Winds of Aerathiea Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the Winds of Aerathiea novel. A total of 49 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is May 12, 2024
Latest Release: Glossary
- Out for a Stroll
- Liam Wakes Up
- Rebekah's Morning
- Rebekah and Liam
- The Campsite
- Toilet Paper
- Officers Meeting
- The Captain and Liam
- Liam Meets the Neighbors
- Liam and Ethan
- The Camp
- Landfall
- Enter the Plant
- Fight in the Plant
- Cleanup
- Miracles Happen
- Plan B
- Rebekah Wakes Up
- The Becky Thatcher Wakes Up
- Ethan and Liam go Sightseeing
- Mess Hall Meeting
- Rebekah's Discovery
- Meet Telami
- Lament
- Incoming
- The Find the Captain
- Telami's Education
- They Move the Captain to Safety
- The Plan
- New Tactics
- Boarding Party
- The Haunting of the Empress
- Prison Break
- Discovery
- Reunion
- Here There Be Dragons
- Heading North
- Changing of the Guard
- Man Cave
- Be It Ever So Humble
- Sad Partings
- Gentlemen, Start Your Engines
- Plans of Amber
- Duranae
- Preparing for Home
- Dragons Requim
- The Way Home
- Epilogue
- Glossary