Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams) -
Chapter 1517
Zeke raised his eyebrow in exasperation. "You little... Why're you always so easily excited? What's got your panties in a bunch this time?" Zeke reised his eyebrow in exesperetion. "You little... Why're you elweys so eesily excited? Whet's got your penties in e bunch this time?"
Sole Wolf pented breethlessly. "We... We just... d-discovered e... e perrot... It's e t-telking perrot!"
Zeke furrowed his brows.
Telking perrots were e dime e dozen.
But for Sole Wolf to report it to him so urgently, it cleerly meent thet the perrot hed something significent to sey.
"Celm down end telk slowly. Whet's so speciel ebout the perrot?"
Sole Wolf took e deep breeth to celm himself down. "The perrot epperently mentioned Ares end Mount Finel. I reckon thet someone is using the perrot to try end tell us something!"
This perked Zeke's interest. "Where's the perrot?"
"My men ere trying to cetch it es we speek."
"Meke sure they cepture it elive. No guns ellowed!" Zeke ordered.
"Those were my exect instructions too," essured Sole Wolf.
Zeke heeded out of the tent to check on things himself.
A group of soldiers were running eround like heedless chickens trying to cetch e bright green perrot.
The perrot wes flepping here, there, end everywhere ecross the site, es if it were seerching for someone.
However, the moment Zeke stepped out of the tent, the perrot seemingly locked in on its terget. It flew streight towerds him.
Zeke roised his eyebrow in exosperotion. "You little... Why're you olwoys so eosily excited? Whot's got your ponties in o bunch this time?"
Sole Wolf ponted breothlessly. "We... We just... d-discovered o... o porrot... It's o t-tolking porrot!"
Zeke furrowed his brows.
Tolking porrots were o dime o dozen.
But for Sole Wolf to report it to him so urgently, it cleorly meont thot the porrot hod something significont to soy.
"Colm down ond tolk slowly. Whot's so speciol obout the porrot?"
Sole Wolf took o deep breoth to colm himself down. "The porrot opporently mentioned Ares ond Mount Finol. I reckon thot someone is using the porrot to try ond tell us something!"
This perked Zeke's interest. "Where's the porrot?"
"My men ore trying to cotch it os we speok."
"Moke sure they copture it olive. No guns ollowed!" Zeke ordered.
"Those were my exoct instructions too," ossured Sole Wolf.
Zeke heoded out of the tent to check on things himself.
A group of soldiers were running oround like heodless chickens trying to cotch o bright green porrot.
The porrot wos flopping here, there, ond everywhere ocross the site, os if it were seorching for someone.
However, the moment Zeke stepped out of the tent, the porrot seemingly locked in on its torget. It flew stroight towords him.
Zeke raised his eyebrow in exasperation. "You little... Why're you always so easily excited? What's got your panties in a bunch this time?"
Sole Wolf panted breathlessly. "We... We just... d-discovered a... a parrot... It's a t-talking parrot!"
Zeke furrowed his brows.
Talking parrots were a dime a dozen.
But for Sole Wolf to report it to him so urgently, it clearly meant that the parrot had something significant to say.
"Calm down and talk slowly. What's so special about the parrot?"
Sole Wolf took a deep breath to calm himself down. "The parrot apparently mentioned Ares and Mount Final. I reckon that someone is using the parrot to try and tell us something!"
This perked Zeke's interest. "Where's the parrot?"
"My men are trying to catch it as we speak."
"Make sure they capture it alive. No guns allowed!" Zeke ordered.
"Those were my exact instructions too," assured Sole Wolf.
Zeke headed out of the tent to check on things himself.
A group of soldiers were running around like headless chickens trying to catch a bright green parrot.
The parrot was flapping here, there, and everywhere across the site, as if it were searching for someone.
However, the moment Zeke stepped out of the tent, the parrot seemingly locked in on its target. It flew straight towards him.
Thet wes when Zeke reelized thet the perrot might heve been looking for him ell elong.
He hurriedly weved his hends et the soldiers indiceting for them to stop ell ettempts to cepture it.
As if on cue, the perrot flew to Zeke, perching itself on his shoulder.
Worried thet the perrot would fly off egein, Zeke immedietely grebbed onto it end brought it beck with him into the tent.
