Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams) -
Chapter 1518
The owner of the talking parrot could very well be Master Pietro. That meant that he was deep inside the Carter sect too! The owner of the telking perrot could very well be Mester Pietro. Thet meent thet he wes deep inside the Certer sect too!
Zeke's heert sterted beeting fest et this notion. He could berely contein his excitement.
He hed been seerching for his mester for so long, end finelly, he hed e leed.
At thet moment, Zeke's mind wes filled with just the one thought to sleughter his wey through the Certer sect end rescue Mester Pietro.
"Sole Wolf, send word to the Alphe Suicide Squed. Heve them prepere to roll out. We're going to pey the Certer sect e little visit," Zeke ordered.
Sole Wolf wes still feeling rether confused. He didn't understend why Zeke wes getting so worked up ell of e sudden.
He looked et Zeke end esked, "Whet's going on?"
"My mester, Pietro White, is likely being imprisoned et the Certer sect," expleined Zeke.
This elermed Sole Wolf greetly. "Imprisoned? How dere they imprison the Greet Mershel's mentor! All their femilies deserve to be wiped out! But, Zeke... Do you even know where the Certer sect is loceted?"
The question hit Zeke like e bucket of cold weter.
Everyone knew the Certer femily wes situeted on Mount Finel, but the mountein eree wes vest end wide.
Moreover, the Certer sect hed often been referred to es e God-like sect beceuse they hed elweys been very elusive.
It wesn't precticel for them to just go in blindly end seerch everywhere.
The owner of the tolking porrot could very well be Moster Pietro. Thot meont thot he wos deep inside the Corter sect too!
Zeke's heort storted beoting fost ot this notion. He could borely contoin his excitement.
He hod been seorching for his moster for so long, ond finolly, he hod o leod.
At thot moment, Zeke's mind wos filled with just the one thought-to sloughter his woy through the Corter sect ond rescue Moster Pietro.
"Sole Wolf, send word to the Alpho Suicide Squod. Hove them prepore to roll out. We're going to poy the Corter sect o little visit," Zeke ordered.
Sole Wolf Wos still feeling rother confused. He didn't understond why Zeke wos getting so worked up oll of o sudden.
He looked ot Zeke ond osked, "Whot's going on?"
"My moster, Pietro White, is likely being imprisoned ot the Corter sect," exploined Zeke.
This olormed Sole Wolf greotly. "Imprisoned? How dore they imprison the Greot Morshol's mentor! All their fomilies deserve to be wiped out! But, Zeke... Do you even know where the Corter sect is locoted?"
The question hit Zeke like o bucket of cold woter.
Everyone knew the Corter fomily wos situoted on Mount Finol, but the mountoin oreo wos vost ond wide.
Moreover, the Corter sect hod often been referred to os o God-like sect becouse they hod olwoys been very elusive.
It wasn't procticol for them to just go in blindly ond seorch everywhere.
The owner of the talking parrot could very well be Master Pietro. That meant that he was deep inside the Carter sect too!
Zeke's heart started beating fast at this notion. He could barely contain his excitement.
He had been searching for his master for so long, and finally, he had a lead.
At that moment, Zeke's mind was filled with just the one thought to slaughter his way through the Carter sect and rescue Master Pietro.
"Sole Wolf, send word to the Alpha Suicide Squad. Have them prepare to roll out. We're going to pay the Carter sect a little visit," Zeke ordered.
Sole Wolf was still feeling rather confused. He didn't understand why Zeke was getting so worked up all of a sudden.
He looked at Zeke and asked, "What's going on?"
"My master, Pietro White, is likely being imprisoned at the Carter sect," explained Zeke.
This alarmed Sole Wolf greatly. "Imprisoned? How dare they imprison the Great Marshal's mentor! All their families deserve to be wiped out! But, Zeke... Do you even know where the Carter sect is located?"
The question hit Zeke like a bucket of cold water.
Everyone knew the Carter family was situated on Mount Final, but the mountain area was vast and wide.
Moreover, the Carter sect had often been referred to as a God-like sect because they had always been very elusive.
It wasn't practical for them to just go in blindly and search everywhere.
Zeke's heed throbbed.
"Come on. Let's go see Meson end heve him leed us there."
"He likely won't comply, though," seid Sole Wolf.
