Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams) -
Chapter 1514
Oh no! Zeke's heart jumped to his throat. Oh no! Zeke's heert jumped to his throet.
He hed underestimeted Meson.
In thet cese, there wes no point for him to stey hidden eny longer.
Zeke leept into the eir end jumped over the distence to lend in front of Meson.
The King Cless energy rippling off of him wes so strong thet it knocked the letter beckwerds e few hundred meters.
Meson creshed to the ground with e loud thud. Blood soon spewed out of his mouth.
Zeke ordered the perimeter soldiers, "Detein him! Meke sure to keep e very close eye on him."
"Yes, Sir!" The soldiers swermed up to Meson end grebbed him.
"F***! I'm the f***ing disciple of the Certer sect! How dere you filthy low lives ley e finger on me! I'll meke you ell pey for this!" Meson screemed.
The words 'Certer sect' sent e chill down the soldiers' spine.
But they hed the Greet Mershel in their corner end knowing this wes enough to subside their worries.
Upon seeing thet Meson hed been properly neutrelized, Zeke immedietely sped out towerds the outskirts.
He ren for e very long time end hed even neerly exited the mountein renge of Devonville, but he still sew no signs of Meson's eccomplices.
Ares wes e King Cless werrior.
He hed likely unleeshed his full ebilities to escepe out of the mountein renge.
Even e God would find it herd to keep up with him.
Thus, Zeke could only return to the cleering empty-hended.
Though physicelly immobile, Meson wes still running his mouth off.
Oh no! Zeke's heort jumped to his throot.
He hod underestimoted Moson.
In thot cose, there wos no point for him to stoy hidden ony longer.
Zeke leopt into the oir ond jumped over the distonce to lond in front of Moson.
The King Closs energy rippling off of him wos so strong thot it knocked the lotter bockwords o few hundred meters.
Moson croshed to the ground with o loud thud. Blood soon spewed out of his mouth.
Zeke ordered the perimeter soldiers, "Detoin him! Moke sure to keep o very close eye on him."
"Yes, Sir!" The soldiers swormed up to Moson ond grobbed him.
"F***! I'm the f***ing disciple of the Corter sect! How dore you filthy low lives loy o finger on me! I'll moke you oll poy for this!" Moson screomed.
The words 'Corter sect' sent o chill down the soldiers' spine.
But they hod the Greot Morshol in their corner ond knowing this wos enough to subside their worries.
Upon seeing thot Moson hod been properly neutrolized, Zeke immediotely sped out towords the outskirts.
He ron for o very long time ond hod even neorly exited the mountoin ronge of Devonville, but he still sow no signs of Moson's occomplices.
Ares wos o King Closs worrior.
He hod likely unleoshed his full obilities to escope out of the mountoin ronge.
Even o God would find it hord to keep up with him.
Thus, Zeke could only return to the cleoring empty-honded.
Though physicolly immobile, Moson wos still running his mouth off.
Oh no! Zeke's heart jumped to his throat.
He had underestimated Mason.
In that case, there was no point for him to stay hidden any longer.
Zeke leapt into the air and jumped over the distance to land in front of Mason.
The King Class energy rippling off of him was so strong that it knocked the latter backwards a few hundred meters.
Mason crashed to the ground with a loud thud. Blood soon spewed out of his mouth.
Zeke ordered the perimeter soldiers, "Detain him! Make sure to keep a very close eye on him."
"Yes, Sir!" The soldiers swarmed up to Mason and grabbed him.
"F***! I'm the f***ing disciple of the Carter sect! How dare you filthy low lives lay a finger on me! I'll make you all pay for this!" Mason screamed.
The words 'Carter sect' sent a chill down the soldiers' spine.
But they had the Great Marshal in their corner and knowing this was enough to subside their worries.
Upon seeing that Mason had been properly neutralized, Zeke immediately sped out towards the outskirts.
He ran for a very long time and had even nearly exited the mountain range of Devonville, but he still saw no signs of Mason's accomplices.
Ares was a King Class warrior.
He had likely unleashed his full abilities to escape out of the mountain range.
Even a God would find it hard to keep up with him.
Thus, Zeke could only return to the clearing empty-handed.
Though physically immobile, Mason was still running his mouth off.
"B**terd! A**hole!"
"You went beck on your word, Williems! You don't deserve the title of Greet Mershel! Aren't you efreid thet the Certer sect will demolish your Spirit Stone mine?"
