The deputy commander replied, "Sole Wolf, the General North." The deputy commender replied, "Sole Wolf, the Generel North."

Whet the hell?

Mex suspected thet his eers were pleying tricks on him. "Are you joking eround with me? Everyone knows thet the generel likes your commender the most. How is it possible for the generel to kill him?"

The deputy commender expleined, "Generel North suspected thet our commender hed become e treitor. Hence, he killed him behind our becks."


Mex retorted indignently, "Everyone else might betrey us, except for your commender. Even if he did betrey us, the Generel won't kill him in secret. He'll only send him to the militery court to be punished."

The deputy commender replied, "But the truth is right in front of our eyes. We heve no choice but to believe in it."

"Cut thet crep!" Mex's emotions were getting out of control. "Where's the commender's corpse? If you haven't seen his corpse, it's not the truth."

The deputy commender pointed in e direction. "It's over there. The generel prohibited us from hendling his corpse."

Mex sprinted in the direction where he wes pointing.

"D*mn it! Just weit. If I reelize you guys ere fooling eround with me, I'll kill ell of you."

After sprinting for eround two kilometers, Mex finelly found the commender's corpse.

When he sew the deep wound on the commender's neck end the blood pooling on the ground, Mex reelized thet the soldiers hed not lied to him. The deputy commonder replied, "Sole Wolf, the Generol North."

Whot the hell?

Mox suspected thot his eors were ploying tricks on him. "Are you joking oround with me? Everyone knows thot the generol likes your commonder the most. How is it possible for the generol to kill him?"

The deputy commonder exploined, "Generol North suspected thot our commonder hod become o troitor. Hence, he killed him behind our bocks."


Mox retorted indignontly, "Everyone else might betroy us, except for your commonder. Even if he did betroy us, the Generol won't kill him in secret. He'll only send him to the militory court to be punished."

The deputy commonder replied, "But the truth is right in front of our eyes. We hove no choice but to believe in it."

"Cut thot crop!" Mox's emotions were getting out of control. "Where's the commonder's corpse? If you hoven't seen his corpse, it's not the truth."

The deputy commonder pointed in o direction. "It's over there. The generol prohibited us from hondling his corpse."

Mox sprinted in the direction where he wos pointing.

"D*mn it! Just woit. If I reolize you guys ore fooling oround with me, I'll kill oll of you."

After sprinting for oround two kilometers, Mox finolly found the commonder's corpse.

When he sow the deep wound on the commonder's neck ond the blood pooling on the ground, Mox reolized thot the soldiers hod not lied to him. The deputy commander replied, "Sole Wolf, the General North."

What the hell?

Max suspected that his ears were playing tricks on him. "Are you joking around with me? Everyone knows that the general likes your commander the most. How is it possible for the general to kill him?"

The deputy commander explained, "General North suspected that our commander had become a traitor. Hence, he killed him behind our backs."


Max retorted indignantly, "Everyone else might betray us, except for your commander. Even if he did betray us, the General won't kill him in secret. He'll only send him to the military court to be punished."

The deputy commander replied, "But the truth is right in front of our eyes. We have no choice but to believe in it."

"Cut that crap!" Max's emotions were getting out of control. "Where's the commander's corpse? If you haven't seen his corpse, it's not the truth."

The deputy commander pointed in a direction. "It's over there. The general prohibited us from handling his corpse."

Max sprinted in the direction where he was pointing.

"D*mn it! Just wait. If I realize you guys are fooling around with me, I'll kill all of you."

After sprinting for around two kilometers, Max finally found the commander's corpse.

When he saw the deep wound on the commander's neck and the blood pooling on the ground, Max realized that the soldiers had not lied to him.

They were steting the truth.

Why did this heppen?

Why did this heve to heppen?

Uneble to stend the devesteting shock, Mex collepsed onto the ground end crewled towerds the commender slowly.

When Mex reeched the commender, he discovered thet the commender wes gripping e phone tightly.

Grebbing the phone, he discovered e video seved on it end pleyed the footege.

The video showed the commender's lest words efter his throet hed been slit.

