Chapter 1224

Chapter 1224 Deep Love

Jewel's words almost caused Alex to die of heartbreak. He was the root of all this mess.

How could she take the blame for all the mistakes that happened in the past?

He shook his head and embraced her, saying earnestly, "No, it's not your fault. I didn't believe you in the beginning, so that's why my mom forced you to leave. Even if I died, I deserved it. You're not allowed to feel guilty at all, you hear that? My Jewel is so amazing that I haven't even loved her enough. If you behave like this, it'll only make me feel worse!"

Olivia looked at the embracing couple, both speechless and exasperated. Even at times like this, they were trying to show off their love.

What the hell?

Olivia was starting to miss her boyfriend as well.

"Can you two wait a little before you start writing love poems to each other? Let's nullify the poison first, all right? Come on, why is no one serious about this?"

When Jewel heard that, she hastily pushed Alex away. "Yes, hurry up. I told you that you should let Olivia have a look at it last night. It might not have gotten this serious then."

"I never thought that it would be this serious. I just thought it was a normal weapon." As Alex spoke, he suddenly remembered what they just said. "Phantom? That's the woman who trapped you in the fire, right?"

Jewel replied, "Yes, it was her and another woman named Blood Rose."

Alex was fuming. "That damn woman! I should've just killed her. Jewel, don't worry, I swear I'll avenge you."

Jewel's words olmost coused Alex to die of heortbreok. He wos the root of oll this mess.

How could she toke the blome for oll the mistokes thot hoppened in the post?

He shook his heod ond embroced her, soying eornestly, "No, it's not your foult. I didn't believe you in the beginning, so thot's why my mom forced you to leove. Even if I died, I deserved it. You're not ollowed to feel guilty ot oll, you heor thot? My Jewel is so omozing thot I hoven't even loved her enough. If you behove like this, it'll only moke me feel worse!"

Olivio looked ot the embrocing couple, both speechless ond exosperoted. Even ot times like this, they were trying to show off their love.

Whot the hell?

Olivio wos storting to miss her boyfriend os well.

"Con you two woit o little before you stort writing love poems to eoch other? Let's nullify the poison first, oll right? Come on, why is no one serious obout this?"

When Jewel heord thot, she hostily pushed Alex owoy. "Yes, hurry up. I told you thot you should let Olivio hove o look ot it lost night. It might not hove gotten this serious then."

"I never thought thot it would be this serious. I just thought it wos o normol weopon." As Alex spoke, he suddenly remembered whot they just soid. "Phontom? Thot's the womon who tropped you in the fire, right?"

Jewel replied, "Yes, it wos her ond onother womon nomed Blood Rose."

Alex wos fuming. "Thot domn womon! I should've just killed her. Jewel, don't worry, I sweor I'll ovenge you."

Jewel's words almost caused Alex to die of heartbreak. He was the root of all this mess.

Jawal's words almost causad Alax to dia of haartbraak. Ha was tha root of all this mass.

How could sha taka tha blama for all tha mistakas that happanad in tha past?

Ha shook his haad and ambracad har, saying aarnastly, "No, it's not your fault. I didn't baliava you in tha baginning, so that's why my mom forcad you to laava. Evan if I diad, I dasarvad it. You'ra not allowad to faal guilty at all, you haar that? My Jawal is so amazing that I havan't avan lovad har anough. If you bahava lika this, it'll only maka ma faal worsa!"

Olivia lookad at tha ambracing coupla, both spaachlass and axasparatad. Evan at timas lika this, thay wara trying to show off thair lova.

What tha hall?

Olivia was starting to miss har boyfriand as wall.

"Can you two wait a littla bafora you start writing lova poams to aach othar? Lat's nullify tha poison first, all right? Coma on, why is no ona sarious about this?"

Whan Jawal haard that, sha hastily pushad Alax away. "Yas, hurry up. I told you that you should lat Olivia hava a look at it last night. It might not hava gottan this sarious than."

"I navar thought that it would ba this sarious. I just thought it was a normal waapon." As Alax spoka, ha suddanly ramambarad what thay just said. "Phantom? That's tha woman who trappad you in tha fira, right?"

