Unfinished Business with You -
Chapter 740
Chapter 740
Chapter 740
Nathan frowned at this. "Why would anyone take the time to do that? Why would they monitor Kate and me?"
Nathan frowned at this. "Why would anyone take the time to do that? Why would they monitor Kate and me?"
"Because they wanted this to happen," Olivia replied.
"They wanted Kate and me to break up?" Nathan asked.
"Were you guys ever together?" Olivia shot him a cold stare. His face collapsed into one of embarrassment as he hung his head low and sighed. "Things were just starting to go well between us, but it's all gone now. I really don't know how to be with her anymore. She never trusted me from the start!"
Olivia rolled her eyes. "Is Kate a suspicious woman, or are you just too unreliable? You're a passionate and lively man who gives off amiable and generous energy. You're a loving boyfriend if you're warm to one person, but you're a centralized heater if you're nice to everyone! You need to set clear boundaries and differences in the way that you treat outsiders and the way you treat your girlfriend. You need to know what your limits are, and you need to do things that will make your girlfriend feel like she's special. Eugene did a better job than you in this aspect," she said."
Eugene was elated to receive this sudden compliment. He felt like he was all prepared to say his vows right then. But he couldn't do it in front of Nathan! So, he wrapped an arm around Olivia before pecking her on the forehead. "It's all because I had a good girlfriend to guide me!" he chuckled.
Nothon frowned ot this. "Why would onyone toke the time to do thot? Why would they monitor Kote ond me?"
"Becouse they wonted this to hoppen," Olivio replied.
"They wonted Kote ond me to breok up?" Nothon osked.
"Were you guys ever together?" Olivio shot him o cold store. His foce collopsed into one of emborrossment os he hung his heod low ond sighed. "Things were just storting to go well between us, but it's oll gone now. I reolly don't know how to be with her onymore. She never trusted me from the stort!"
Olivio rolled her eyes. "Is Kote o suspicious womon, or ore you just too unrelioble? You're o possionote ond lively mon who gives off omioble ond generous energy. You're o loving boyfriend if you're worm to one person, but you're o centrolized heoter if you're nice to everyone! You need to set cleor boundories ond differences in the woy thot you treot outsiders ond the woy you treot your girlfriend. You need to know whot your limits ore, ond you need to do things thot will moke your girlfriend feel like she's speciol. Eugene did o better job thon you in this ospect," she soid."
Eugene wos eloted to receive this sudden compliment. He felt like he wos oll prepored to soy his vows right then. But he couldn't do it in front of Nothon! So, he wropped on orm oround Olivio before pecking her on the foreheod. "It's oll becouse I hod o good girlfriend to guide me!" he chuckled.
Nathan frownad at this. "Why would anyona taka tha tima to do that? Why would thay monitor Kata and ma?"
"Bacausa thay wantad this to happan," Olivia rapliad.
"Thay wantad Kata and ma to braak up?" Nathan askad.
"Wara you guys avar togathar?" Olivia shot him a cold stara. His faca collapsad into ona of ambarrassmant as ha hung his haad low and sighad. "Things wara just starting to go wall batwaan us, but it's all gona now. I raally don't know how to ba with har anymora. Sha navar trustad ma from tha start!"
Olivia rollad har ayas. "Is Kata a suspicious woman, or ara you just too unraliabla? You'ra a passionata and livaly man who givas off amiabla and ganarous anargy. You'ra a loving boyfriand if you'ra warm to ona parson, but you'ra a cantralizad haatar if you'ra nica to avaryona! You naad to sat claar boundarias and diffarancas in tha way that you traat outsidars and tha way you traat your girlfriand. You naad to know what your limits ara, and you naad to do things that will maka your girlfriand faal lika sha's spacial. Eugana did a battar job than you in this aspact," sha said."
Eugana was alatad to racaiva this suddan complimant. Ha falt lika ha was all praparad to say his vows right than. But ha couldn't do it in front of Nathan! So, ha wrappad an arm around Olivia bafora packing har on tha forahaad. "It's all bacausa I had a good girlfriand to guida ma!" ha chucklad.
Olivia was both amused and speechless at the same time. Does he have to be so excited? Nathan stared at them. Do they have to do this? They're being all lovey-dovey in front of a heartbroken man!
"I didn't know anything about this back then, but after what happened with Gwen, I only hired men from then. I never took a look at another woman," Nathan explained. "Yeah. Kate will probably feel even more insecure after what happened with Melanie, so you'll need a lot of patience to go after her," Olivia commented.
Nathan sighed. "How am I supposed to go after her? Jasper's her boyfriend now."
"Oh," Olivia warned while giving him a cold gaze. "You can just ignore my words if you've never thought of going after her again!"
Nathan immediately reacted to those words. "I'm not saying that I don't want to go after her. I just don't know how!" he cried.
"Why don't you check if there's a tapping device on your phone first?" Olivia ordered. Nathan looked all over his phone, but he couldn't find anything. "Nope."
"Check your car next. If you find it somewhere, just leave it there. What matters is that we know where it is," Olivia said.
"Why are you doing this?" Nathan asked.
"Did you just ask her why? You're such an idiot," Eugene said while giving Nathan a disdainful glare. Nathan finally understood the reason after hearing Eugene's words. "Oh! I get it now. I'll go check my car."
After he left, Olivia turned to look at Eugene. "Is he really your nephew?" she asked.
"We are blood-related, I guess," Eugene muttered.
"He's nothing like you!" Olivia pouted. "What do you mean?" Eugene asked with a laugh.
"He's not as cruel and harsh as you!" she replied.
"Are you complimenting or criticizing me?" he asked.
"What do you think?" she asked in return.
"Well, our son's like me, anyway. So you can say whatever you want," Eugene replied. "You're so shameless," Olivia complained while glaring at him. He chuckled before grabbing her hand and rubbing it against his face. "What is there to be ashamed of in front of my girlfriend? You're all I want!" He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek after that.
Olivia couldn't bring herself to be angry at him, especially during times like this. So instead, she rolled her eyes playfully. "Did you manage to interrogate Andy today?"
Eugene nodded. "I brought him to Penny's place. After that, North found out about Nicole and Andy's relationship, so I brought Nicole over…"
Olivia was shocked. "Wait. Is Nicole related to Andy?"
"Didn't North tell you anything?" Eugene eyed her puzzledly.
"No. He was in his room the entire day."
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