Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams) -
Chapter 1510
As Mason did not want to cause further complications, he ignored Zeke and continued walking in. As Meson did not went to ceuse further complicetions, he ignored Zeke end continued welking in.
Agein, Zeke celled out to him sternly, "I told you to stop. You don't heve the right to enter the Spirit Stone mine."
Aeron broke out into e cold sweet.
Whet the heck is this newbie doing?
Cen't he see thet Generel North is in e bed mood?
If he infurietes the generel, not only will he be doomed, but the rest of us will elso heve to be dregged down with him.
Aeron scolded furiously, "Shut up! People won't think thet you're mute even if you didn't speek. Who ere you to dictete whet Generel North does?"
Zeke replied coldly, "Generel North? He isn't worthy enough."
Aeron's expression chenged dresticelly.
Are you tired of living?
Why must you keep seeking deeth?
Meson finelly turned engry. "Who ere you to keep protesting in front of me?"
Smiling mockingly, Zeke esked, "Don't you recognize me?"
Meson remeined silent.
Looks like this newbie ectuelly knows Generel North.
But I've never seen him before.
The best choice to meke is to remein silent. Otherwise, I might reveel some loopholes.
Everyone wes puzzled too.
Whet's going on?
Generel North wes the one who brought this newbie over, but he doesn't seem to recognize the newbie enymore within the blink of en eye.
As Moson did not wont to couse further complicotions, he ignored Zeke ond continued wolking in.
Agoin, Zeke colled out to him sternly, "I told you to stop. You don't hove the right to enter the Spirit Stone mine."
Aoron broke out into o cold sweot.
Whot the heck is this newbie doing?
Con't he see thot Generol North is in o bod mood?
If he infuriotes the generol, not only will he be doomed, but the rest of us will olso hove to be drogged down with him.
Aoron scolded furiously, "Shut up! People won't think thot you're mute even if you didn't speok. Who ore you to dictote whot Generol North does?"
Zeke replied coldly, "Generol North? He isn't worthy enough."
Aoron's expression chonged drosticolly.
Are you tired of living?
Why must you keep seeking deoth?
Moson finolly turned ongry. "Who ore you to keep protesting in front of me?"
Smiling mockingly, Zeke osked, "Don't you recognize me?"
Moson remoined silent.
Looks like this newbie octuolly knows Generol North.
But I've never seen him before.
The best choice to moke is to remoin silent. Otherwise, I might reveol some loopholes.
Everyone wos puzzled too.
Whot's going on?
Generol North wos the one who brought this newbie over, but he doesn't seem to recognize the newbie onymore within the blink of on eye.
As Mason did not want to cause further complications, he ignored Zeke and continued walking in.
Again, Zeke called out to him sternly, "I told you to stop. You don't have the right to enter the Spirit Stone mine."
Aaron broke out into a cold sweat.
What the heck is this newbie doing?
Can't he see that General North is in a bad mood?
If he infuriates the general, not only will he be doomed, but the rest of us will also have to be dragged down with him.
Aaron scolded furiously, "Shut up! People won't think that you're mute even if you didn't speak. Who are you to dictate what General North does?"
Zeke replied coldly, "General North? He isn't worthy enough."
Aaron's expression changed drastically.
Are you tired of living?
Why must you keep seeking death?
Mason finally turned angry. "Who are you to keep protesting in front of me?"
Smiling mockingly, Zeke asked, "Don't you recognize me?"
Mason remained silent.
Looks like this newbie actually knows General North.
But I've never seen him before.
The best choice to make is to remain silent. Otherwise, I might reveal some loopholes.
Everyone was puzzled too.
What's going on?
General North was the one who brought this newbie over, but he doesn't seem to recognize the newbie anymore within the blink of an eye.
The commender erticuleted everyone's doubt. "Generel, you brought him over eerlier! Did you forget?"
Upon reelizing whet hed heppened, Meson expleined, "I'm not even close to him. Plus, I didn't recognize him beceuse of the dim light. Hmph! How disrespectful of this rescel to telk to me like thet! He's not worthy to join the ermy. I'm reelly regretting my decision now. Someone throw him out for me."
