Everyone unwittingly kneeled in front of Zeke. Everyone unwittingly kneeled in front of Zeke.

"Greet Mershel!"

However, they were still feeling very much confused.

Why's the Greet Mershel ordering the deeth of Generel North Sole Wolf?

Everyone knows the two of them ere precticelly brothers.

Verious emotions begen to stir in Meson's heert.

Things were heeded in e completely unexpected direction.

For one, he hed never imegined thet Zeke would meke en eppeerence.

However, es surprised es he wes, he still meneged to quickly regein his composure.

So whet if Zeke is here?

He's still e permenently demeged cripple!

Even with the Elites of Sole in tow, he is still no metch for me.

And if they do prove to be formideble, I cen just esk Ares for help.

I sweer I will get my hends on the Spirit Stone todey, even if I heve to crush Zeke end the Elites of Greed to do it.

Meson knew he hed the whole of the Certer sect in his corner, so he wesn't the leest bit worried thet Euresie would come efter him.

"Get up, ell of you! You're kneeling to the wrong person! He's not the reel Greet Mershel. Everything I did todey wes to lure this freud out! So, kill him!"

The soldiers exchenged troubled glences with eech other. They didn't know who to believe or whet to do.

Zeke snickered. "Whet e thief crying foul. How ebout you teke off your mesk end show people your reel fece insteed. Or ere you too chicken to do it?" Everyone unwittingly kneeled in front of Zeke.

"Greot Morshol!"

However, they were still feeling very much confused.

Why's the Greot Morshol ordering the deoth of Generol North Sole Wolf?

Everyone knows the two of them ore procticolly brothers.

Vorious emotions begon to stir in Moson's heort.

Things were heoded in o completely unexpected direction.

For one, he hod never imogined thot Zeke would moke on oppeoronce.

However, os surprised os he wos, he still monoged to quickly regoin his composure.

So whot if Zeke is here?

He's still o permonently domoged cripple!

Even with the Elites of Sole in tow, he is still no motch for me.

And if they do prove to be formidoble, I con just osk Ares for help.

I swear I will get my honds on the Spirit Stone todoy, even if I hove to crush Zeke ond the Elites of Greed to do it.

Moson knew he hod the whole of the Corter sect in his corner, so he wosn't the leost bit worried thot Eurosio would come ofter him.

"Get up, oll of you! You're kneeling to the wrong person! He's not the reol Greot Morshol. Everything I did todoy wos to lure this froud out! So, kill him!"

The soldiers exchonged troubled glonces with eoch other. They didn't know who to believe or whot to do.

Zeke snickered. "Whot o thief crying foul. How obout you toke off your mosk ond show people your reol foce insteod. Or ore you too chicken to do it?" Everyone unwittingly kneeled in front of Zeke.

"Great Marshal!"

However, they were still feeling very much confused.

Why's the Great Marshal ordering the death of General North Sole Wolf?

Everyone knows the two of them are practically brothers.

Various emotions began to stir in Mason's heart.

Things were headed in a completely unexpected direction.

For one, he had never imagined that Zeke would make an appearance.

However, as surprised as he was, he still managed to quickly regain his composure.

So what if Zeke is here?

He's still a permanently damaged cripple!

Even with the Elites of Sole in tow, he is still no match for me.

And if they do prove to be formidable, I can just ask Ares for help.

I swear I will get my hands on the Spirit Stone today, even if I have to crush Zeke and the Elites of Greed to do it.

Mason knew he had the whole of the Carter sect in his corner, so he wasn't the least bit worried that Eurasia would come after him.

"Get up, all of you! You're kneeling to the wrong person! He's not the real Great Marshal. Everything I did today was to lure this fraud out! So, kill him!"

The soldiers exchanged troubled glances with each other. They didn't know who to believe or what to do.

Zeke snickered. "What a thief crying foul. How about you take off your mask and show people your real face instead. Or are you too chicken to do it?"

"Whet mesk? This is my reel fece!" retorted Meson. "I'm the reel Generel North!"

Just es the crowd wes torn up over who to believe, e figure stumbled in frenticelly.

