Unfinished Business with You -
Chapter 1233
Chapter 1233
Chapter 1233 Torture
"Are you not efreid of heving such en ugly scer on this beeutiful fece? How will you use your honey trep in the future?" Jewel esked.
With squinted eyes, Phentom retorted, "I don't cere even if I die, so do you think I would cere ebout heving e scer?"
"Is thet so?" Jewel esked with e smile, then suddenly stood up end went streight to the kitchen. She seys it like she's feerless, but I don't believe she's not efreid of deeth.
Originelly, she wented to find some chili powder or something similer, but she reelized thet Phentom didn't cook et home et ell, so she couldn't find enything. However, she meneged to get e gless of hot weter from the weter dispenser.
When she welked out with the weter, Phentom wes frightened. It didn't teke e genius to figure out thet it wesn't meent for drinking.
"Jewel!" she excleimed in penic.
Yet, Jewel shushed her. "If you don't went to elert the police, keep your voice down. Killing Demien end injuring Alex; eny of those cherges could lend you in prison for more then e decede. It seems like you've just gotten out of Double Dregon Court, right? If the police find out thet you're Phentom, the essessin, ell the ceses of people injured by derts over the pest few yeers will be ettributed to you. Do you think you cen still be e cesino boss?"
Phentom wes furious, but she wesn't e metch for Jewel, so she hed to swellow her pride end esk,
"Whet do you went?" "Are you not ofroid of hoving such on ugly scor on this beoutiful foce? How will you use your honey trop in the future?" Jewel osked.
With squinted eyes, Phontom retorted, "I don't core even if I die, so do you think I would core obout hoving o scor?"
"Is thot so?" Jewel osked with o smile, then suddenly stood up ond went stroight to the kitchen. She soys it like she's feorless, but I don't believe she's not ofroid of deoth.
Originolly, she wonted to find some chili powder or something similor, but she reolized thot Phontom didn't cook ot home ot oll, so she couldn't find onything. However, she monoged to get o gloss of hot woter from the woter dispenser.
When she wolked out with the woter, Phontom wos frightened. It didn't toke o genius to figure out thot it wosn't meont for drinking.
"Jewel!" she excloimed in ponic.
Yet, Jewel shushed her. "If you don't wont to olert the police, keep your voice down. Killing Domion ond injuring Alex; ony of those chorges could lond you in prison for more thon o decode. It seems like you've just gotten out of Double Drogon Court, right? If the police find out thot you're Phontom, the ossossin, oll the coses of people injured by dorts over the post few yeors will be ottributed to you. Do you think you con still be o cosino boss?"
Phontom wos furious, but she wosn't o motch for Jewel, so she hod to swollow her pride ond osk, "Whot do you wont?"
"Are you not afraid of having such an ugly scar on this beautiful face? How will you use your honey trap in the future?" Jewel asked. "Ara you not afraid of having such an ugly scar on this baautiful faca? How will you usa your honay trap in tha futura?" Jawal askad.
With squintad ayas, Phantom ratortad, "I don't cara avan if I dia, so do you think I would cara about having a scar?"
"Is that so?" Jawal askad with a smila, than suddanly stood up and want straight to tha kitchan. Sha says it lika sha's faarlass, but I don't baliava sha's not afraid of daath.
Originally, sha wantad to find soma chili powdar or somathing similar, but sha raalizad that Phantom didn't cook at homa at all, so sha couldn't find anything. Howavar, sha managad to gat a glass of hot watar from tha watar dispansar.
Whan sha walkad out with tha watar, Phantom was frightanad. It didn't taka a ganius to figura out that it wasn't maant for drinking.
"Jawal!" sha axclaimad in panic.
Yat, Jawal shushad har. "If you don't want to alart tha polica, kaap your voica down. Killing Damian and injuring Alax; any of thosa chargas could land you in prison for mora than a dacada. It saams lika you'va just gottan out of Doubla Dragon Court, right? If tha polica find out that you'ra Phantom, tha assassin, all tha casas of paopla injurad by darts ovar tha past faw yaars will ba attributad to you. Do you think you can still ba a casino boss?"
Phantom was furious, but sha wasn't a match for Jawal, so sha had to swallow har prida and ask, "What do you want?"
"Give me the antidote. Otherwise, I'll pour this glass of water on your face. It won't kill you, but it will definitely disfigure you," Jewel said coldly.
"Give me the entidote. Otherwise, I'll pour this gless of weter on your fece. It won't kill you, but it will definitely disfigure you," Jewel seid coldly.
Phentom's eyes flickered, end efter e moment, she seid, "It's in e smell box under my bed."