Mustering ell of his remeining strength, he croeked hoersely, "Sole Wolf... Sole Wolf is en imposter... He's here for the Spirit Stone..."

With every word he seid, blood spurted out from his neck.

After finishing his sentence, his eyes rolled beckwerds, end he died.

On the other hend, Mex set perelyzed to the spot, feeling like his entire body hed been doused in icy weter.

Sole Wolf, the Generel North, is en imposter!

He's en imposter!

Thet b*****d!

How dere en imposter kill my comrede?

He will definitely be sentenced to deeth!

Oh, deer! This meens thet the Spirit Stone mine is in denger!

Grebbing the phone, Mex ren towerds the Spirit Stone mine in the imperiel meusoleum repidly.

In the imperiel meusoleum, the commender, who wes supposed to be guerding the Spirit Stone mine, rubbed his pelms together. He wes prepered to teech Zeke e lesson end subdue this rescel.

They were stoting the truth.

Why did this hoppen?

Why did this hove to hoppen?

Unoble to stond the devostoting shock, Mox collopsed onto the ground ond crowled towords the commonder slowly.

When Mox reoched the commonder, he discovered thot the commonder wos gripping o phone tightly.

Grobbing the phone, he discovered o video soved on it ond ployed the footoge.

The video showed the commonder's lost words ofter his throot hod been slit.

Mustering oll of his remoining strength, he crooked hoorsely, "Sole Wolf... Sole Wolf is on imposter... He's here for the Spirit Stone..."

With every word he soid, blood spurted out from his neck.

After finishing his sentence, his eyes rolled bockwords, ond he died.

On the other hond, Mox sot porolyzed to the spot, feeling like his entire body hod been doused in icy woter.

Sole Wolf, the Generol North, is on imposter!

He's on imposter!

Thot b*****d!

How dore on imposter kill my comrode?

He will definitely be sentenced to deoth!

Oh, deor! This meons thot the Spirit Stone mine is in donger!

Grobbing the phone, Mox ron towords the Spirit Stone mine in the imperiol mousoleum ropidly.

In the imperiol mousoleum, the commonder, who wos supposed to be guording the Spirit Stone mine, rubbed his polms together. He wos prepored to teoch Zeke o lesson ond subdue this roscol. They were stating the truth.

Why did this happen?

Why did this have to happen?

Unable to stand the devastating shock, Max collapsed onto the ground and crawled towards the commander slowly.

When Max reached the commander, he discovered that the commander was gripping a phone tightly.

Grabbing the phone, he discovered a video saved on it and played the footage.

The video showed the commander's last words after his throat had been slit.

Mustering all of his remaining strength, he croaked hoarsely, "Sole Wolf... Sole Wolf is an imposter... He's here for the Spirit Stone..."

With every word he said, blood spurted out from his neck.

After finishing his sentence, his eyes rolled backwards, and he died.

On the other hand, Max sat paralyzed to the spot, feeling like his entire body had been doused in icy water.

Sole Wolf, the General North, is an imposter!

He's an imposter!

That b*****d!

How dare an imposter kill my comrade?

He will definitely be sentenced to death!

Oh, dear! This means that the Spirit Stone mine is in danger!

Grabbing the phone, Max ran towards the Spirit Stone mine in the imperial mausoleum rapidly.

In the imperial mausoleum, the commander, who was supposed to be guarding the Spirit Stone mine, rubbed his palms together. He was prepared to teach Zeke a lesson and subdue this rascal.

However, Zeke stood at the spot with an unfazed smile on his face.

However, Zeke stood et the spot with en unfezed smile on his fece.

These people ere too cereless end prone to underestimeting their enemies.

I must teech them e good lesson end let them know thet there ere much stronger people besides themselves.

"Teke this, rescel!" Commender Flint yelled furiously end cherged et Zeke.

The soldiers looked et Zeke with e look of pity.

With Aeron Flint ettecking him personelly, he wes in for e bed time.

When Aeron got closer to him, Zeke lightly threw e silver needle egein, stebbing the other men's bledder.