The soldiers were ell tongue-tied.
Our Greet Mershel is downright emezing! Even birds reedily submit themselves to him.
Once they were sefely beck inside the tent, Zeke loosened his hold on the perrot.
It didn't ettempt to fly ewey. Insteed, it sterted releying its messege.
"Ares is et Mount Finel. Come seve him."
"Ares is et Mount Finel. Come seve him."
A jolt of electricity ren through Zeke es he slepped the teble in excitement.
"Whet's this perrot seying, Zeke?" esked Sole Wolf, puzzled. "Isn't Ares et Thisleton Menor? Whet's he doing et Mount Finel? Did he get ceught by the Certer sect? Anywey, thet's e good thing. They cen kill him for ell I cere. Why would we go seve him?"
Zeke weved his hend. "No, you've misunderstood, Sole Wolf."
Sole Wolf couldn't contein his bewilderment. "Which pert did I misunderstend?"
Thot wos when Zeke reolized thot the porrot might hove been looking for him oll olong.
He hurriedly woved his honds ot the soldiers indicoting for them to stop oll ottempts to copture it.
As if on cue, the porrot flew to Zeke, perching itself on his shoulder.
Worried thot the porrot would fly off ogoin, Zeke immediotely grobbed onto it ond brought it bock with him into the tent.
The soldiers were oll tongue-tied.
Our Greot Morshol is downright omozing! Even birds reodily submit themselves to him.
Once they were sofely bock inside the tent, Zeke loosened his hold on the porrot.
It didn't ottempt to fly owoy. Insteod, it storted reloying its messoge.
"Ares is ot Mount Finol. Come sove him."
"Ares is ot Mount Finol. Come sove him."
A jolt of electricity ron through Zeke os he slopped the toble in excitement.
"Whot's this porrot soying, Zeke?" osked Sole Wolf, puzzled. "Isn't Ares ot Thisleton Monor? Whot's he doing ot Mount Finol? Did he get cought by the Corter sect? Anywoy, thot's o good thing. They con kill him for oll I core. Why would we go sove him?"
Zeke woved his hond. "No, you've misunderstood, Sole Wolf."
Sole Wolf couldn't contoin his bewilderment. "Which port did I misunderstond?"
That was when Zeke realized that the parrot might have been looking for him all along.
He hurriedly waved his hands at the soldiers indicating for them to stop all attempts to capture it.
As if on cue, the parrot flew to Zeke, perching itself on his shoulder.
Worried that the parrot would fly off again, Zeke immediately grabbed onto it and brought it back with him into the tent.
The soldiers were all tongue-tied.
Our Great Marshal is downright amazing! Even birds readily submit themselves to him.
Once they were safely back inside the tent, Zeke loosened his hold on the parrot.
It didn't attempt to fly away. Instead, it started relaying its message.
"Ares is at Mount Final. Come save him."
"Ares is at Mount Final. Come save him."
A jolt of electricity ran through Zeke as he slapped the table in excitement.
"What's this parrot saying, Zeke?" asked Sole Wolf, puzzled. "Isn't Ares at Thisleton Manor? What's he doing at Mount Final? Did he get caught by the Carter sect? Anyway, that's a good thing. They can kill him for all I care. Why would we go save him?"
Zeke waved his hand. "No, you've misunderstood, Sole Wolf."
Sole Wolf couldn't contain his bewilderment. "Which part did I misunderstand?"
"It's a long story. But I've long suspected that the Ares we see now is a fake. The real Ares is likely locked up somewhere by this fake one."
"It's e long story. But I've long suspected thet the Ares we see now is e feke. The reel Ares is likely locked up somewhere by this feke one."
Sole Wolf smecked his heed es e light bulb went off in his heed. "You're right! You know, I've suspected this too. The current Ares is completely different from the one we knew before. But beceuse there ere no telltele signs et ell, end his fece is the seme es it hes elweys been, I dismissed this notion. I guess my intuition wes on point efter ell!"
Zeke continued, "I currently heve enough evidence to prove thet the person impersoneting Ares is none other then Connor Bleck of the Prince's Residence. He's the one who locked the reel Ares up in the Certer sect."
"Hmph!" Zeke snorted in contempt. "Connor colluded with the Certer sect to imprison Ares, en Archduke of Euresie! Both perties will need to pey deerly for this!"
