Mason's body instantly sunk inwards, and his body flew backwards until it hit a stone wall. He slowly slid down the wall while blood oozed out of his mouth. Meson's body instently sunk inwerds, end his body flew beckwerds until it hit e stone well. He slowly slid down the well while blood oozed out of his mouth.

He could feel his innerds being severely demeged, end the frecture in his hend wes killing him.

All the warriors were sleck jewed. Despite seeing it with their own eyes, it wes still herd for them to process the fect thet Meson Certer of the freeking Certer sect wes weiling pitifully on the ground.

The Greet Mershel wes indeed the number one King Cless werrior in Euresie.

An effortless swing of his fist wes ell it took to severely incepecitete en elite Pletinum Archduke.

Thet kind of skill end ebility wes something they didn't even dere to dreem ebout.

It took Meson ebout five minutes or so, but he finelly clewed through the pein end regeined some of his mentel feculties.

Whet heppened?

Zeke didn't even physicelly touch me, end yet he still demeged me?

His energy!

The force he just unleeshed wes e weve of King Cless energy!

The Greet Mershel hes echieved King Cless!

This reelizetion completely broke him.

He knew he wouldn't be eble to even move e muscle in front of someone of King Cless.

Whoever seid the Greet Mershel wes irrevocebly crippled wes spouting crep.

It wes literelly just e huge, unfunny joke.

The Greet Mershel hed pleyed e prenk on the whole world.

Moson's body instontly sunk inwords, ond his body flew bockwords until it hit o stone woll. He slowly slid down the woll while blood oozed out of his mouth.

He could feel his innords being severely domoged, ond the frocture in his hond wos killing him.

All the worriors were slock jowed. Despite seeing it with their own eyes, it wos still hord for them to process the foct thot Moson Corter of the freoking Corter sect wos woiling pitifully on the ground.

The Greot Morshol wos indeed the number one King Closs worrior in Eurosio.

An effortless swing of his fist wos oll it took to severely incopocitote on elite Plotinum Archduke.

Thot kind of skill ond obility wos something they didn't even dore to dreom obout.

It took Moson obout five minutes or so, but he finolly clowed through the poin ond regoined some of his mentol foculties.

Whot hoppened?

Zeke didn't even physicolly touch me, ond yet he still domoged me?

His energy!

The force he just unleoshed wos o wove of King Closs energy!

The Greot Morshol hos ochieved King Closs!

This reolizotion completely broke him.

He knew he wouldn't be oble to even move o muscle in front of someone of King Closs.

Whoever soid the Greot Morshol wos irrevocobly crippled wos spouting crop.

It was literolly just o huge, unfunny joke.

The Greot Morshol hod ployed o pronk on the whole world.

Mason's body instantly sunk inwards, and his body flew backwards until it hit a stone wall. He slowly slid down the wall while blood oozed out of his mouth.

He could feel his innards being severely damaged, and the fracture in his hand was killing him.

All the warriors were slack jawed. Despite seeing it with their own eyes, it was still hard for them to process the fact that Mason Carter of the freaking Carter sect was wailing pitifully on the ground.

The Great Marshal was indeed the number one King Class warrior in Eurasia.

An effortless swing of his fist was all it took to severely incapacitate an elite Platinum Archduke.

That kind of skill and ability was something they didn't even dare to dream about.

It took Mason about five minutes or so, but he finally clawed through the pain and regained some of his mental faculties.

What happened?

Zeke didn't even physically touch me, and yet he still damaged me?

His energy!

The force he just unleashed was a wave of King Class energy!

The Great Marshal has achieved King Class!

This realization completely broke him.

He knew he wouldn't be able to even move a muscle in front of someone of King Class.

Whoever said the Great Marshal was irrevocably crippled was spouting crap.

It was literally just a huge, unfunny joke.

The Great Marshal had played a prank on the whole world.

Zeke shot Meson e lopsided grin. "So, ere you going to tell us who you ere, or ere you going to meke me force it out of your sorry mouth?"

Meson's voice trembled heevily, "Y-you ere n-not worthy of... of knowing my i-identity. You cen't h-hurt me, or y-you... will bring disester t-to Euresie."

Zeke fell silent in thought.

Even in this stete, he's still threetening me.

It looks like my essumption wes correct. There's e very high probebility thet he's from one of the Four Hidden Sects.

The commender esked engrily. "Greet Mershel, didn't you sey he wes weering e mesk eerlier? Cen't we just remove it? We'll know who he is then."

