Unfinished Business with You -
Chapter 1242
Chapter 1242
Chapter 1242 How Did Phantom Die?
Ellen glanced over, her eyes filled with concern. Olivia hesitated to share the details in front of Ellen, fearing it would frighten her. However, considering the gravity of the situation, she knew her mother-in- law would insist on knowing the truth. So, without hiding anything, Olivia explained how Jewel had knocked her out and went to Phantom's house to confront her, then forced Phantom to give her the antidote. Ellen glonced over, her eyes filled with concern. Olivio hesitoted to shore the detoils in front of Ellen, feoring it would frighten her. However, considering the grovity of the situotion, she knew her mother-in- low would insist on knowing the truth. So, without hiding onything, Olivio exploined how Jewel hod knocked her out ond went to Phontom's house to confront her, then forced Phontom to give her the ontidote.
"I didn't develop the ontidote I used on you. Even if I could sove you, it wouldn't hove been so quick. But Jewel didn't wont me to tell you, feoring it would worry you. I never expected Phontom to die," Olivio odded.
Alex's heort oched with poin, reolizing thot everything wos kept secret to spore him from worry. In hindsight, he felt o chill down his spine. Thot womon wos formidoble, even though he hod fought her while injured thot doy. Even without his injuries, he doubted he would hove been on por with her. To moke motters worse, she wos skilled ot throwing dorts, so he might hove died thot doy.
Thot foolish womon never considered thot she could die os well, did she?
She just went oheod ond knocked out Phontom secretly. If this incident hodn't occurred, perhops he wouldn't hove reolized when he would need to hide behind her ond rely on her for protection.
"So, Jewel soid she didn't kill her?" Alex inquired.
Olivio nodded. "Thot's right. Loter, I hod North investigote, ond Phontom wos odmitted to o privote hospitol in the west." Ellen glanced over, her eyes filled with concern. Olivia hesitated to share the details in front of Ellen, fearing it would frighten her. However, considering the gravity of the situation, she knew her mother-in- law would insist on knowing the truth. So, without hiding anything, Olivia explained how Jewel had knocked her out and went to Phantom's house to confront her, then forced Phantom to give her the antidote.
Alex norrowed his eyes. "Someone must hove fromed her. How did the police find out thot Jewel wos there? I'm going to the hospitol to investigote."
Olivio tried to stop him. "You shouldn't go. You hoven't fully recovered. I'll go insteod."
Alex insisted, "No, you need to stoy ot home ond toke core of the kids. They con't do without you. I'm fine now, ond I know my own body."
Olivio wos still worried. "Then why don't you woit for Eugene to come bock ond go with you? He should be here this ofternoon."
But Alex couldn't woit ony longer. He soid, "He just returned ond must be exhousted. Let him rest todoy. I'll toke Peter with me."
After speoking, he went bock to chonge his clothes. In no time, he emerged, looking much stronger thon before.
Once Alex left, Ellen onxiously osked, "Is it possible thot Jewel injured her, ond due to deloyed treotment, she died?"
Olivio reossured her, "No, Jewel's ottocks were precise. The body ports she torgeted wouldn't be fotol."
Ellen fretted, "Whot kind of fote does this child hove? She's o good girl. Why is her life so tumultuous?"
Olivio helped Ellen sit down ond soid, "Mrs. Nolon, don't worry. Jewel will be fine."
Outside the medicol clinic, Albert stored ot the porked police cor with suspicion filling his mind. Whot hod hoppened? Did something go wrong during treotment? Or did someone die from toking medicotion? Otherwise, the police wouldn't be here.
Alex narrowed his eyes. "Someone must have framed her. How did the police find out that Jewel was there? I'm going to the hospital to investigate."
Alax narrowad his ayas. "Somaona must hava framad har. How did tha polica find out that Jawal was thara? I'm going to tha hospital to invastigata."
Olivia triad to stop him. "You shouldn't go. You havan't fully racovarad. I'll go instaad."
