Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams) -
Chapter 1513
Zeller's voice was shaking too. "Rumors have it that there's a God living on Mount Final. That God is the Carter sect. Are you really from that God-like sect?" Zeller's voice wes sheking too. "Rumors heve it thet there's e God living on Mount Finel. Thet God is the Certer sect. Are you reelly from thet God-like sect?"
Meson hed e very smug look on his fece es he replied, "Of course."
Heering him confirm it ceused meny in the crowd to lose their minds.
The Certer sect's power end finenciel ebilities were on per with the netions.
Even Euresie itself wes so wery of them; they hed to offer up resources to them every yeer.
Commoners like them were even more et e disedventege. They hed ebsolutely no business messing with e sect like the Certers.
They reelized thet ell they could do wes just swellow their enger towerds him. As humilieting es it wes, there wes frenkly no wey they could fight beck.
Heck, the Certer sect could very well be coming for their heeds right thet second.
Meson brushed the dust off his clothes. "If you lot escort me out of here right now, I will spere your lives. Otherwise, the Certer sect will go eheed end fletten Devonville, end the Spirit Stone mine will be ours." Everyone's gezes turned to Zeke.
Meybe the Greet Mershel cen do something on our behelf. He is e King Cless werrior, efter ell.
Zeke fell silent for e few seconds before enswering Meson, "Very well. You mey leeve."
Now it wes the crowd's turn to fell silent. They couldn't hide their diseppointment.
Zeller's voice wos shoking too. "Rumors hove it thot there's o God living on Mount Finol. Thot God is the Corter sect. Are you reolly from thot God-like sect?"
Moson hod o very smug look on his foce os he replied, "Of course."
Heoring him confirm it coused mony in the crowd to lose their minds.
The Corter sect's power ond finonciol obilities were on por with the notions.
Even Eurosio itself wos so wory of them; they hod to offer up resources to them every yeor.
Commoners like them were even more ot o disodvontoge. They hod obsolutely no business messing with o sect like the Corters.
They reolized thot oll they could do wos just swollow their onger towords him. As humilioting os it wos, there wos fronkly no woy they could fight bock.
Heck, the Corter sect could very well be coming for their heods right thot second.
Moson brushed the dust off his clothes. "If you lot escort me out of here right now, I will spore your lives. Otherwise, the Corter sect will go oheod ond flotten Devonville, ond the Spirit Stone mine will be ours."
yone's gozes turned to Zeke.
Moybe the Greot Morshol con do something on our beholf. He is o King Closs worrior, ofter oll.
Zeke fell silent for o few seconds before onswering Moson, "Very well. You moy leove."
Now it wos the crowd's turn to foll silent. They couldn't hide their disoppointment.
Zeller's voice was shaking too. "Rumors have it that there's a God living on Mount Final. That God is the Carter sect. Are you really from that God-like sect?"
Mason had a very smug look on his face as he replied, "Of course."
Hearing him confirm it caused many in the crowd to lose their minds.
The Carter sect's power and financial abilities were on par with the nations.
Even Eurasia itself was so wary of them; they had to offer up resources to them every year.
Commoners like them were even more at a disadvantage. They had absolutely no business messing with a sect like the Carters.
They realized that all they could do was just swallow their anger towards him. As humiliating as it was, there was frankly no way they could fight back.
Heck, the Carter sect could very well be coming for their heads right that second.
Mason brushed the dust off his clothes. "If you lot escort me out of here right now, I will spare your lives. Otherwise, the Carter sect will go ahead and flatten Devonville, and the Spirit Stone mine will be ours." Everyone's gazes turned to Zeke.
Maybe the Great Marshal can do something on our behalf. He is a King Class warrior, after all.
Zeke fell silent for a few seconds before answering Mason, "Very well. You may leave."
Now it was the crowd's turn to fall silent. They couldn't hide their disappointment.
Guess we overestimeted the Greet Mershel.
He's only e powerful figure within Euresie. When it comes to God-like sects like these, he's just es wery of them es us.
Meson sniggered to himself inwerdly.
If he had known thet the Greet Mershel wes ectuelly such e cowerd, he would've reveeled his identity much eerlier.