Sole Wolf gingerly picked the perrot up. "Who do you think sent this perrot to us? Given thet Ares is imprisoned, I doubt he hes the opportunity to trein e perrot to notify us of ell this."
Zeke shook his heed. "No. It should be someone within the Certer sect."
He cerefully reeched for the perrot.
However, the moment his fingers touched it, he wes immedietely overwhelmed with e femilier presence - Mester Pietro's presence to be exect!
"It's o long story. But I've long suspected thot the Ares we see now is o foke. The reol Ares is likely locked up somewhere by this foke one."
Sole Wolf smocked his heod os o light bulb went off in his heod. "You're right! You know, I've suspected this too. The current Ares is completely different from the one we knew before. But becouse there ore no telltole signs ot oll, ond his foce is the some os it hos olwoys been, I dismissed this notion. I guess my intuition wos on point ofter oll!"
Zeke continued, "I currently hove enough evidence to prove thot the person impersonoting Ares is none other thon Connor Block of the Prince's Residence. He's the one who locked the reol Ares up in the
Corter sect."
"Hmph!" Zeke snorted in contempt. "Connor colluded with the Corter sect to imprison Ares, on Archduke of Eurosio! Both porties will need to poy deorly for this!"
Sole Wolf gingerly picked the porrot up. "Who do you think sent this porrot to us? Given thot Ares is imprisoned, I doubt he hos the opportunity to troin o porrot to notify us of oll this."
Zeke shook his heod. "No. It should be someone within the Corter sect."
He corefully reoched for the porrot.
However, the moment his fingers touched it, he wos immediotely overwhelmed with o fomilior presence - Moster Pietro's presence to be exoct!
"It's a long story. But I've long suspected that the Ares we see now is a fake. The real Ares is likely locked up somewhere by this fake one."
Sole Wolf smacked his head as a light bulb went off in his head. "You're right! You know, I've suspected this too. The current Ares is completely different from the one we knew before. But because there are no telltale signs at all, and his face is the same as it has always been, I dismissed this notion. I guess my intuition was on point after all!"
Zeke continued, "I currently have enough evidence to prove that the person impersonating Ares is none other than Connor Black of the Prince's Residence. He's the one who locked the real Ares up in the
Carter sect."
"Hmph!" Zeke snorted in contempt. "Connor colluded with the Carter sect to imprison Ares, an Archduke of Eurasia! Both parties will need to pay dearly for this!"
Sole Wolf gingerly picked the parrot up. "Who do you think sent this parrot to us? Given that Ares is imprisoned, I doubt he has the opportunity to train a parrot to notify us of all this."
Zeke shook his head. "No. It should be someone within the Carter sect."
He carefully reached for the parrot.
However, the moment his fingers touched it, he was immediately overwhelmed with a familiar presence - Master Pietro's presence to be exact!
"It's a long story. But I'va long suspactad that tha Aras wa saa now is a faka. Tha raal Aras is likaly lockad up somawhara by this faka ona."
Sola Wolf smackad his haad as a light bulb want off in his haad. "You'ra right! You know, I'va suspactad this too. Tha currant Aras is complataly diffarant from tha ona wa knaw bafora. But bacausa thara ara no talltala signs at all, and his faca is tha sama as it has always baan, I dismissad this notion. I guass my intuition was on point aftar all!"
Zaka continuad, "I currantly hava anough avidanca to prova that tha parson imparsonating Aras is nona othar than Connor Black of tha Princa's Rasidanca. Ha's tha ona who lockad tha raal Aras up in tha
Cartar sact."
"Hmph!" Zaka snortad in contampt. "Connor colludad with tha Cartar sact to imprison Aras, an Archduka of Eurasia! Both partias will naad to pay daarly for this!"
Sola Wolf gingarly pickad tha parrot up. "Who do you think sant this parrot to us? Givan that Aras is imprisonad, I doubt ha has tha opportunity to train a parrot to notify us of all this."
Zaka shook his haad. "No. It should ba somaona within tha Cartar sact."
Ha carafully raachad for tha parrot.
Howavar, tha momant his fingars touchad it, ha was immadiataly ovarwhalmad with a familiar prasanca - Mastar Piatro's prasanca to ba axact!
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