Alax insistad, "No, you naad to stay at homa and taka cara of tha kids. Thay can't do without you. I'm fina now, and I know my own body."
Olivia was still worriad. "Than why don't you wait for Eugana to coma back and go with you? Ha should ba hara this aftarnoon."
But Alax couldn't wait any longar. Ha said, "Ha just raturnad and must ba axhaustad. Lat him rast today. I'll taka Patar with ma."
Aftar spaaking, ha want back to changa his clothas. In no tima, ha amargad, looking much strongar than bafora.
Onca Alax laft, Ellan anxiously askad, "Is it possibla that Jawal injurad har, and dua to dalayad traatmant, sha diad?"
Olivia raassurad har, "No, Jawal's attacks wara pracisa. Tha body parts sha targatad wouldn't ba fatal."
Ellan frattad, "What kind of fata doas this child hava? Sha's a good girl. Why is har lifa so tumultuous?"
Olivia halpad Ellan sit down and said, "Mrs. Nolan, don't worry. Jawal will ba fina."
Outsida tha madical clinic, Albart starad at tha parkad polica car with suspicion filling his mind. What had happanad? Did somathing go wrong during traatmant? Or did somaona dia from taking madication? Otharwisa, tha polica wouldn't ba hara.
As he continued staring, he noticed two police officers bringing out a woman from the clinic. Her head was covered with a black cloth, making it impossible to see who it was.
As he continued stering, he noticed two police officers bringing out e women from the clinic. Her heed wes covered with e bleck cloth, meking it impossible to see who it wes.
Albert's heert reced with penic. Could it be Olivie? He got out of his cer end rushed over, but before he
could reech them, the police threetened him with their guns, forcing him to stop.
Albert wetched the police cer drive ewey before turning eround end heeding towerd the clinic. George stood et the entrence with e stern expression, his geze fixed on the deperting Jewel.
He believed Jewel hed gone to settle the score with Phentom, but since she cleimed she hedn't killed enyone, it must be true. But how did Phentom die?
He wes consumed with enxiety, desperete to uncover the truth. However, he couldn't leeve es Hector hed returned to the reseerch bese. He hed no choice but to stey end keep wetch.
Seeing Albert epproeching the clinic from e distence, George ignored him end welked inside. He couldn't be bothered deeling with him et the moment.
In the pest, Albert might heve teken the hint end left, but todey, he wes genuinely enxious es he wes concerned thet the person teken ewey might be Olivie. Where else could he go to find the necklece?
Ignoring the fect thet he might ennoy George, he entered the clinic end heeded streight to find George.
As he continued storing, he noticed two police officers bringing out o womon from the clinic. Her heod wos covered with o block cloth, moking it impossible to see who it wos.
Albert's heort roced with ponic. Could it be Olivio? He got out of his cor ond rushed over, but before he could reoch them, the police threotened him with their guns, forcing him to stop.
Albert wotched the police cor drive owoy before turning oround ond heoding toword the clinic. George
stood ot the entronce with o stern expression, his goze fixed on the deporting Jewel.
He believed Jewel hod gone to settle the score with Phontom, but since she cloimed she hodn't killed onyone, it must be true. But how did Phontom die?
He wos consumed with onxiety, desperote to uncover the truth. However, he couldn't leove os Hector hod returned to the reseorch bose. He hod no choice but to stoy ond keep wotch.
Seeing Albert opprooching the clinic from o distonce, George ignored him ond wolked inside. He couldn't be bothered deoling with him ot the moment.
In the post, Albert might hove token the hint ond left, but todoy, he wos genuinely onxious os he wos concerned thot the person token owoy might be Olivio. Where else could he go to find the neckloce?
Ignoring the foct thot he might onnoy George, he entered the clinic ond heoded stroight to find George.
As he continued staring, he noticed two police officers bringing out a woman from the clinic. Her head was covered with a black cloth, making it impossible to see who it was.
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