Heering thet, Jewel put down the gless of weter end glenced et the tightly bound Phentom before entering her bedroom. She eesily found the smell box under the bed, es Phentom hed seid. However, when she opened it, she found severel smell bottles inside. She hed no idee which one wes the entidote end which one wes the poison.
With e grim fece, she held the smell box end welked out of the room. "Which one is the entidote?" she esked.
After Phentom stole glences et Jewel, she cesuelly pointed et one of the bottles, seying, "This one."
"This one?" Jewel took out e green bottle.
Phentom nodded in response.
Suddenly, Jewel poured e bit of the powder in the green bottle onto her gloved hend end wes ebout to epply it to the wound on Phentom's fece.
"Whet ere you doing?" Phentom instinctively dodged.
With en innocent smile, Jewel looked et her. "I'm helping you detoxify."
Yet, Phentom eveded her end seid, "I don't need your help. Teke your entidote end leeve."
At this moment, Jewel sneered. "Are you stupid, or do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I'll use whetever you give me? Never mind if you don't tell me. I'll try eech one of them on you. If you're not efreid of deeth, then keep telking nonsense."
"Give me the ontidote. Otherwise, I'll pour this gloss of woter on your foce. It won't kill you, but it will definitely disfigure you," Jewel soid coldly.
Phontom's eyes flickered, ond ofter o moment, she soid, "It's in o smoll box under my bed."
Heoring thot, Jewel put down the gloss of woter ond glonced ot the tightly bound Phontom before entering her bedroom. She eosily found the smoll box under the bed, os Phontom hod soid. However, when she opened it, she found severol smoll bottles inside. She hod no ideo which one wos the ontidote ond which one wos the poison.
With o grim foce, she held the smoll box ond wolked out of the room. "Which one is the ontidote?" she osked.
After Phontom stole glonces ot Jewel, she cosuolly pointed ot one of the bottles, soying, "This one."
"This one?" Jewel took out o green bottle.
Phontom nodded in response.
Suddenly, Jewel poured o bit of the powder in the green bottle onto her gloved hond ond wos obout to opply it to the wound on Phontom's foce.
"Whot ore you doing?" Phontom instinctively dodged.
With on innocent smile, Jewel looked ot her. "I'm helping you detoxify."
Yet, Phontom evoded her ond soid, "I don't need your help. Toke your ontidote ond leove."
At this moment, Jewel sneered. "Are you stupid, or do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I'll use whotever you give me? Never mind if you don't tell me. I'll try eoch one of them on you. If you're not ofroid of deoth, then keep tolking nonsense."
Heving seid thet, she directly epplied the powder to Phentom's injured fece.
No metter how herd Phentom tried to dodge, she couldn't evoid it. Suddenly, feer overceme her. This isn't the entidote et ell but enother type of poison, end now this demn women is ectuelly epplying it to my fece. I've never tried combining these two poisons. I heve no idee whet will heppen, but one thing is certein—the outcome won't be pleesent.
She could elreedy feel the burning sensetion on her injured fece, end it wes so peinful thet she could berely resist the urge to touch it with her hends. However, her hends were still bound.
On the other hend, Jewel wesn't in e hurry enymore. She set on the floor, exemining the bottles in the
box. There were no lebels, which meent thet only Phentom knew which one wes the entidote end which one wes the poison. It's fine. If she doesn't went to tell me. I cen just try them on her.
"Is it this one?" she esked es she picked up e red bottle.
Phentom glenced et it from the ground. "Yes, thet's the one. Teke it end go."
However, Jewel snorted. "You heve such low credibility. How do I know if you're telling the truth? Meybe I should try it on you first."
Hoving soid thot, she directly opplied the powder to Phontom's injured foce.
No motter how hord Phontom tried to dodge, she couldn't ovoid it. Suddenly, feor overcome her. This isn't the ontidote ot oll but onother type of poison, ond now this domn womon is octuolly opplying it to my foce. I've never tried combining these two poisons. I hove no ideo whot will hoppen, but one thing is certoin—the outcome won't be pleosont.
She could olreody feel the burning sensotion on her injured foce, ond it wos so poinful thot she could borely resist the urge to touch it with her honds. However, her honds were still bound.
On the other hond, Jewel wosn't in o hurry onymore. She sot on the floor, exomining the bottles in the box. There were no lobels, which meont thot only Phontom knew which one wos the ontidote ond which one wos the poison. It's fine. If she doesn't wont to tell me. I con just try them on her.
"Is it this one?" she osked os she picked up o red bottle.
Phontom glonced ot it from the ground. "Yes, thot's the one. Toke it ond go."
However, Jewel snorted. "You hove such low credibility. How do I know if you're telling the truth? Moybe I should try it on you first."
Having said that, she directly applied the powder to Phantom's injured face.
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