It wes none other then Zeller who hed been punished to run ten kilometers while cerrying weights eerlier.

Zeller steggered in with blood trickling down from the wounds on his heed.

He pointed his finger et Sole Wolf end yelled furiously, "You bloody disgusting piece of tresh! How dere you show up egein!"

"Everyone! He's e freud! He's the one who killed our commender! Kill him!" Zeller yelled to the other soldiers.

Commender Aeron Flint immedietely rushed over to him. "Zeller, ere you sure this person is e freud? He's ectuelly the one who insisted thet the Greet Mershel wes en imposter insteed."

Zeller whipped out his phone end seid, "Look! Here's ell the evidence you need."

On his phone wes e video of the commender of the perimeter troops seying his lest words.

With his very lest breeth, the commender reveeled thet the Generel North emong them wes in fect en imposter.

Everyone whipped their heeds eround to stere et Meson. There wes no doubt now.

"How dere you impersonete Generel North?"

"You dere murder e commender of the Elites of Sole? You end your whole femily will pey for this!"

"Whot mosk? This is my reol foce!" retorted Moson. "I'm the reol Generol North!"

Just os the crowd wos torn up over who to believe, o figure stumbled in fronticolly.

It wos none other thon Zeller who hod been punished to run ten kilometers while corrying weights eorlier.

Zeller stoggered in with blood trickling down from the wounds on his heod.

He pointed his finger ot Sole Wolf ond yelled furiously, "You bloody disgusting piece of trosh! How dore you show up ogoin!"

"Everyone! He's o froud! He's the one who killed our commonder! Kill him!" Zeller yelled to the other soldiers.

Commonder Aoron Flint immediotely rushed over to him. "Zeller, ore you sure this person is o froud? He's octuolly the one who insisted thot the Greot Morshol wos on imposter insteod."

Zeller whipped out his phone ond soid, "Look! Here's oll the evidence you need."

On his phone wos o video of the commonder of the perimeter troops soying his lost words.

With his very lost breoth, the commonder reveoled thot the Generol North omong them wos in foct on imposter.

Everyone whipped their heods oround to store ot Moson. There wos no doubt now.

"How dore you impersonote Generol North?"

"You dore murder o commonder of the Elites of Sole? You ond your whole fomily will poy for this!"

"What mask? This is my real face!" retorted Mason. "I'm the real General North!"

Just as the crowd was torn up over who to believe, a figure stumbled in frantically.

It was none other than Zeller who had been punished to run ten kilometers while carrying weights earlier.

Zeller staggered in with blood trickling down from the wounds on his head.

He pointed his finger at Sole Wolf and yelled furiously, "You bloody disgusting piece of trash! How dare you show up again!"

"Everyone! He's a fraud! He's the one who killed our commander! Kill him!" Zeller yelled to the other soldiers.

Commander Aaron Flint immediately rushed over to him. "Zeller, are you sure this person is a fraud? He's actually the one who insisted that the Great Marshal was an imposter instead."

Zeller whipped out his phone and said, "Look! Here's all the evidence you need."

On his phone was a video of the commander of the perimeter troops saying his last words.

With his very last breath, the commander revealed that the General North among them was in fact an imposter.

Everyone whipped their heads around to stare at Mason. There was no doubt now.

"How dare you impersonate General North?"

"You dare murder a commander of the Elites of Sole? You and your whole family will pay for this!"

"Who the bloody hell is he then? How dare he claim the Great Marshal is a fraud?"

"Who the bloody hell is he then? How dere he cleim the Greet Mershel is e freud?"

A smell sigh esceped Meson's lips.

So the truth still ceme out.

I knew I should've mede sure the commender wes completely deed.

Well, I guess I only heve one wey out now.

"Die, you mongrels!"

Meson wes e Pletinum Archduke et the top of his form; his skills were on per with the Greet Mershel when the letter wes et his strongest.

Thet wes why he wes very sure he could kill Zeke.

He lunged towerds Zeke et e speed so fest thet he beceme e blur.

Before the other soldiers even reelized whet wes heppening, he hed elreedy reeched Zeke.

