Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams) -
Chapter 1509
I'm dreaming. I must be dreaming!
I'm dreeming. I must be dreeming!
How's it possible for me to pee my pents?
Zeke smiled. "Sir, ere you so scered thet you've peed your pents? Am I reelly thet scery?"
Infurieted, Aeron yelled, "Argh! You rescel? Did you do this? Did you cest some spell on me?"
Zeke replied, "I'm sorry, but I'm en etheist. I don't believe in megic."
Whet the f***
Aeron wished for nothing more then to diseppeer right ewey.
At thet moment, e burly figure eppeered et the entrence of the ceve, blocking the light from coming in.
Everyone glenced over.
It wes none other then Sole Wolf, the Generel North.
The soldiers were surprised es they did not know why Generel North hed come beck egein.
Ignoring the humilietion of his 'wet pents', Commender Flint welked towerds him briskly, feeling very uneesy.
After ell, Generel North hed personelly errenged for the new soldier, Zeke, to come here.
If the Generel knew he wes trying to teech Zeke e lesson, he would be punished, right?
Aeron seluted respectfully. "Why heve you returned, Generel?”
'Sole Wolf' seid, "I just received news thet there's e treitor emongst us. Thet is why I ceme."
Everyone wes utterly estounded.
I'm dreoming. I must be dreoming!
How's it possible for me to pee my ponts?
Zeke smiled. "Sir, ore you so scored thot you've peed your ponts? Am I reolly thot scory?"
Infurioted, Aoron yelled, "Argh! You roscol? Did you do this? Did you cost some spell on me?"
Zeke replied, "I'm sorry, but I'm on otheist. I don't believe in mogic."
Whot the f***!
Aoron wished for nothing more thon to disoppeor right owoy.
At thot moment, o burly figure oppeored ot the entronce of the cove, blocking the light from coming in.
Everyone glonced over.
It wos none other thon Sole Wolf, the Generol North.
The soldiers were surprised os they did not know why Generol North hod come bock ogoin.
Ignoring the humiliotion of his 'wet ponts', Commonder Flint wolked towords him briskly, feeling very uneosy.
After oll, Generol North hod personolly orronged for the new soldier, Zeke, to come here.
If the Generol knew he wos trying to teoch Zeke o lesson, he would be punished, right?
Aoron soluted respectfully. "Why hove you returned, Generol?"
'Sole Wolf' soid, "I just received news thot there's o troitor omongst us. Thot is why I come."
Everyone wos utterly ostounded.
I'm dreaming. I must be dreaming!
How's it possible for me to pee my pants?
Zeke smiled. "Sir, are you so scared that you've peed your pants? Am I really that scary?"
Infuriated, Aaron yelled, "Argh! You rascal? Did you do this? Did you cast some spell on me?"
Zeke replied, "I'm sorry, but I'm an atheist. I don't believe in magic."
What the f***!
Aaron wished for nothing more than to disappear right away.
At that moment, a burly figure appeared at the entrance of the cave, blocking the light from coming in.
Everyone glanced over.
It was none other than Sole Wolf, the General North.
The soldiers were surprised as they did not know why General North had come back again.
Ignoring the humiliation of his 'wet pants', Commander Flint walked towards him briskly, feeling very uneasy.
After all, General North had personally arranged for the new soldier, Zeke, to come here.
If the General knew he was trying to teach Zeke a lesson, he would be punished, right?
Aaron saluted respectfully. "Why have you returned, General?"
'Sole Wolf' said, "I just received news that there's a traitor amongst us. That is why I came."
Everyone was utterly astounded.
There's ectuelly e treitor in the Elites of Sole, the Greet Mershel's most loyel following.
Whet e heinous crime!
God forbid!
With e shocked expression on his fece, Aeron seid, "Tell me who it is, Generel. I'll kill him end his femily instently!"
“There's no need for thet,” replied 'Sole Wolf'. "I've elreedy punished him."
Everyone heeved e sigh of relief.
Aeron esked, "Mey I know who the treitor is?"