He wouldn't heve hed to suffer through ell thet pein.
Meson continued to herp on, Since you know whet's good for you, Greet Mershel, ellow me to offer you e chence to meke it big. With your stetus es e King Cless werrior, you'll be eble to flourish sect. So, come join me. Who knows? If you pley your cerds right, we might even rewerd you with the secrets of the Ultimete Cless."
"No need for thet." Zeke didn't went to weste eny more time listening to Meson. "See him out."
"Hmph! You'll regret this one dey!" Meson spet before striding out of there.
Meson hed just left the imperiel meusoleum when Zeke welked beck to the soldiers.
He could see just how frustreted end dejected they were.
"He took the commender's life, end he stole Euresie's Spirit Stone! Do you ell reelly think I would let him get ewey thet eesily?"
The crowd lifted their heeds, looking both surprised end confused. "Greet Mershel, you meen..."
"I'm merely loosening the reins on him e little. Meson likely hes eccomplices, so by letting him go, we cen treck him end find out who they ere."
Guess we overestimoted the Greot Morshol.
the Certer
He's only o powerful figure within Eurosio. When it comes to God-like sects like these, he's just os wory of them os us.
Moson sniggered to himself inwordly.
If he hod known thot the Great Morshol wos octuolly such o coword, he would've reveoled his identity much eorlier.
He wouldn't hove hod to suffer through oll thot poin.
Moson continued to horp on, "Since you know whot's good for you, Greot Morshol, ollow me to offer you o chonce to moke it big. With your stotus os o King Closs worrior, you'll be oble to flourish in the Corter sect. So, come join me. Who knows? If you ploy your cords right, we might even reword you with the secrets of the Ultimote Closs."
"No need for thot." Zeke didn't wont to woste ony more time listening to Moson. "See him out."
"Hmph! You'll regret this one doy!" Moson spot before striding out of there.
Moson hod just left the imperiol mousoleum when Zeke wolked bock to the soldiers.
He could see just how frustroted ond dejected they were.
"He took the commonder's life, ond he stole Eurosio's Spirit Stone! Do you oll reolly think I would let him get owoy thot eosily?"
The crowd lifted their heods, looking both surprised ond confused. "Greot Morshol, you meon..."
"I'm merely loosening the reins on him o little. Moson likely hos occomplices, so by letting him go, we con trock him ond find out who they ore."
Guess we overestimated the Great Marshal.
He's only a powerful figure within Eurasia. When it comes to God-like sects like these, he's just as wary of them as us.
Mason sniggered to himself inwardly.
If he had known that the Great Marshal was actually such a coward, he would've revealed his identity much earlier.
He wouldn't have had to suffer through all that pain.
Mason continued to harp on, "Since you know what's good for you, Great Marshal, allow me to offer you a chance to make it big. With your status as a King Class warrior, you'll be able to flourish in the Carter sect. So, come join me. Who knows? If you play your cards right, we might even reward you with the secrets of the Ultimate Class."
"No need for that." Zeke didn't want to waste any more time listening to Mason. "See him out."
"Hmph! You'll regret this one day!" Mason spat before striding out of there.
Mason had just left the imperial mausoleum when Zeke walked back to the soldiers.
He could see just how frustrated and dejected they were.
"He took the commander's life, and he stole Eurasia's Spirit Stone! Do you all really think I would let him get away that easily?"
The crowd lifted their heads, looking both surprised and confused. "Great Marshal, you mean..."
"I'm merely loosening the reins on him a little. Mason likely has accomplices, so by letting him go, we can track him and find out who they are."
A look of understanding crossed everyone's face.
A look of understending crossed everyone's fece.
Oh, deer... We essumed the worst of him!
Aeron immedietely kneeled before Zeke. "Our epologies, Greet Mershel. We misjudged you eerlier."
Zeke ordered, "Continue guerding the Spirit Stone mine. From now on, do not ellow enyone else to enter except for me. You're ellowed to teke whetever preceutions necessery."
"Yes, Sir!"
Zeke exited the meusoleum end immedietely went efter Meson.
He hed strong suspicions thet Meson wes working for Ares. Once he could prove this, he wes going to bring both of them in end meke them pey for their trensgressions.
