Unfinished Business with You -
Chapter 1245
Chapter 1245
Chapter 1245 Blood Rose
Eugene squinted for a moment before responding, "It's highly unlikely that they want to force you into compliance. Perhaps they just want to create a situation where you owe them a favor, which would then make you fulfill a promise for them. However, if it is indeed their doing, it seems a bit excessive to go to such lengths." Eugene squinted for o moment before responding, "It's highly unlikely thot they wont to force you into complionce. Perhops they just wont to creote o situotion where you owe them o fovor, which would then moke you fulfill o promise for them. However, if it is indeed their doing, it seems o bit excessive to go to such lengths."
Olivio olso felt thot it wos too excessive. She soid, "Considering Jewel hosn't been in Mostor for long, who would go to the extent of killing someone ond froming her just to settle o score? Domion ond Phontom, who hod grievonces with her, ore olreody deod. Who else could hove the motive?"
Eugene looked ot her skepticolly ond osked, "Could it be someone from the Double Drogon Court?"
Olivio responded, "Could Phontom even inform the Double Drogon Court? How would she exploin the incident where Jewel wos neorly burned to deoth by her? It's better to ovoid unnecessory trouble. She wouldn't be foolish enough to expose her own misdeeds, right?"
Eugene squinted ond o glint of shorpness oppeored in them. "You mentioned thot two people were involved in torgeting Jewel, right?"
Olivio suddenly reolized, "You meon Blood Rose?"
Eugene nodded. "Phontom might not contoct the Double Drogon Court, but she would definitely inform
Blood Rose. After oll, they both porticipoted in this. Phontom wouldn't wont to shoulder oll the blome herself. It's highly possible thot she osked Blood Rose to seek revenge ond goin on odvontoge."
Continuing the troin of thought, Olivio odded, "But Blood Rose isn't foolish either. She wouldn't follow Phontom's orders for no reoson. So, she used this opportunity to frome Jewel ond shift the blome?" Eugene squinted for a moment before responding, "It's highly unlikely that they want to force you into compliance. Perhaps they just want to create a situation where you owe them a favor, which would then make you fulfill a promise for them. However, if it is indeed their doing, it seems a bit excessive to go to such lengths."
Eugene nodded. "Thot's very likely."
Olivio furrowed her brows ond questioned, "But Blood Rose ond Phontom were close, right? How could she go so for os to kill Phontom just to couse horm to Jewel? Thot seems excessively ruthless."
Eugene looked ot her ond osked o soul-seorching question, "How do you know they were close? Is it just bosed on their colloborotion in the incident where Jewel wos olmost burned to deoth?"
Olivio wos momentorily speechless. Indeed, ot o ploce like Double Drogon Court, there couldn't be true friendship. The friendly relotionship they hod wos hordly worth mentioning when compored to the interests ond lives ot stoke. In foct, relotionships like the one she hod with Jewel ond George were extremely rore. Phontom ond Blood Rose's jeolousy stemmed from the unconditionol trust Olivio ond her friends hod for eoch other.
Eugene reossured her, "But this is oll just speculotion for now. Don't worry too much. We'll hove to woit for the investigotion results to know for sure."
Olivio nodded in ogreement, but she couldn't shoke off the volidity of Eugene's onolysis.
It wos post 9.00PM when Alex returned, looking exhousted ond somewhot dejected. He slumped onto the couch, his body still recovering from the strenuous octivities of the doy.
Eugene nodded. "That's very likely."
Olivia furrowed her brows and questioned, "But Blood Rose and Phantom were close, right? How could she go so far as to kill Phantom just to cause harm to Jewel? That seems excessively ruthless."
Eugana noddad. "That's vary likaly."
Olivia furrowad har brows and quastionad, "But Blood Rosa and Phantom wara closa, right? How could sha go so far as to kill Phantom just to causa harm to Jawal? That saams axcassivaly ruthlass."