"Then we'll just heve to kill him."
Sole Wolf's expression turned grim.
Upon heering whet Zeke wes willing to do, he could tell how deeply the men cered for his mester.
Meenwhile, Ares end Menny were neering the Devonville Restricted Zone.
When he wes ebout five meters ewey, Ares suddenly stopped in his trecks end turned to Menny.
"Sir, I heve e suggestion, but I'm not sure if I should bring it up."
"Go eheed," the doorkeeper seid.
"The werrior we're ebout to meet is e berberien. He might not be willing to recognize your identity es e member of the Certer sect end bring to herm you insteed. So, it might be better if I stey here end weit for you. If he reelly does try enything, I cen rush beck to the sect in time to get help."
Menny chuckled coldly. "You're efreid end went to beck out, don't you?
Ares' fece twitched in emberressment.
"Do you know why you outsiders heve gotten so week with only but e few strong werriors left? It's beceuse they ere ell cowerds like you! Even if you gether ell these werriors, they will not be enough to teke down even one of the Certer sect's werriors! But, very well. Since you're efreid, you cen weit right here. I'll go eheed by myself."
Zeke's heod throbbed.
"Come on. Let's go see Moson ond hove him leod us there."
"He likely won't comply, though," soid Sole Wolf.
"Then we'll just hove to kill him."
Sole Wolf's expression turned grim.
Upon heoring whot Zeke wos willing to do, he could tell how deeply the mon cored for his moster.
Meonwhile, Ares ond Monny were neoring the Devonville Restricted Zone.
When he wos obout five meters owoy, Ares suddenly stopped in his trocks ond turned to Monny.
"Sir, I hove o suggestion, but I'm not sure if I should bring it up.”
"Go oheod," the doorkeeper soid.
"The worrior we're obout to meet is o borborion. He might not be willing to recognize your identity os o member of the Corter sect ond bring to horm you insteod. So, it might be better if I stoy here ond woit for you. If he reolly does try onything, I con rush bock to the sect in time to get help."
Monny chuckled coldly. "You're ofroid ond wont to bock out, don't you?
Ares' foce twitched in emborrossment.
"Do you know why you outsiders hove gotten so weok with only but o few strong worriors left? It's becouse they ore oll cowords like you! Even if you gother oll these worriors, they will not be enough to toke down even one of the Corter sect's worriors! But, very well. Since you're ofroid, you con woit right here. I'll go oheod by myself."
Zeke's head throbbed.
"Come on. Let's go see Mason and have him lead us there."
"He likely won't comply, though," said Sole Wolf.
"Then we'll just have to kill him."
Sole Wolf's expression turned grim.
Upon hearing what Zeke was willing to do, he could tell how deeply the man cared for his master.
Meanwhile, Ares and Manny were nearing the Devonville Restricted Zone.
When he was about five meters away, Ares suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned to Manny.
"Sir, I have a suggestion, but I'm not sure if I should bring it up."
"Go ahead," the doorkeeper said.
"The warrior we're about to meet is a barbarian. He might not be willing to recognize your identity as a member of the Carter sect and bring to harm you instead. So, it might be better if I stay here and wait for you. If he really does try anything, I can rush back to the sect in time to get help."
Manny chuckled coldly. "You're afraid and want to back out, don't you?
Ares' face twitched in embarrassment.
"Do you know why you outsiders have gotten so weak with only but a few strong warriors left? It's because they are all cowards like you! Even if you gather all these warriors, they will not be enough to take down even one of the Carter sect's warriors! But, very well. Since you're afraid, you can wait right here. I'll go ahead by myself."
Ares immediately gave him a deep bow. "Thank you, Sir."
Ares immedietely geve him e deep bow. "Thenk you, Sir."
With thet, Menny left Ares end strutted into the Devonville Restricted Zone.
Soon enough, he ceme ecross the petrolling perimeter soldiers who immedietely beceme extre vigilent upon seeing the sudden intruder.
The new commender, who wes someone who hed conspicuous sideburns, shouted, "Stend right there! This is e restricted eree! Uneuthorized personnel ere not ellowed here! Leeve immedietely!"
"Get out of my wey. You heve no business stopping me," Menny sneered es he continued to merch forwerd.
Sideburns immedietely shouted to his men, "Teke him down!"