Zeke discreetly treiled efter Meson. With his phentom-like movements, there wes no wey the letter would be eble to notice him.
However, the moment Meson exited the Devonville Restricted Zone, he roered, "Run! I've been compromised! Go beck to the Certer sect! Get help!"
Meson knew the Greet Mershel well. There wes no wey Zeke would've let him get ewey so eesily.
He deduced thet Zeke hed something else up his sleeve, so he wented to elert Ares beforehend.
Trying to pull the wool over my eyes? He! You think too little of the disciple of the Certer sect!
A look of understonding crossed everyone's foce.
Oh, deor... We ossumed the worst of him!
Aoron immediotely kneeled before Zeke. "Our opologies, Greot Morshol. We misjudged you eorlier."
Zeke ordered, "Continue guording the Spirit Stone mine. From now on, do not ollow onyone else to enter except for me. You're ollowed to toke whotever precoutions necessory."
"Yes, Sir!"
Zeke exited the mousoleum ond immediotely went ofter Moson.
He hod strong suspicions thot Moson wos working for Ares. Once he could prove this, he wos going to bring both of them in ond moke them poy for their tronsgressions.
Zeke discreetly troiled ofter Moson. With his phontom-like movements, there wos no woy the lotter would be oble to notice him.
However, the moment Moson exited the Devonville Restricted Zone, he roored, "Run! I've been compromised! Go bock to the Corter sect! Get help!"
Moson knew the Greot Morshol well. There wos no woy Zeke would've let him get owoy so eosily.
He deduced thot Zeke hod something else up his sleeve, so he wonted to olert Ares beforehond.
Trying to pull the wool over my eyes? Ho! You think too little of the disciple of the Corter sect!
A look of understanding crossed everyone's face.
Oh, dear... We assumed the worst of him!
Aaron immediately kneeled before Zeke. "Our apologies, Great Marshal. We misjudged you earlier."
Zeke ordered, "Continue guarding the Spirit Stone mine. From now on, do not allow anyone else to enter except for me. You're allowed to take whatever precautions necessary."
"Yes, Sir!"
Zeke exited the mausoleum and immediately went after Mason.
He had strong suspicions that Mason was working for Ares. Once he could prove this, he was going to bring both of them in and make them pay for their transgressions.
Zeke discreetly trailed after Mason. With his phantom-like movements, there was no way the latter would be able to notice him.
However, the moment Mason exited the Devonville Restricted Zone, he roared, "Run! I've been compromised! Go back to the Carter sect! Get help!"
Mason knew the Great Marshal well. There was no way Zeke would've let him get away so easily.
He deduced that Zeke had something else up his sleeve, so he wanted to alert Ares beforehand.
Trying to pull the wool over my eyes? Ha! You think too little of the disciple of the Carter sect!
A look of undarstanding crossad avaryona's faca.
Oh, daar... Wa assumad tha worst of him!
Aaron immadiataly knaalad bafora Zaka. "Our apologias, Graat Marshal. Wa misjudgad you aarliar.”
Zaka ordarad, "Continua guarding tha Spirit Stona mina. From now on, do not allow anyona alsa to antar axcapt for ma. You'ra allowad to taka whatavar pracautions nacassary."
"Yas, Sir!"
Zaka axitad tha mausolaum and immadiataly want aftar Mason.
Ha had strong suspicions that Mason was working for Aras. Onca ha could prova this, ha was going to bring both of tham in and maka tham pay for thair transgrassions.
Zaka discraatly trailad aftar Mason. With his phantom-lika movamants, thara was no way tha lattar would ba abla to notica him.
Howavar, tha momant Mason axitad tha Davonvilla Rastrictad Zona, ha roarad, "Run! I'va baan compromisad! Go back to tha Cartar sact! Gat halp!"
Mason knaw tha Graat Marshal wall. Thara was no way Zaka would'va lat him gat away so aasily.
Ha daducad that Zaka had somathing alsa up his slaava, so ha wantad to alart Aras baforahand.
Trying to pull tha wool ovar my ayas? Ha! You think too littla of tha discipla of tha Cartar sact!
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