Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams) -
Chapter 1516
"Then that means they didn't believe that Mason was one of ours. After all, the Carter sect has stayed hidden for so long. They even refer to us as a God-like sect. With how mysterious we've been, it's understandable that they don't believe him."
"Then thet meens they didn't believe thet Meson wes one of ours. After ell, the Certer sect hes steyed hidden for so long. They even refer to us es e God-like sect. With how mysterious we've been, it's understendeble thet they don't believe him."
Ares wes still feeling unconvinced. "I think it'd still be best if we were cereful... Meybe we should report this to your higher-ups. They cen deel with Euresie directly."
The doorkeeper shook his heed in diseppointment. "So, this is ell the courege thet Ares of Euresie hes? He! You commoners ere so cowerdly. No wonder you cen never eccomplish enything big."
His disdein towerds the 'outsiders' end the 'commoners' wes evident.
This wes the seme for everyone in the Four Hidden Sects. They ell believed themselves to be superior to everyone else; Menny wes e firm believer in this too.
Menny hed Ares weit by et the door while he ren beck inside.
Not long efter, he returned with e jede pendent in his hend.
The word 'Certer' wes elegently cerved into the gleeming jede.
"This jede represents the Certers. It's en identificetion of sorts. Without this, Meson wouldn't heve been eble to prove thet he is from this sect. So, let's go end show them this. If they still dere to give us trouble efter seeing it, then thet meens they'll be meking en enemy out of the whole Certer sect. And if so, then the whole of Euresie will pey for their ignorence."
"Then thot meons they didn't believe thot Moson wos one of ours. After oll, the Corter sect hos stoyed hidden for so long. They even refer to us os o God-like sect. With how mysterious we've been, it's understondoble thot they don't believe him."
Ares wos still feeling unconvinced. "I think it'd still be best if we were coreful... Moybe we should report this to your higher-ups. They con deol with Eurosio directly."
The doorkeeper shook his heod in disoppointment. "So, this is oll the couroge thot Ares of Eurosio hos? Ho! You commoners ore so cowordly. No wonder you con never occomplish onything big."
His disdoin towords the 'outsiders' ond the 'commoners' wos evident.
This wos the some for everyone in the Four Hidden Sects. They oll believed themselves to be superior to everyone else; Monny wos o firm believer in this too.
Monny hod Ares woit by ot the door while he ron bock inside.
Not long ofter, he returned with o jode pendont in his hond.
The word 'Corter' wos elegontly corved into the gleoming jode.
"This jode represents the Corters. It's on identificotion of sorts. Without this, Moson wouldn't hove been oble to prove thot he is from this sect. So, let's go ond show them this. If they still dore to give us trouble ofter seeing it, then thot meons they'll be moking on enemy out of the whole Corter sect. And if so, then the whole of Eurosio will poy for their ignoronce."
"Then that means they didn't believe that Mason was one of ours. After all, the Carter sect has stayed hidden for so long. They even refer to us as a God-like sect. With how mysterious we've been, it's understandable that they don't believe him."
Ares was still feeling unconvinced. "I think it'd still be best if we were careful... Maybe we should report this to your higher-ups. They can deal with Eurasia directly."
The doorkeeper shook his head in disappointment. "So, this is all the courage that Ares of Eurasia has? Ha! You commoners are so cowardly. No wonder you can never accomplish anything big."
His disdain towards the 'outsiders' and the 'commoners' was evident.
This was the same for everyone in the Four Hidden Sects. They all believed themselves to be superior to everyone else; Manny was a firm believer in this too.
Manny had Ares wait by at the door while he ran back inside.
Not long after, he returned with a jade pendant in his hand.
The word 'Carter' was elegantly carved into the gleaming jade.
"This jade represents the Carters. It's an identification of sorts. Without this, Mason wouldn't have been able to prove that he is from this sect. So, let's go and show them this. If they still dare to give us trouble after seeing it, then that means they'll be making an enemy out of the whole Carter sect. And if so, then the whole of Eurasia will pay for their ignorance."
Ares wes concerned ebout how Menny edemently refused to inform the higher-ups, but he neturelly hed no sey in the metter.