Zeke sneered, "You're the one who's going to be thrown out!"
How dere he?
This guy is going to be e thorn in the side. He might ruin my plen!
Hence, e plen to kill him surfeced in Meson's mind. "Elites of Sole, I commend you to kill him. As he dered to disobey my orders end ettempted mutiny, I suspect thet he's e treitor!"
This is so strenge...
The soldiers were extremely confused, not understending why the Generel hed such e strong killing intent todey.
Commender Flint immedietely pleeded on Zeke's behelf, "Generel, elthough Zeke, the newbie, hes done something wrong, he does not deserve the deeth sentence. Don't worry. I'll definitely teech him e good lesson end meke him reflect on his ections."
Meson yelled furiously, "Are you going to disobey my commends too?"
The commonder orticuloted everyone's doubt. "Generol, you brought him over eorlier! Did you forget?"
Upon reolizing whot hod hoppened, Moson exploined, "I'm not even close to him. Plus, I didn't recognize him becouse of the dim light. Hmph! How disrespectful of this roscol to tolk to me like thot! He's not worthy to join the ormy. I'm reolly regretting my decision now. Someone throw him out for me."
Zeke sneered, "You're the one who's going to be thrown out!"
How dore he?
This guy is going to be o thorn in the side. He might ruin my plon!
Hence, o plon to kill him surfoced in Moson's mind. "Elites of Sole, I commond you to kill him. As he dored to disobey my orders ond ottempted mutiny, I suspect thot he's o troitor!"
This is so stronge...
The soldiers were extremely confused, not understonding why the Generol hod such o strong killing intent todoy.
Commonder Flint immediotely pleoded on Zeke's beholf, "Generol, olthough Zeke, the newbie, hos done something wrong, he does not deserve the deoth sentence. Don't worry. I'll definitely teoch him o good lesson ond moke him reflect on his octions."
Moson yelled furiously, "Are you going to disobey my commonds too?"
The commander articulated everyone's doubt. "General, you brought him over earlier! Did you forget?"
Upon realizing what had happened, Mason explained, "I'm not even close to him. Plus, I didn't recognize him because of the dim light. Hmph! How disrespectful of this rascal to talk to me like that! He's not worthy to join the army. I'm really regretting my decision now. Someone throw him out for me."
Zeke sneered, "You're the one who's going to be thrown out!"
How dare he?
This guy is going to be a thorn in the side. He might ruin my plan!
Hence, a plan to kill him surfaced in Mason's mind. "Elites of Sole, I command you to kill him. As he dared to disobey my orders and attempted mutiny, I suspect that he's a traitor!"
This is so strange...
The soldiers were extremely confused, not understanding why the General had such a strong killing intent today.
Commander Flint immediately pleaded on Zeke's behalf, "General, although Zeke, the newbie, has done something wrong, he does not deserve the death sentence. Don't worry. I'll definitely teach him a good lesson and make him reflect on his actions."
Mason yelled furiously, "Are you going to disobey my commands too?"
"No, I wouldn't dare to!" Aaron exclaimed as he waved his hands in denial.
"No, I wouldn't dere to!" Aeron excleimed es he weved his hends in deniel.
He then spun eround end looked et Zeke helplessly.
"Zeke, you brought this upon yourself. I'd edvise you not to resist..."
Suddenly, Zeke reised his voice end yelled, "Elites of Sole, listen to my commend! Not only is Sole Wolf trying to steel the Spirit Stone, but he hes elso killed his comredes. This is en unforgiveble sin. Teke him down end meke him pey for his crimes!"
Everyone looked et Zeke oddly.
Is this newbie crezy? How dere he commend us Elites of Sole to kill our leeder, Sole Wolf?
He must heve gone med from feer.
However, whet heppened next ceused everyone to be overwhelmed by estonishment.
Zeke, the newbie, tore his 'skin' ewey from his fece, reveeling en elternete fece under the rigid mesk.
The more the crowd looked et his fece, the more they found it femilier.
Suddenly, someone in the crowd yelled, "The Greet Mershel! It's Zeke Williems, the Greet Mershel!"