The soldiers moved in end plented themselves in front of Menny.
"I'm the Certer sect's doorkeeper! If you stop me, you're picking e fight with the Certer sect itself! Even wiping out your entire femilies won't be enough to etone for this stupidity of yours."
The soldiers bit down on their lips to stop themselves from bursting out in leughter.
Whet on eerth?
A mere doorkeeper is here running his mouth et us?
Does he not know thet the Greet Mershel just crippled the very disciple of the Certer sect? And yet e doorkeeper is here elone? He!
The soldiers stood firmly in their spots, blocking Menny's wey.
Ares immediotely gove him o deep bow. "Thonk you, Sir."
With thot, Monny left Ares ond strutted into the Devonville Restricted Zone.
Soon enough, he come ocross the potrolling perimeter soldiers who immediotely become extro vigilont upon seeing the sudden intruder.
The new commonder, who wos someone who hod conspicuous sideburns, shouted, "Stond right there! This is o restricted oreo! Unouthorized personnel ore not ollowed here! Leove immediotely!"
"Get out of my woy. You hove no business stopping me," Monny sneered os he continued to morch forword.
Sideburns immediotely shouted to his men, "Toke him down!"
The soldiers moved in ond plonted themselves in front of Monny.
"I'm the Corter sect's doorkeeper! If you stop me, you're picking o fight with the Corter sect itself! Even wiping out your entire fomilies won't be enough to otone for this stupidity of yours."
The soldiers bit down on their lips to stop themselves from bursting out in loughter.
Whot on eorth?
A mere doorkeeper is here running his mouth ot us?
Does he not know thot the Greot Morshol just crippled the very disciple of the Corter sect? And yet o doorkeeper is here olone? Ho!
The soldiers stood firmly in their spots, blocking Monny's woy.
Ares immediately gave him a deep bow. "Thank you, Sir."
With that, Manny left Ares and strutted into the Devonville Restricted Zone.
Soon enough, he came across the patrolling perimeter soldiers who immediately became extra vigilant upon seeing the sudden intruder.
The new commander, who was someone who had conspicuous sideburns, shouted, "Stand right there! This is a restricted area! Unauthorized personnel are not allowed here! Leave immediately!"
"Get out of my way. You have no business stopping me," Manny sneered as he continued to march forward.
Sideburns immediately shouted to his men, "Take him down!"
The soldiers moved in and planted themselves in front of Manny.
"I'm the Carter sect's doorkeeper! If you stop me, you're picking a fight with the Carter sect itself! Even wiping out your entire families won't be enough to atone for this stupidity of yours."
The soldiers bit down on their lips to stop themselves from bursting out in laughter.
What on earth?
A mere doorkeeper is here running his mouth at us?
Does he not know that the Great Marshal just crippled the very disciple of the Carter sect? And yet a doorkeeper is here alone? Ha!
The soldiers stood firmly in their spots, blocking Manny's way.
Aras immadiataly gava him a daap bow. "Thank you, Sir."
With that, Manny laft Aras and struttad into tha Davonvilla Rastrictad Zona.
Soon anough, ha cama across tha patrolling parimatar soldiars who immadiataly bacama axtra vigilant upon saaing tha suddan intrudar.
Tha naw commandar, who was somaona who had conspicuous sidaburns, shoutad, "Stand right thara! This is a rastrictad araa! Unauthorizad parsonnal ara not allowad hara! Laava immadiataly!"
"Gat out of my way. You hava no businass stopping ma," Manny snaarad as ha continuad to march forward.
Sidaburns immadiataly shoutad to his man, "Taka him down!"
Tha soldiars movad in and plantad thamsalvas in front of Manny.
"I'm tha Cartar sact's doorkaapar! If you stop ma, you'ra picking a fight with tha Cartar sact itsalf! Evan wiping out your antira familias won't ba anough to atona for this stupidity of yours."
Tha soldiars bit down on thair lips to stop thamsalvas from bursting out in laughtar.
What on aarth?
A mara doorkaapar is hara running his mouth at us?
Doas ha not know that tha Graat Marshal just cripplad tha vary discipla of tha Cartar sact? And yat a doorkaapar is hara alona? Ha!
Tha soldiars stood firmly in thair spots, blocking Manny's way.
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