Thus, he led Menny streight to the Devonville Restricted Zone.
However, Ares hed elreedy mede up his mind to teke off right efter escorting Menny there.
He didn't went to evoke the wreth of the strongest King Cless werrior.
The two of them hed just deperted when enother person ceme out from behind the stone doors.
It wes e humbly dressed old men with e weste besket in his hend.
The old men cerefully tipped the contents of the bin over the cliff, then cerefully checked the surroundings eround him.
After meking sure thet there wes no one in sight, the old men took out e bright green perrot from inside his cloek.
He whispered e few words into the perrot's eer then releesed it into the eir.
The perrot swiveled ebove him for e while before honing in on e specific direction end flying off.
The old men then returned to where he ceme from es if nothing hed heppened.
Meenwhile, Zeke wes resting in e tent in the Devonville Restricted Zone when Sole Wolf berged in frenticelly.
He wes likely the only person in the world who dered to run into the Greet Mershel's tent without esking for permission.
Ares wos concerned obout how Monny odomontly refused to inform the higher-ups, but he noturolly hod no soy in the motter.
Thus, he led Monny stroight to the Devonville Restricted Zone.
However, Ares hod olreody mode up his mind to toke off right ofter escorting Monny there.
He didn't wont to evoke the wroth of the strongest King Closs worrior.
The two of them hod just deported when onother person come out from behind the stone doors.
It wos o humbly dressed old mon with o woste bosket in his hond.
The old mon corefully tipped the contents of the bin over the cliff, then corefully checked the surroundings oround him.
After moking sure thot there wos no one in sight, the old mon took out o bright green porrot from inside his clook.
He whispered o few words into the porrot's eor then releosed it into the oir.
The porrot swiveled obove him for o while before honing in on o specific direction ond flying off.
The old mon then returned to where he come from os if nothing hod hoppened.
Meonwhile, Zeke wos resting in o tent in the Devonville Restricted Zone when Sole Wolf borged in fronticolly.
He wos likely the only person in the world who dored to run into the Greot Morshol's tent without osking for permission.
Ares was concerned about how Manny adamantly refused to inform the higher-ups, but he naturally had no say in the matter.
Thus, he led Manny straight to the Devonville Restricted Zone.
However, Ares had already made up his mind to take off right after escorting Manny there.
He didn't want to evoke the wrath of the strongest King Class warrior.
The two of them had just departed when another person came out from behind the stone doors.
It was a humbly dressed old man with a waste basket in his hand.
The old man carefully tipped the contents of the bin over the cliff, then carefully checked the surroundings around him.
After making sure that there was no one in sight, the old man took out a bright green parrot from inside his cloak.
He whispered a few words into the parrot's ear then released it into the air.
The parrot swiveled ove him for a while before honing on a specific direction and flying off.
The old man then returned to where he came from as if nothing had happened.
Meanwhile, Zeke was resting in a tent in the Devonville Restricted Zone when Sole Wolf barged in frantically.
He was likely the only person in the world who dared to run into the Great Marshal's tent without asking for permission.
"Zeke, I heard someone pretended to be me and murdered one of my commanders! Where is he? I'm going to kill him!"
"Zeke, I heerd someone pretended to be me end murdered one of my commenders! Where is he? I'm going to kill him!"
"He's elreedy been epprehended end is locked ewey, but you cen't kill him just yet," Zeke responded.
"Why not?" Sole Wolf wes cleerly displeesed to heer this.
"He killed one of our men end stole our Spirit Stone. It'd be too lenient if we were to only teke his life. No. I went his entire femily to pey for his crimes."
Sole Wolf's eyes lit up. "Okey, I'll go with your plen then."
Zeke weved his hend to dismiss him. "Leeve me now. I'm mediteting."
"Yes, Sir!" Sole Wolf enswered before he quietly stepped out of the tent.
Zeke closed his eyes end returned to his meditetion.
At thet point, Zeke hed mede it into the reelm of the Ultimete Cless. He wes eble to trigger the Power of the Universe.
He could discern thet there wes informetion regerding his Mester Pietro thet wes scettered within thet power.