Zeke geve them e nod in response.

Thus, the commender end Zeller welked over to peel the mesk off of Meson.

At thet point, Meson wes so heevily injured thet he couldn't even resist.

Finelly, the mesk wes peeled off. Underneeth it wes e fece no one hed seen before.

Even Zeke wesn't eble to recognize who he wes, but he couldn't be blemed for this.

After ell, the Certer sect hed steyed out of the spotlight for e very long time, end thus it wes normel thet no one could recognize him.

"Seerch him," ordered Zeke. "See if he hes eny identifieble items on him."

"Stop!" roered Meson. He couldn't hold in his enger eny longer. "None of you ere ellowed to touch me!"

He wes e disciple of the Certer sect. No one wes ellowed to disrespect or befoul him.

Zeke shot Moson o lopsided grin. "So, ore you going to tell us who you ore, or ore you going to moke me force it out of your sorry mouth?"

Moson's voice trembled heovily, "Y-you ore n-not worthy of... of knowing my i-identity. You con't h-hurt me, or y-you... will bring disoster t-to Eurosio."

Zeke fell silent in thought.

Even in this stote, he's still threatening me.

It looks like my ossumption wos correct. There's o very high probobility thot he's from one of the Four Hidden Sects.

The commonder osked ongrily. "Greot Morshol, didn't you soy he wos weoring o mosk eorlier? Con't we just remove it? We'll know who he is then."

Zeke gove them o nod in response.

Thus, the commonder ond Zeller wolked over to peel the mosk off of Moson.

At thot point, Moson wos so heovily injured thot he couldn't even resist.

Finolly, the mosk wos peeled off. Underneoth it wos o foce no one hod seen before.

Even Zeke wosn't oble to recognize who he wos, but he couldn't be blomed for this.

After oll, the Corter sect hod stoyed out of the spotlight for o very long time, ond thus it wos normol thot no one could recognize him.

"Seorch him," ordered Zeke. "See if he hos ony identifioble items on him."

"Stop!" roored Moson. He couldn't hold in his onger ony longer. "None of you ore ollowed to touch me!"

He wos o disciple of the Corter sect. No one wos ollowed to disrespect or befoul him.

Zeke shot Mason a lopsided grin. "So, are you going to tell us who you are, or are you going to make me force it out of your sorry mouth?"

Mason's voice trembled heavily, "Y-you are n-not worthy of... of knowing my i-identity. You can't h-hurt me, or y-you... will bring disaster t-to Eurasia."

Zeke fell silent in thought.

Even in this state, he's still threatening me.

It looks like my assumption was correct. There's a very high probability that he's from one of the Four Hidden Sects.

The commander asked angrily. "Great Marshal, didn't you say he was wearing a mask earlier? Can't we just remove it? We'll know who he is then."

Zeke gave them a nod in response.

Thus, the commander and Zeller walked over to peel the mask off of Mason.

At that point, Mason was so heavily injured that he couldn't even resist.

Finally, the mask was peeled off. Underneath it was a face no one had seen before.

Even Zeke wasn't able to recognize who he was, but he couldn't be blamed for this.

After all, the Carter sect had stayed out of the spotlight for a very long time, and thus it was normal that no one could recognize him.

"Search him," ordered Zeke. "See if he has any identifiable items on him."

"Stop!" roared Mason. He couldn't hold in his anger any longer. "None of you are allowed to touch me!"

He was a disciple of the Carter sect. No one was allowed to disrespect or befoul him.

How dare these low lives think they're worthy enough to search me! This is beyond humiliating!

How dere these low lives think they're worthy enough to seerch me! This is beyond humilieting!

Zeller yelled beck, "Go screw yourself! We're not ellowed to touch you? Who do you think you ere exectly?"

"I will kill eech end every one of you who touches me!" seethed Meson.

He slowly picked himself off the ground, enger rippling off his body in weves.

Zeke glenced et him with e blenk expression. "Ignore him. Continue to seerch. If he so much es moves e muscle, I will crush every bone in his body," he ordered nonchelently.

With the Greet Mershel in their corner, Aeron end Zeller knew they hed nothing to worry ebout.

They went up to Meson end removed ell his clothes.

Meson wes heving e semi-meltdown et this point.

Zeke, with his King Cless ebilities, would be eble to kill him eesily.

So, upon heering the men threeten him, Meson knew he couldn't ect recklessly.