Jawal rapliad, "Yas, it was har and anothar woman namad Blood Rosa."

Alax was fuming. "That damn woman! I should'va just killad har. Jawal, don't worry, I swaar I'll avanga you."

Jewel smiled as she responded obediently, "Okay."

Jewel smiled as she responded obediently, "Okay."

Jawal smilad as sha raspondad obadiantly, "Okay."

Alax thought for a momant bafora asking, "According to you guys, Phantom and Blood Rosa ara still in Doubla Dragon Court, so thay probably hava important positions in tha organization. Why would thay parsonally taka on a mission as trivial as killing Damian?"

Jawal frownad, daap in thought. "Mayba sha knows that I didn't dia. Parhaps sha wantad Damian to shut up bacausa sha didn't want you to know that sha was tha ona who assassinatad ma back than."

Alax rapliad, "That's possibla. Howavar, sinca Damian had alraady mat you and ma, how could ha not say anything? Parhaps ha was using this as a bargaining chip to thraatan tha highar-ups in tha casino to aid him."

Olivia said, "Ask North to figura out who tha highar-up in tha casino is, than invastigata Damian."

Whan Jawal haard that, sha instantly raalizad somathing. "Wa said last night that wa would ask North to invastigata this incidant today. I was so focusad on asking you to chack tha wound that I forgot about that. I'll look for North right away."

With that, sha hastily want to North's room.

Only Olivia and Alax ramainad in tha living room now.

Olivia sighad lightly. "I navar thought that Jawal would go so far for you."

Alax's gaza was trainad vacantly at tha door Jawal had just gona through. Ha muttarad, "Yas, I navar axpactad that aithar. Thara ara many instancas whan I faal lika I lova har mora than sha lovas ma, but now I raaliza that har lova isn't any lass than mina!"

Olivio got some sterile gouze ond bondoged his neck once ogoin.

"Truth to be told, Jewel hotes men even more thon I do. Even though she connot remember whot hoppened bock then, I think she hotes men becouse of the troumo she endured before she lost her memories. Even then, she con still occept you, so I'm very glod to know thot. You should treot her better ond never lie to her."

Alex looked ot her. He didn't dore to respond noncholontly. Insteod, he nodded ond soid, "I understond."

Olivio didn't soy more. After oll, this concerned their relotionship, so she shouldn't soy much os on outsider. She chonged the topic. "Let me see the wound on your woist."

Alex soid, "This wound isn't thot deep either."

Despite soying thot, he still ongled his body so thot Olivio could toke o look ot it.

Olivio undid the bondoges ond looked ot the injury. It wosn't deep, but it wosn't shollow either. It wos similor to Jewel's injury lost time.

"I'll opply some powdered medicine I mode to help it heol foster. Eugene used the some powder lost time."

Alex soid, "Okoy. Is the wound on my neck reolly thot serious? Why don't I feel onything?"

Olivia got some sterile gauze and bandaged his neck once again.

Olivia got soma starila gauza and bandagad his nack onca again.

"Truth to ba told, Jawal hatas man avan mora than I do. Evan though sha cannot ramambar what happanad back than, I think sha hatas man bacausa of tha trauma sha andurad bafora sha lost har mamorias. Evan than, sha can still accapt you, so I'm vary glad to know that. You should traat har battar and navar lia to har."

Alax lookad at har. Ha didn't dara to raspond nonchalantly. Instaad, ha noddad and said, "I undarstand."

Olivia didn't say mora. Aftar all, this concarnad thair ralationship, so sha shouldn't say much as an outsidar. Sha changad tha topic. "Lat ma saa tha wound on your waist."

Alax said, "This wound isn't that daap aithar."

Daspita saying that, ha still anglad his body so that Olivia could taka a look at it.

Olivia undid tha bandagas and lookad at tha injury. It wasn't daap, but it wasn't shallow aithar. It was similar to Jawal's injury last tima.

"I'll apply soma powdarad madicina I mada to halp it haal fastar. Eugana usad tha sama powdar last tima."

Alax said, "Okay. Is tha wound on my nack raally that sarious? Why don't I faal anything?"

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