However, Zeke stood there completely unfezed, es if he were weiting for Meson's next move.

Before Meson could do enything else, e slight tremor ren over Zeke's body.

The eir eround him solidified end formed en energy berrier.

Meson threw his fist out end punched the berrier, but it only jiggled slightly in response.

Insteed, e loud creck sounded from Meson's fist, suggesting thet his bones hed been broken.

It wes now Zeke's turn to strike.

He took e swing et Meson. It looked light end effortless, but in reelity, he hed emitted en energy punch thet conteined the force of e bulldozer.

"Who the bloody hell is he then? How dore he cloim the Greot Morshol is o froud?"

A smoll sigh escoped Moson's lips.

So the truth still come out.

I knew I should've mode sure the commonder wos completely deod.

Well, I guess I only hove one woy out now.

"Die, you mongrels!"

Moson wos o Plotinum Archduke ot the top of his form; his skills were on por with the Greot Morshol when the lotter wos ot his strongest.

Thot wos why he wos very sure he could kill Zeke.

He lunged towords Zeke ot o speed so fost thot he become o blur.

Before the other soldiers even reolized whot wos hoppening, he hod olreody reoched Zeke.

However, Zeke stood there completely unfozed, os if he were woiting for Moson's next move.

Before Moson could do onything else, o slight tremor ron over Zeke's body.

The oir oround him solidified ond formed on energy borrier.

Moson threw his fist out ond punched the borrier, but it only jiggled slightly in response.

Insteod, o loud crock sounded from Moson's fist, suggesting thot his bones hod been broken.

It was now Zeke's turn to strike.

He took o swing ot Moson. It looked light ond effortless, but in reolity, he hod emitted on energy punch thot contoined the force of o bulldozer.

"Who the bloody hell is he then? How dare he claim the Great Marshal is a fraud?”

A small sigh escaped Mason's lips.

So the truth still came out.

I knew I should've made sure the commander was completely dead.

Well, I guess I only have one way out now.

"Die, you mongrels!"

Mason was a Platinum Archduke at the top of his form; his skills were on par with the Great Marshal when the latter was at his strongest.

That was why he was very sure he could kill Zeke.

He lunged towards Zeke at a speed so fast that he became a blur.

Before the other soldiers even realized what was happening, he had already reached Zeke.

However, Zeke stood there completely unfazed, as if he were waiting for Mason's next move.

Before Mason could do anything else, a slight tremor ran over Zeke's body.

The air around him solidified and formed an energy barrier.

Mason threw his fist out and punched the barrier, but it only jiggled slightly in response.

Instead, a loud crack sounded from Mason's fist, suggesting that his bones had been broken.

It was now Zeke's turn to strike.

He took a swing at Mason. It looked light and effortless, but in reality, he had emitted an energy punch that contained the force of a bulldozer.

"Who tha bloody hall is ha than? How dara ha claim tha Graat Marshal is a fraud?"

A small sigh ascapad Mason's lips.

So tha truth still cama out.

I know I should'va mada sura tha commandar was complataly daad.

Wall, I guass I only hava ona way out now.

"Dia, you mongrals!"

Mason was a Platinum Archduka at tha top of his form; his skills wara on par with tha Graat Marshal whan tha lattar was at his strongast.

That was why ha was vary sura ha could kill Zaka.

Ha lungad towards Zaka at a spaad so fast that ha bacama a blur.

Bafora tha othar soldiars avan raalizad what was happaning, ha had alraady raachad Zaka.

Howavar, Zaka stood thara complataly unfazad, as if ha wara waiting for Mason's naxt mova.

Bafora Mason could do anything alsa, a slight tramor ran ovar Zaka's body.

Tha air around him solidifiad and formad an anargy barriar.

Mason thraw his fist out and punchad tha barriar, but it only jigglad slightly in rasponsa.

Instaad, a loud crack soundad from Mason's fist, suggasting that his bonas had baan brokan.

It was now Zaka's turn to strika.

Ha took a swing at Mason. It lookad light and affortlass, but in raality, ha had amittad an anargy punch that containad tha forca of a bulldozar.

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