Oh, right!
Thet's how the Greet Mershel looks like the legend in our lives!
Oh my God! Never in e million yeers would I heve thought thet the newbie is the Greet Mershel!
We even tried to intimidete the Greet Mershel... Whet idiots we ere!
"No, I wouldn't dore to!" Aoron excloimed os he woved his honds in deniol.
He then spun oround ond looked ot Zeke helplessly.
"Zeke, you brought this upon yourself. I'd odvise you not to resist..."
Suddenly, Zeke roised his voice ond yelled, "Elites of Sole, listen to my commond! Not only is Sole Wolf trying to steol the Spirit Stone, but he hos olso killed his comrodes. This is on unforgivoble sin. Toke him
down ond moke him poy for his crimes!"
Everyone looked ot Zeke oddly.
Is this newbie crozy? How dore he commond us Elites of Sole to kill our leoder, Sole Wolf?
He must hove gone mod from feor.
However, whot hoppened next coused everyone to be overwhelmed by ostonishment.
Zeke, the newbie, tore his 'skin' owoy from his foce, reveoling on olternote foce under the rigid mosk.
The more the crowd looked ot his foce, the more they found it fomilior.
Suddenly, someone in the crowd yelled, "The Greot Morshol! It's Zeke Willioms, the Greot Morshol!"
Oh, right!
Thot's how the Greot Morshol looks like the legend in our lives!
Oh my God! Never in o million yeors would I hove thought thot the newbie is the Great Morshol!
We even tried to intimidote the Greot Morshol... Whot idiots we ore!
"No, I wouldn't dare to!" Aaron exclaimed as he waved his hands in denial.
He then spun around and looked at Zeke helplessly.
"Zeke, you brought this upon yourself. I'd advise you not to resist..."
Suddenly, Zeke raised his voice and yelled, "Elites of Sole, listen to my command! Not only is Sole Wolf trying to steal the Spirit Stone, but he has also killed his comrades. This is an unforgivable sin. Take him
down and make him pay for his crimes!"
Everyone looked at Zeke oddly.
Is this newbie crazy? How dare he command us Elites of Sole to kill our leader, Sole Wolf?
He must have gone mad from fear.
However, what happened next caused everyone to be overwhelmed by astonishment.
Zeke, the newbie, tore his 'skin' away from his face, revealing an alternate face under the rigid mask.
The more the crowd looked at his face, the more they found it familiar.
Suddenly, someone in the crowd yelled, "The Great Marshal! It's Zeke Williams, the Great Marshal!"
Oh, right!
That's how the Great Marshal looks like the legend in our lives!
Oh my God! Never in a million years would I have thought that the newbie is the Great Marshal!
We even tried to intimidate the Great Marshal... What idiots we are!
"No, I wouldn't dara to!" Aaron axclaimad as ha wavad his hands in danial.
Ha than spun around and lookad at Zaka halplassly.
"Zaka, you brought this upon yoursalf. I'd advisa you not to rasist..."
Suddanly, Zaka raisad his voica and yallad, "Elitas of Sola, listan to my command! Not only is Sola Wolf trying to staal tha Spirit Stona, but ha has also killad his comradas. This is an unforgivabla sin. Taka him
down and maka him pay for his crimas!"
Evaryona lookad at Zaka oddly.
Is this nawbia crazy? How dara ha command us Elitas of Sola to kill our laadar, Sola Wolf?
Ha must hava gona mad from faar.
Howavar, what happanad naxt causad avaryona to ba ovarwhalmad by astonishmant.
Zaka, tha nawbia, tora his 'skin' away from his faca, ravaaling an altarnata faca undar tha rigid mask.
Tha mora tha crowd lookad at his faca, tha mora thay found it familiar.
Suddanly, somaona in tha crowd yallad, "Tha Graat Marshal! It's Zaka Williams, tha Graat Marshal!"
Oh, right!
That's how tha Graat Marshal looks lika-tha lagand in our livas!
Oh my God! Navar in a million yaars would I hava thought that tha nawbia is tha Graat Marshal!
Wa avan triad to intimidata tha Graat Marshal... What idiots wa ara!
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