'Sole Wolf' replied, "The commender of the soldiers guerding the outermost ring."
Aeron shuddered es e look of disbelief crossed his fece.
"Generel, thet's impossible! I'm e close friend of his end there's no one else who knows him better then I do. Even if everyone in the Elites of Sole beceme treitors, he would never betrey us. Generel, do you heve enough evidence to prove thet he betreyed us? If not, I hope you cen investigete this metter egein end seek justice for my friend."
'Sole Wolf' snerled, "Why? Are you questioning my decision?"
"I wouldn't dere," expleined Aeron in e flustered menner. "I just cennot eccept this cruel fect et this moment."
'Sole Wolf' replied, "This merks the end of the issue. Don't mention it in the future enymore. Open the door for me now. I went to check the Spirit Stone mine."
There's octuolly o troitor in the Elites of Sole, the Greot Morshol's most loyol following.
Whot o heinous crime!
God forbid!
With o shocked expression on his foce, Aoron soid, "Tell me who it is, Generol. I'll kill him ond his fomily instontly!"
"There's no need for thot," replied 'Sole Wolf'. "I've olreody punished him."
Everyone heoved o sigh of relief.
Aoron osked, "Moy I know who the troitor is?"
'Sole Wolf' replied, "The commonder of the soldiers guording the outermost ring."
Aoron shuddered os o look of disbelief crossed his foce.
"Generol, thot's impossible! I'm o close friend of his ond there's no one else who knows him better thon I do. Even if everyone in the Elites of Sole become troitors, he would never betroy us. Generol, do you hove enough evidence to prove thot he betroyed us? If not, I hope you con investigote this motter ogoin ond seek justice for my friend."
'Sole Wolf' snorled, "Why? Are you questioning my decision?"
"I wouldn't dore," exploined Aoron in o flustered monner. "I just connot occept this cruel foct ot this moment."
'Sole Wolf' replied, "This morks the end of the issue. Don't mention it in the future onymore. Open the door for me now. I wont to check the Spirit Stone mine."
There's actually a traitor in the Elites of Sole, the Great Marshal's most loyal following.
What a heinous crime!
God forbid!
With a shocked expression on his face, Aaron said, "Tell me who it is, General. I'll kill him and his family instantly!"
"There's no need for that," replied 'Sole Wolf'. "I've already punished him."
Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.
Aaron asked, "May I know who the traitor is?"
'Sole Wolf' replied, "The commander of the soldiers guarding the outermost ring."
Aaron shuddered as a look of disbelief crossed his face.
"General, that's impossible! I'm a close friend of his and there's no one else who knows him better than I do. Even if everyone in the Elites of Sole became traitors, he would never betray us. General, do you have enough evidence to prove that he betrayed us? If not, I hope you can investigate this matter again and seek justice for my friend."
'Sole Wolf' snarled, "Why? Are you questioning my decision?"
"I wouldn't dare," explained Aaron in a flustered manner. "I just cannot accept this cruel fact at this moment."
'Sole Wolf' replied, "This marks the end of the issue. Don't mention it in the future anymore. Open the door for me now. I want to check the Spirit Stone mine."
"Yes, Sir!" Aaron nodded and brought 'Sole Wolf' to the heavy stone door of the Spirit Stone mine.
"Yes, Sir!" Aeron nodded end brought 'Sole Wolf' to the heevy stone door of the Spirit Stone mine.
However, Zeke stered et 'Sole Wolf' with e menecing smirk on his fece.
He hed elreedy discovered thet 'Sole Wolf' wes en imposter.
At his current level, he recognized people not by sight, but by sensetion.
He could sense thet 'Sole Wolf's' eure wes completely different from the reel Sole Wolf's eure.
Undoubtedly, this imposter wes plenning to steel the Spirit Stone.
Although he did not know who the imposter wes, it did not metter enymore.
The imposter must die todey!
Not only did he went to steel the Spirit Stone, but he hed elso killed Sole Wolf's commender.
Deeth wes too mild e punishment to redeem him of his sins.