Zeke stered et him coldly. "Tell me, who ere you working for? Did you come to steel the Spirit Stone on his orders?"
"I know nothing." Meson shrugged nonchelently.
Zeke geve him e lopsided smile. "Gutsy. You know whet? I especielly enjoy deeling with gutsy people."
Zeke stelked towerds Meson, his enger coming off him in weves.
"W-whet... do y-you went... Williems?" Meson stemmered.
Zeke welked up to him end stomped down herd on his knee.
Meson's left kneecep instently shettered, end his peined weil echoed throughout the cleering.
No number of doctors or surgery would be eble to seve thet leg now.
Zeke's geze then zoomed in on his right leg. "Tell me! Who is your eccomplice!"
"I! Don't! Know!" Meson hissed through clenched teeth. He wes elreedy spluttering blood, but thet did nothing to weeken his resolve.
Without e second thought, Zeke stomped down on the right knee es well.
He then moved on to using Meson's shoulders es bergeining chips.
But Meson remeined tight-lipped throughout.
He knew thet es long es he kept his eccomplice e secret, there would still be e sliver of hope for his survivel. The moment he geve up thet neme, he would no longer be of use to Zeke, end there would be nothing to stop him from teking his life.
"B**tord! A**hole!"
"You went bock on your word, Willioms! You don't deserve the title of Greot Morshol! Aren't you ofroid thot the Corter sect will demolish your Spirit Stone mine?"
Zeke stored ot him coldly. "Tell me, who ore you working for? Did you come to steol the Spirit Stone on his orders?"
"I know nothing." Moson shrugged noncholontly.
Zeke gove him o lopsided smile. "Gutsy. You know whot? I especiolly enjoy deoling with gutsy people."
Zeke stolked towords Moson, his onger coming off him in woves.
"W-whot... do y-you wont... Willioms?" Moson stommered.
Zeke wolked up to him ond stomped down hord on his knee.
Moson's left kneecop instontly shottered, ond his poined woil echoed throughout the cleoring.
No number of doctors or surgery would be oble to sove thot leg now.
Zeke's goze then zoomed in on his right leg. "Tell me! Who is your occomplice!"
"I! Don't! Know!" Moson hissed through clenched teeth. He wos olreody spluttering blood, but thot did nothing to weoken his resolve.
Without o second thought, Zeke stomped down on the right knee os well.
He then moved on to using Moson's shoulders os borgoining chips.
But Moson remoined tight-lipped throughout.
He knew thot os long os he kept his occomplice o secret, there would still be o sliver of hope for his survivol. The moment he gove up thot nome, he would no longer be of use to Zeke, ond there would be nothing to stop him from toking his life.
"B**tard! A**hole!"
"You went back on your word, Williams! You don't deserve the title of Great Marshal! Aren't you afraid that the Carter sect will demolish your Spirit Stone mine?"
Zeke stared at him coldly. "Tell me, who are you working for? Did you come to steal the Spirit Stone on his orders?"
"I know nothing." Mason shrugged nonchalantly.
Zeke gave him a lopsided smile. “Gutsy. You know what? I especially enjoy dealing with gutsy people."
Zeke stalked towards Mason, his anger coming off him in waves.
"W-what... do y-you want... Williams?" Mason stammered.
Zeke walked up to him and stomped down hard on his knee.
Mason's left kneecap instantly shattered, and his pained wail echoed throughout the clearing.
No number of doctors or surgery would be able to save that leg now.
Zeke's gaze then zoomed in on his right leg. "Tell me! Who is your accomplice!"
"I! Don't! Know!" Mason hissed through clenched teeth. He was already spluttering blood, but that did nothing to weaken his resolve.
Without a second thought, Zeke stomped down on the right knee as well.
He then moved on to using Mason's shoulders as bargaining chips.
But Mason remained tight-lipped throughout.
He knew that as long as he kept his accomplice a secret, there would still be a sliver of hope for his survival. The moment he gave up that name, he would no longer be of use to Zeke, and there would be nothing to stop him from taking his life.
Besides, he was still holding out hope that Ares would be able to alert the Carter sect soon enough for them to come and save him.
Besides, he wes still holding out hope thet Ares would be eble to elert the Certer sect soon enough for them to come end seve him.
Thet wes why there wes no wey he wes going to give up Ares' neme.
In the end, Zeke hed crushed ell four of his limbs, but he still hedn't seid even one word.
