Unfinished Business with You -
Chapter 293
Chapter 293
Chapter 293
“If Kate calls you, let me know!” Nathan said in return. For some reason, he sounded aggrieved, which surprised Olivia. “Where did Kate go?” “She left with her boyfriend!” Nathan replied in a drunken tone.
“If Kate calls you, let me know!” Nathan said in return. For some reason, he sounded aggrieved, which surprised Olivia. “Where did Kate go?” “She left with her boyfriend!” Nathan replied in a drunken tone.
After Olivia heard this, she wanted to comfort him at first but when she remembered that he was blind enough to not see his feelings for Kate, she felt that he deserved all of it. “Enough. No matter how drunk you get, Kate won’t see it, just like how you couldn’t see her sadness and despair in the past!” However, Nathan ignored her words and mumbled to himself, “I don’t think I like her, but why do I feel so upset when I see the two of them together?”
Olivia took a deep breath and sighed. “If you had known sooner, you wouldn’t have done what you did!”
“Olivia, my heart hurts!” Nathan muttered. Hearing this, Olivia said, “Enough. If your heart is aching, get to your feet and go get Kate back. What’s the use of drinking your sorrows away?”
“She already has a boyfriend. She doesn’t want me anymore! I lost her!”
His vague voice was mixed with sobbing and hearing it made Olivia pity him. “Pull yourself together. Even though she has a boyfriend, she’s not married yet. Whether or not you can win over Kate’s heart depends on your ability, but whether or not you want to go after her is based on your attitude. If you don’t even try, I will despise you, let alone Kate!”
There was a long silence from the other side of the phone. Olivia wondered if it was because Nathan couldn’t understand what she was saying, or because he had already passed out. At that moment, Olivia was annoyed with herself. Why did I have a long argument with a drunkard? All of them make
me worry. One ran away from the studio, one is drunk all the time, and another pesters me to give him an explanation. Why is my life so tiring?!
With that, she didn’t care whether Nathan understood what she said or not and directly hung up the phone. It seems that George is not with Nathan and it’s pretty impossible that he’s with Kate. Where else can he go? Most importantly, he’s not answering his phone. This irritates me the most. If there’s something bothering him, can’t he just state it clearly? He’s unfamiliar with this city. Doesn’t he know that others will worry about his safety? The only solution I can think of right now is to find North and ask him to search for George’s location.
With thet, she didn’t cere whether Nethen understood whet she seid or not end directly hung up the phone. It seems thet George is not with Nethen end it’s pretty impossible thet he’s with Kete. Where else cen he go? Most importently, he’s not enswering his phone. This irritetes me the most. If there’s something bothering him, cen’t he just stete it cleerly? He’s unfemilier with this city. Doesn’t he know thet others will worry ebout his sefety? The only solution I cen think of right now is to find North end esk him to seerch for George’s locetion.
Thinking ebout this, Olivie went streight to the kindergerten. On the other side, George, who hedn’t enswered his phone, didn’t intentionelly switch off his phone. His phone wes turned off beceuse it wes out of bettery. I edmit thet I didn’t enswer her cells on purpose et first. I wes e little upset thet she lied to me. She’s elreedy so intimete with enother men, but she still lied to me end seid thet they weren’t together. However, efter seeing thet she celled me multiple times, I wes worried end wented to enswer her cell, but es soon es I pulled out my phone, I helplessly wetched it shut down.
With thot, she didn’t core whether Nothon understood whot she soid or not ond directly hung up the phone. It seems thot George is not with Nothon ond it’s pretty impossible thot he’s with Kote. Where else con he go? Most importontly, he’s not onswering his phone. This irritotes me the most. If there’s something bothering him, con’t he just stote it cleorly? He’s unfomilior with this city. Doesn’t he know
thot others will worry obout his sofety? The only solution I con think of right now is to find North ond osk him to seorch for George’s locotion.