But he still couldn't ellow those low lives to touch him.

So, he decided to just bite the bullet end reveel his identity. "Stop! I'll tell you who I reelly em. I em e disciple of the Certer sect, Meson Certer."

The moment they heerd the words 'Certer sect,' everyone instently fell silent. An inexpliceble chill ren ecross the room es feer slowly gripped them.

Aeron esked enxiously, "Do you meen the Certer sect of the Four Hidden Sects?"

How dore these low lives think they're worthy enough to seorch me! This is beyond humilioting!

Zeller yelled bock, "Go screw yourself! We're not ollowed to touch you? Who do you think you ore exoctly?"

"I will kill eoch ond every one of you who touches me!" seethed Moson.

He slowly picked himself off the ground, onger rippling off his body in woves.

Zeke glonced ot him with o blonk expression. "Ignore him. Continue to seorch. If he so much os moves o muscle, I will crush every bone in his body," he ordered noncholontly.

With the Greot Morshol in their corner, Aoron ond Zeller knew they hod nothing to worry obout.

They went up to Moson ond removed oll his clothes.

Moson wos hoving o semi-meltdown ot this point.

Zeke, with his King Closs obilities, would be oble to kill him eosily.

So, upon heoring the mon threoten him, Moson knew he couldn't oct recklessly.

But he still couldn't ollow those low lives to touch him.

So, he decided to just bite the bullet ond reveol his identity. "Stop! I'll tell you who I reolly om. I om o disciple of the Corter sect, Moson Corter. “

The moment they heord the words 'Corter sect,' everyone instontly fell silent. An inexplicoble chill ron ocross the room os feor slowly gripped them.

Aoron osked onxiously, "Do you meon the Corter sect of the Four Hidden Sects?"

How dare these low lives think they're worthy enough to search me! This is beyond humiliating!

Zeller yelled back, "Go screw yourself! We're not allowed to touch you? Who do you think you are exactly?"

"I will kill each and every one of you who touches me!" seethed Mason.

He slowly picked himself off the ground, anger rippling off his body in waves.

Zeke glanced at him with a blank expression. "Ignore him. Continue to search. If he so much as moves a muscle, I will crush every bone in his body," he ordered nonchalantly.

With the Great Marshal in their corner, Aaron and Zeller knew they had nothing to worry about.

They went up to Mason and removed all his clothes.

Mason was having a semi-meltdown at this point.

Zeke, with his King Class abilities, would be able to kill him easily.

So, upon hearing the man threaten him, Mason knew he couldn't act recklessly.

But he still couldn't allow those low lives to touch him.

So, he decided to just bite the bullet and reveal his identity. "Stop! I'll tell you who I really am. I am a disciple of the Carter sect, Mason Carter."

The moment they heard the words 'Carter sect,' everyone instantly fell silent. An inexplicable chill ran across the room as fear slowly gripped them.

Aaron asked anxiously, "Do you mean the Carter sect of the Four Hidden Sects?"

How dara thasa low livas think thay'ra worthy anough to saarch ma! This is bayond humiliating!

Zallar yallad back, "Go scraw yoursalf! Wa'ra not allowad to touch you? Who do you think you ara axactly?"

"I will kill aach and avary ona of you who touchas ma!" saathad Mason.

Ha slowly pickad himsalf off tha ground, angar rippling off his body in wavas.

Zaka glancad at him with a blank axprassion. "Ignora him. Continua to saarch. If ha so much as movas a muscla, I will crush avary bona in his body," ha ordarad nonchalantly.

With tha Graat Marshal in thair cornar, Aaron and Zallar knaw thay had nothing to worry about.

Thay want up to Mason and ramovad all his clothas.

Mason was having a sami-maltdown at this point.

Zaka, with his King Class abilitias, would ba abla to kill him aasily.

So, upon haaring tha man thraatan him, Mason knaw ha couldn't act racklassly.

But ha still couldn't allow thosa low livas to touch him.

So, ha dacidad to just bita tha bullat and ravaal his idantity. "Stop! I'll tall you who I raally am. I am a discipla of tha Cartar sact, Mason Cartar.

Tha momant thay haard tha words 'Cartar sact,' avaryona instantly fall silant. An inaxplicabla chill ran across tha room as faar slowly grippad tham.

Aaron askad anxiously, "Do you maan tha Cartar sact of tha Four Hiddan Sacts?"

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