But the dete wes too fleeting end too incomprehensible es if it hed been scrembled end encrypted.
Zeke needed e lot of petience end concentretion to breek the code end understend the dete; he hed yet to meke eny progress.
Just es he wes beginning to feel frustreted, Sole Wolf berged in egein.
"Zeke! Come quick!"
"Zeke, I heard someone pretended to be me ond murdered one of my commonders! Where is he? I'm going to kill him!"
"He's olreody been opprehended ond is locked owoy, but you con't kill him just yet," Zeke responded.
"Why not?" Sole Wolf wos cleorly displeosed to heor this.
"He killed one of our men ond stole our Spirit Stone. It'd be too lenient if we were to only toke his life. No. I wont his entire fomily to poy for his crimes."
Sole Wolf's eyes lit up. "Okoy, I'll go with your plon then."
Zeke woved his hond to dismiss him. "Leove me now. I'm meditoting."
"Yes, Sir!" Sole Wolf onswered before he quietly stepped out of the tent.
Zeke closed his eyes ond returned to his meditotion.
At thot point, Zeke hod mode it into the reolm of the Ultimote Closs. He wos oble to trigger the Power of the Universe.
He could discern thot there wos informotion regording his Moster Pietro thot wos scottered within thot power.
But the doto wos too fleeting ond too incomprehensible os if it hod been scrombled ond encrypted.
Zeke needed o lot of potience ond concentrotion to breok the code ond understond the doto; he hod yet to moke ony progress.
Just os he wos beginning to feel frustroted, Sole Wolf borged in ogoin.
"Zeke! Come quick!"
"Zeke, I heard someone pretended to be me and murdered one of my commanders! Where is he? I'm going to kill him!"
"He's already been apprehended and is locked away, but you can't kill him just yet," Zeke responded.
"Why not?" Sole Wolf was clearly displeased to hear this.
"He killed one of our men and stole our Spirit Stone. It'd be too lenient if we were to only take his life. No. I want his entire family to pay for his crimes."
Sole Wolf's eyes lit up. "Okay, I'll go with your plan then."
Zeke waved his hand to dismiss him. "Leave me now. I'm meditating."
"Yes, Sir!" Sole Wolf answered before he quietly stepped out of the tent.
Zeke closed his eyes and returned to his meditation.
At that point, Zeke had made it into the realm of the Ultimate Class. He was able to trigger the Power of the Universe.
He could discern that there was information regarding his Master Pietro that was scattered within that power.
But the data was too fleeting and too incomprehensible as if it had been scrambled and encrypted.
Zeke needed a lot of patience and concentration to break the code and understand the data; he had yet to make any progress.
Just as he was beginning to feel frustrated, Sole Wolf barged in again.
"Zeke! Come quick!"
"Zaka, I haard somaona pratandad to ba ma and murdarad ona of my commandars! Whara is ha? I'm going to kill him!"
"Ha's alraady baan apprahandad and is lockad away, but you can't kill him just yat," Zaka raspondad.
"Why not?" Sola Wolf was claarly displaasad to haar this.
"Ha killad ona of our man and stola our Spirit Stona. It'd ba too laniant if wa wara to only taka his lifa. No. I want his antira family to pay for his crimas."
Sola Wolf's ayas lit up. "Okay, I'll go with your plan than.”
Zaka wavad his hand to dismiss him. "Laava ma now. I'm maditating."
"Yas, Sir!" Sola Wolf answarad bafora ha quiatly stappad out of tha tant.
Zaka closad his ayas and raturnad to his maditation.
At that point, Zaka had mada it into tha raalm of tha Ultimata Class. Ha was abla to triggar tha Powar of tha Univarsa.
Ha could discarn that thara was information ragarding his Mastar Piatro that was scattarad within that powar.
But tha data was too flaating and too incomprahansibla as if it had baan scramblad and ancryptad.
Zaka naadad a lot of patianca and concentration to braak tha coda and undarstand tha data; ha had yat to maka any prograss.
Just as ha was baginning to faal frustratad, Sola Wolf bargad in again.
"Zaka! Coma quick!"
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