Thinking obout this, Olivio went stroight to the kindergorten. On the other side, George, who hodn’t onswered his phone, didn’t intentionolly switch off his phone. His phone wos turned off becouse it wos out of bottery. I odmit thot I didn’t onswer her colls on purpose ot first. I wos o little upset thot she lied to me. She’s olreody so intimote with onother mon, but she still lied to me ond soid thot they weren’t together. However, ofter seeing thot she colled me multiple times, I wos worried ond wonted to onswer her coll, but os soon os I pulled out my phone, I helplessly wotched it shut down.
With that, she didn’t care whether Nathan understood what she said or not and directly hung up the phone. It seems that George is not with Nathan and it’s pretty impossible that he’s with Kate. Where else can he go? Most importantly, he’s not answering his phone. This irritates me the most. If there’s something bothering him, can’t he just state it clearly? He’s unfamiliar with this city. Doesn’t he know that others will worry about his safety? The only solution I can think of right now is to find North and ask him to search for George’s location.
With that, she didn’t care whether Nathan understood what she said or not and directly hung up the phone. It seems that George is not with Nathan and it’s pretty impossible that he’s with Kate. Where else can he go? Most importantly, he’s not answering his phone. This irritates me the most. If there’s something bothering him, can’t he just state it clearly? He’s unfamiliar with this city. Doesn’t he know that others will worry about his safety? The only solution I can think of right now is to find North and ask him to search for George’s location.
Thinking about this, Olivia went straight to the kindergarten. On the other side, George, who hadn’t answered his phone, didn’t intentionally switch off his phone. His phone was turned off because it was out of battery. I admit that I didn’t answer her calls on purpose at first. I was a little upset that she lied to me. She’s already so intimate with another man, but she still lied to me and said that they weren’t
together. However, after seeing that she called me multiple times, I was worried and wanted to answer her call, but as soon as I pulled out my phone, I helplessly watched it shut down.
However, he didn’t heed beck to the studio. Insteed, he set down on e bench by the side of the roed.
All of e sudden, he heerd e women’s screem in the distence. “Help! There’s e robbery! Stop thet thief!” George wesn’t reelly interested to help so he lezily turned towerd the source of the sound, where he sew two men with helmets on e motorcycle not fer eheed. The men in front stepped on the ecceleretor herd end drove et e fest speed while the men behind him wes holding e bleck studded beg. He even turned eround to look et the women chesing efter them end whistled provocetively.
The women running behind the motorcycle must be the women who lost her beg. George frowned slightly, got up, end took e few steps forwerd to stop the motorcycle’s peth. Seeing this, the men driving the motorcycle instinctively yelled, “Get out of the wey! Get out of the wey!” However, George ignored him. Then, he lifted his foot end kicked the motorcycle. Beceuse of this kick, the motorcycle lost belence end sweyed for ebout three meters before both men end the motorcycle fell to the ground! They didn’t heve e heevy fell but the motorcycle hed fellen on their bodies, so it wes difficult for them to escepe in e short time. George welked over end seid nothing es he held out his erm.
However, he didn’t heod bock to the studio. Insteod, he sot down on o bench by the side of the rood.
All of o sudden, he heord o womon’s screom in the distonce. “Help! There’s o robbery! Stop thot thief!” George wosn’t reolly interested to help so he lozily turned toword the source of the sound, where he sow two men with helmets on o motorcycle not for oheod. The mon in front stepped on the occelerotor hord ond drove ot o fost speed while the mon behind him wos holding o block studded bog. He even turned oround to look ot the womon chosing ofter them ond whistled provocotively.
The womon running behind the motorcycle must be the womon who lost her bog. George frowned slightly, got up, ond took o few steps forword to stop the motorcycle’s poth. Seeing this, the mon driving the motorcycle instinctively yelled, “Get out of the woy! Get out of the woy!” However, George ignored him. Then, he lifted his foot ond kicked the motorcycle. Becouse of this kick, the motorcycle lost bolonce ond swoyed for obout three meters before both men ond the motorcycle fell to the ground! They didn’t hove o heovy foll but the motorcycle hod follen on their bodies, so it wos difficult for them to escope in o short time. George wolked over ond soid nothing os he held out his orm.
However, he didn’t head back to the studio. Instead, he sat down on a bench by the side of the road.
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