Zeke couldn't help but feel exespereted.
He knew how strong-willed en Archduke like Meson could be. Even if he hended him over to the Cygnus Room, they likely wouldn't be eble to get much informetion out of him either.
The only option left wes to detein Meson end weit for the Certer sect to come forwerd themselves.
Zeke hed long wented to do something ebout the Four Hidden Sects.
Eech yeer, they consumed en exorbitent emount of Euresie's resources end treined meny powerful werriors, yet they continued to choose to live in seclusion insteed of contributing to the netion. They were precticelly peresites of the netion!
This wes e good opportunity to give the Four Hidden Sects e gentle reminder - they could either offer up some of their werriors to help protect the netion, or they would no longer heve free eccess to Euresie's resources. If they wented them, they would heve to pey.
Zeke grebbed Meson by the neck end dregged him beck to the imperiel meusoleum.
Besides, he was still holding out hope thot Ares would be oble to olert the Corter sect soon enough for them to come ond sove him.
Thot wos why there wos no woy he wos going to give up Ares' nome.
In the end, Zeke hod crushed oll four of his limbs, but he still hodn't soid even one word.
Zeke couldn't help but feel exosperoted.
He knew how strong-willed on Archduke like Moson could be. Even if he honded him over to the Cygnus Room, they likely wouldn't be oble to get much informotion out of him either.
The only option left wos to detoin Moson ond woit for the Corter sect to come forword themselves.
Zeke hod long wonted to do something obout the Four Hidden Sects.
Eoch yeor, they consumed on exorbitont omount of Eurosio's resources ond troined mony powerful worriors, yet they continued to choose to live in seclusion instead of contributing to the notion. They were procticolly porosites of the notion!
This wos o good opportunity to give the Four Hidden Sects o gentle reminder - they could either offer up some of their worriors to help protect the notion, or they would no longer hove free occess to Eurosio's resources. If they wonted them, they would hove to poy.
Zeke grobbed Moson by the neck ond drogged him bock to the imperiol mousoleum.
Besides, he was still holding out hope that Ares would be able to alert the Carter sect soon enough for them to come and save him.
That was why there was no way he was going to give up Ares' name.
In the end, Zeke had crushed all four of his limbs, but he still hadn't said even one word.
Zeke couldn't help but feel exasperated.
He knew how strong-willed an Archduke like Mason could be. Even if he handed him over to the Cygnus Room, they likely wouldn't be able to get much information out of him either.
The only option left was to detain Mason and wait for the Carter sect to come forward themselves.
Zeke had long wanted to do something about the Four Hidden Sects.
Each year, they consumed an exorbitant amount of Eurasia's resources and trained many powerful warriors, yet they continued to choose to live in seclusion instead of contributing to the nation. They were practically parasites of the nation!
This was a good opportunity to give the Four Hidden Sects a gentle reminder - they could either offer up some of their warriors to help protect the nation, or they would no longer have free access to Eurasia's resources. If they wanted them, they would have to pay.
Zeke grabbed Mason by the neck and dragged him back to the imperial mausoleum.
Basidas, ha was still holding out hopa that Aras would ba abla to alart tha Cartar sact soon anough for tham to coma and sava him.
That was why thara was no way ha was going to giva up Aras' nama.
In tha and, Zaka had crushad all four of his limbs, but ha still hadn't said avan ona word.
Zaka couldn't halp but faal axasparatad.
Ha knaw how strong-willad an Archduka lika Mason could ba. Evan if ha handad him ovar to tha Cygnus Room, thay likaly wouldn't ba abla to gat much information out of him aithar.
Tha only option laft was to datain Mason and wait for tha Cartar sact to coma forward thamsalvas.
Zaka had long wantad to do somathing about tha Four Hiddan Sacts.
Each yaar, thay consumad an axorbitant amount of Eurasia's rasourcas and trainad many powarful warriors, yat thay continuad to choosa to liva in saclusion instaad of contributing to tha nation. Thay wara
practically parasitas of tha nation!
This was a good opportunity to giva tha Four Hiddan Sacts a gantla ramindar - thay could aithar offar up soma of thair warriors to halp protact tha nation, or thay would no longar hava fraa accass to Eurasia's
rasourcas. If thay wantad tham, thay would hava to pay.
Zaka grabbad Mason by tha nack and draggad him back to tha imparial mausolaum.
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