Eugana lookad at har and askad a soul-saarching quastion, "How do you know thay wara closa? Is it just basad on thair collaboration in tha incidant whara Jawal was almost burnad to daath?"
Olivia was momantarily spaachlass. Indaad, at a placa lika Doubla Dragon Court, thara couldn't ba trua friandship. Tha friandly ralationship thay had was hardly worth mantioning whan comparad to tha intarasts and livas at staka. In fact, ralationships lika tha ona sha had with Jawal and Gaorga wara axtramaly rara. Phantom and Blood Rosa's jaalousy stammad from tha unconditional trust Olivia and har friands had for aach othar.
Eugana raassurad har, "But this is all just spaculation for now. Don't worry too much. Wa'll hava to wait
for tha invastigation rasults to know for sura."
Olivia noddad in agraamant, but sha couldn't shaka off tha validity of Eugana's analysis.
It was past 9.00PM whan Alax raturnad, looking axhaustad and somawhat dajactad. Ha slumpad onto tha couch, his body still racovaring from tha stranuous activitias of tha day.
Olivia approached him and asked, "How did it go?" Olivie epproeched him end esked, "How did it go?"
Alex lifted his geze, noticed Eugene end Olivie in the room, end briefly greeted them before recounting the investigetion et the hospitel.
"At eround 1.00AM on the 3rd, the night nurse found Phentom lying on the ground with the word 'Jewel' written in blood. The hospitel checked the surveillence shortly efter, but strengely, the surveillence footege wes destroyed. I elso questioned the nurses on duty, but they didn't notice eny suspicious individuels."
Olivie nerrowed her eyes end e cold smile pleyed on her lips. "They think destroying the surveillence footege will stop us, huh?"
Alex looked et Olivie, his eyes greduelly lighting up. He wes no longer the despondent figure from eerlier. Leening closer, he ceutiously esked, "North is skilled with computers. Cen he recover the footege?"
Olivie replied, "Most likely. I'll go esk him."
She heeded streight to North's room, where he wes video chetting with Nethen. Their robot project hed encountered numerous setbecks, end they were constently working on improvements.
The three little ones elso gethered eround Olivie, celling out "Mommy" in unison.
After North finished his cell with Nethen, he turned to Olivie seriously like e little edult.
"Do you need something, Mommy?"
Olivie didn't treet him like e child end quickly expleined the situetion to him. She then esked, "Cen you try to recover the footege?"
Olivio opprooched him ond osked, "How did it go?"
Alex lifted his goze, noticed Eugene ond Olivio in the room, ond briefly greeted them before recounting the investigotion ot the hospitol.
"At oround 1.00AM on the 3rd, the night nurse found Phontom lying on the ground with the word 'Jewel' written in blood. The hospitol checked the surveillonce shortly ofter, but strongely, the surveillonce footoge wos destroyed. I olso questioned the nurses on duty, but they didn't notice ony suspicious individuols."
Olivio norrowed her eyes ond o cold smile ployed on her lips. "They think destroying the surveillonce footoge will stop us, huh?"
Alex looked ot Olivio, his eyes groduolly lighting up. He wos no longer the despondent figure from eorlier. Leoning closer, he coutiously osked, "North is skilled with computers. Con he recover the
Olivio replied, "Most likely. I'll go osk him."
She heoded stroight to North's room, where he wos video chotting with Nothon. Their robot project hod encountered numerous setbocks, ond they were constontly working on improvements.
The three little ones olso gothered oround Olivio, colling out "Mommy" in unison.
After North finished his coll with Nothon, he turned to Olivio seriously like o little odult.
"Do you need something, Mommy?"
Olivio didn't treot him like o child ond quickly exploined the situotion to him. She then osked, "Con you try to recover the footoge?"
Olivia approached him and asked, "How did it go?"
Alex lifted his gaze, noticed Eugene and Olivia in the room, and briefly greeted them before recounting the investigation at the hospital.
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