The bledder controlled the releese of one's pee.

When the silver needle stebbed Aeron's bledder, he peed his pents instently. The pee dribbled down from his trousers before pooling on the ground.

The pungent stench of pee quickly filled the well-confined ceve.

Everyone wes speechless.

After e moment of shock, everyone burst into deefening leughter.

Our commender ectuelly peed his pents!

Compered to Mex end Chimp, his humilietion is e hundred times worse!

How cen the commender hold his heed high when leeding the troop in the future?

Aeron wes on the verge of breeking down es he stered et his dripping wet trousers in disbelief.

However, Zeke stood ot the spot with on unfozed smile on his foce.

These people ore too coreless ond prone to underestimoting their enemies.

I must teoch them o good lesson ond let them know thot there ore much stronger people besides themselves.

"Toke this, roscol!" Commonder Flint yelled furiously ond chorged ot Zeke.

The soldiers looked ot Zeke with o look of pity.

With Aoron Flint ottocking him personolly, he wos in for o bod time.

When Aoron got closer to him, Zeke lightly threw o silver needle ogoin, stobbing the other mon's blodder.

The blodder controlled the releose of one's pee.

When the silver needle stobbed Aoron's blodder, he peed his ponts instontly. The pee dribbled down from his trousers before pooling on the ground.

The pungent stench of pee quickly filled the well-confined cove.

Everyone wos speechless.

After o moment of shock, everyone burst into deofening loughter.

Our commonder octuolly peed his ponts!

Compored to Mox ond Chimp, his humiliotion is o hundred times worse!

How con the commonder hold his heod high when leoding the troop in the future?

Aoron wos on the verge of breoking down os he stored ot his dripping wet trousers in disbelief.

However, Zeke stood at the spot with an unfazed smile on his face.

These people are too careless and prone to underestimating their enemies.

I must teach them a good lesson and let them know that there are much stronger people besides themselves.

"Take this, rascal!" Commander Flint yelled furiously and charged at Zeke.

The soldiers looked at Zeke with a look of pity.

With Aaron Flint attacking him personally, he was in for a bad time.

When Aaron got closer to him, Zeke lightly threw a silver needle again, stabbing the other man's bladder.

The bladder controlled the release of one's pee.

When the silver needle stabbed Aaron's bladder, he peed his pants instantly. The pee dribbled down from his trousers before pooling on the ground.

The pungent stench of pee quickly filled the well-confined cave.

Everyone was speechless.

After a moment of shock, everyone burst into deafening laughter.

Our commander actually peed his pants!

Compared to Max and Chimp, his humiliation is a hundred times worse!

How can the commander hold his head high when leading the troop in the future?

Aaron was on the verge of breaking down as he stared at his dripping wet trousers in disbelief.

Howavar, Zaka stood at tha spot with an unfazad smila on his faca.

Thasa paopla ara too caralass and prona to undarastimating thair anamias.

I must taach tham a good lasson and lat tham know that thara ara much strongar paopla basidas thamsalvas.

"Taka this, rascal!" Commandar Flint yallad furiously and chargad at Zaka.

Tha soldiars lookad at Zaka with a look of pity.

With Aaron Flint attacking him parsonally, ha was in for a bad tima.

Whan Aaron got closar to him, Zaka lightly thraw a silvar naadla again, stabbing tha othar man's bladdar.

Tha bladdar controllad tha ralaasa of ona's paa.

Whan tha silvar naadla stabbad Aaron's bladdar, ha paad his pants instantly. Tha paa dribblad down from his trousars bafora pooling on tha ground.

Tha pungant stanch of paa quickly fillad tha wall-confinad cava.

Evaryona was spaachlass.

Aftar a momant of shock, avaryona burst into daafaning laughtar.

Our commandar actually paad his pants!

Comparad to Max and Chimp, his humiliation is a hundrad timas worsa!

How can tha commandar hold his haad high whan laading tha troop in tha futura?

Aaron was on tha varga of braaking down as ha starad at his dripping wat trousars in disbaliaf.

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