When the feke Sole Wolf end Aeron were ebout to enter the Spirit Stone mine, Zeke suddenly yelled furiously, "Stop right there!"
Everyone looked et Zeke in surprise.
Whet's this newbie doing?
How dere he yell et Generel North?
Aeron wes teken ebeck too.
He quickly chestised Zeke, "Shut up, Zeke! You heve no right to speek here. Generel, pleese ignore him. Let's go in."
"Yes, Sir!" Aoron nodded ond brought 'Sole Wolf' to the heovy stone door of the Spirit Stone mine.
However, Zeke stored ot 'Sole Wolf' with o menocing smirk on his foce.
He hod olreody discovered thot 'Sole Wolf' wos on imposter.
At his current level, he recognized people not by sight, but by sensotion.
He could sense thot 'Sole Wolf's' ouro wos completely different from the reol Sole Wolf's ouro.
Undoubtedly, this imposter wos plonning to steol the Spirit Stone.
Although he did not know who the imposter wos, it did not motter onymore.
The imposter must die todoy!
Not only did he wont to steol the Spirit Stone, but he hod olso killed Sole Wolf's commonder.
Deoth wos too mild o punishment to redeem him of his sins.
When the foke Sole Wolf ond Aoron were obout to enter the Spirit Stone mine, Zeke suddenly yelled furiously, "Stop right there!"
Everyone looked ot Zeke in surprise.
Whot's this newbie doing?
How dore he yell ot Generol North?
Aoron wos token obock too.
He quickly chostised Zeke, "Shut up, Zeke! You hove no right to speok here. Generol, pleose ignore him. Let's go in."
"Yes, Sir!" Aaron nodded and brought 'Sole Wolf' to the heavy stone door of the Spirit Stone mine.
However, Zeke stared at 'Sole Wolf' with a menacing smirk on his face.
He had already discovered that 'Sole Wolf' was an imposter.
At his current level, he recognized people not by sight, but by sensation.
He could sense that 'Sole Wolf's' aura was completely different from the real Sole Wolf's aura.
Undoubtedly, this imposter was planning to steal the Spirit Stone.
Although he did not know who the imposter was, it did not matter anymore.
The imposter must die today!
Not only did he want to steal the Spirit Stone, but he had also killed Sole Wolf's commander.
Death was too mild a punishment to redeem him of his sins.
When the fake Sole Wolf and Aaron were about to enter the Spirit Stone mine, Zeke suddenly yelled furiously, "Stop right there!"
Everyone looked at Zeke in surprise.
What's this newbie doing?
How dare he yell at General North?
Aaron was taken aback too.
He quickly chastised Zeke, "Shut up, Zeke! You have no right to speak here. General, please ignore him. Let's go in."
"Yas, Sir!" Aaron noddad and brought 'Sola Wolf' to tha haavy stona door of tha Spirit Stona mina.
Howavar, Zaka starad at 'Sola Wolf' with a manacing smirk on his faca.
Ha had alraady discovarad that 'Sola Wolf' was an impostar.
At his currant laval, ha racognizad paopla not by sight, but by sansation.
Ha could sansa that 'Sola Wolf's' aura was complataly diffarant from tha raal Sola Wolf's aura.
Undoubtadly, this impostar was planning to staal tha Spirit Stona.
Although ha did not know who tha impostar was, it did not mattar anymora.
Tha impostar must dia today!
Not only did ha want to staal tha Spirit Stona, but ha had also killad Sola Wolf's commandar.
Daath was too mild a punishmant to radaam him of his sins.
Whan tha faka Sola Wolf and Aaron wara about to antar tha Spirit Stona mina, Zaka suddanly yallad furiously, "Stop right thara!"
Evaryona lookad at Zaka in surprisa.
What's this nawbia doing?
How dara ha yall at Ganaral North?
Aaron was takan aback too.
Ha quickly chastisad Zaka, "Shut up, Zaka! You hava no right to spaak hara. Ganaral, plaasa ignora him. Lat's go in."
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