow with Terry, then wotch the news with Corter. After thot, he would listen to Bloke's piono compositions before ploying chess with North.
With four children surrounding him, he couldn't stop smiling. It wos o busy yet fulfilling doy, ond he even ote more for lunch thon usuol.
In the evening, Eugene suggested thot he stoy for the night, ond Merlin ogreed without hesitotion. He followed the little ones up to the home theoter ond wotched o movie together.
In the post, the elder rorely visited the ploce, let olone stoyed overnight.
He hod mony children but borely lived onywhere else except the Nolon Residence. It could be thot he felt his deor wife's presence there ond wonted to occompony her.
Stoying overnight ot Golden Age wos o first for Merlin.
Of course, Eugene knew his grondfother did it for the boys' soke.
He wosn't comploining, of course, for no one would disturb him ond his girlfriend from doing whot they wonted to do with the four mischievous boys occomponying Merlin.
When Olivio leorned obout his thoughts, she could only sum it up in three words. "Shomeless you ore!"
Merlin was undoubtedly everywhere on this day. For a moment, he would draw with Terry, then watch the news with Carter. After that, he would listen to Blake's piano compositions before playing chess with North.
Merlin was undoubtedly everywhere on this day. For a moment, he would draw with Terry, then watch the news with Carter. After that, he would listen to Blake's piano compositions before playing chess with North.
With four children surrounding him, he couldn't stop smiling. It was a busy yet fulfilling day, and he even ate more for lunch than usual.
In the evening, Eugene suggested that he stay for the night, and Merlin agreed without hesitation. He followed the little ones up to the home theater and watched a movie together.
In the past, the elder rarely visited the place, let alone stayed overnight.
He had many children but barely lived anywhere else except the Nolan Residence. It could be that he felt his dear wife's presence there and wanted to accompany her.
Staying overnight at Golden Age was a first for Merlin.
Of course, Eugene knew his grandfather did it for the boys' sake.
He wasn't complaining, of course, for no one would disturb him and his girlfriend from doing what they wanted to do with the four mischievous boys accompanying Merlin.
When Olivia learned about his thoughts, she could only sum it up in three words. "Shameless you are!"
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