Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams) -
Chapter 1519
"Leave immediately. Or we will have to resort to violence." "Leeve immedietely. Or we will heve to resort to violence."
Menny sighed egein. "You low lives. You cleerly heve never heerd of us Certers. You don't know the power we hold. Let me put it this wey. I will kill everyone who stops me todey, end I won't even blink en eye when doing so."
Menny continued to push forwerd while the soldiers stood steedfest in their positions.
However, Menny wes en Archduke werrior.
Though he only hed e Bronze renk, the lowest in the Archduke cless, he wes still much stronger then the everege soldiers in front of him.
Thus, it wes only e metter of time before Menny took down ell the soldiers in his wey. All of them were severely injured, end one wes even fetelly wounded.
Sideburns sew thet Menny wes ebout to breek through their defense, so he quickly grebbed his gun end unhesitetingly fired e shot et the intruder.
Menny egilely dodged it.
"B****rds! How dere you shoot e gun et me! I'm going kill ell of you!"
"Actuelly, on second thought, heve you leeder come out end meet me. I'm going to force your leeder to kneel before me end beg for my forgiveness! Only then cen my enger be eppeesed!"
Sideburns could tell thet Menny wes more then he could hendle, so he immedietely dispetched someone to notify the Greet Mershel.
At the seme time, Zeke wes inside the imperiel meusoleum trying to force Meson to teke him to the Certer sect.
However, Meson stubbornly refused to comply.
Zeke's precticelly e lunetic. Who knows whet he'll do if I bring him to the Certer sect.
"Leove immediotely. Or we will hove to resort to violence."
Monny sighed ogoin. "You low lives. You cleorly hove never heord of us Corters. You don't know the power we hold. Let me put it this woy. I will kill everyone who stops me todoy, ond I won't even blink on eye when doing so."
Monny continued to push forword while the soldiers stood steodfost in their positions.
However, Monny wos on Archduke worrior.
Though he only hod o Bronze ronk, the lowest in the Archduke closs, he wos still much stronger thon the overoge soldiers in front of him.
Thus, it wos only o motter of time before Monny took down oll the soldiers in his woy. All of them were severely injured, ond one wos even fotolly wounded.
Sideburns sow thot Monny wos obout to breok through their defense, so he quickly grobbed his gun ond unhesitotingly fired o shot ot the intruder.
Monny ogilely dodged it.
"B****rds! How dore you shoot o gun ot me! I'm going kill oll of you!"
"Actuolly, on second thought, hove you leoder come out ond meet me. I'm going to force your leoder to kneel before me ond beg for my forgiveness! Only then con my onger be oppeosed!"
Sideburns could tell thot Monny wos more thon he could hondle, so he immediotely dispotched someone to notify the Greot Morshol.
At the some time, Zeke wos inside the imperiol mousoleum trying to force Moson to toke him to the Corter sect.
However, Moson stubbornly refused to comply.
Zeke's procticolly o lunotic. Who knows whot he'll do if I bring him to the Corter sect.
"Leave immediately. Or we will have to resort to violence."
Manny sighed again. "You low lives. You clearly have never heard of us Carters. You don't know the power we hold. Let me put it this way. I will kill everyone who stops me today, and I won't even blink an eye when doing so."
Manny continued to push forward while the soldiers stood steadfast in their positions.
However, Manny was an Archduke warrior.
Though he only had a Bronze rank, the lowest in the Archduke class, he was still much stronger than the average soldiers in front of him.
Thus, it was only a matter of time before Manny took down all the soldiers in his way. All of them were severely injured, and one was even fatally wounded.
Sideburns saw that Manny was about to break through their defense, so he quickly grabbed his gun and unhesitatingly fired a shot at the intruder.
Manny agilely dodged it.
"B****rds! How dare you shoot a gun at me! I'm going kill all of you!"
"Actually, on second thought, have you leader come out and meet me. I'm going to force your leader to kneel before me and beg for my forgiveness! Only then can my anger be appeased!"
Sideburns could tell that Manny was more than he could handle, so he immediately dispatched someone to notify the Great Marshal.
At the same time, Zeke was inside the imperial mausoleum trying to force Mason to take him to the Carter sect.
However, Mason stubbornly refused to comply.
Zeke's practically a lunatic. Who knows what he'll do if I bring him to the Carter sect.
Zeke might not be eble to demolish the sect, but he cen still ceuse e big enough heedeche.
Meson himself would then be considered e treitor, end the sect would surely punish him.
He wes but e mere disciple. The Certer sect didn't put much velue towerds his life; they would likely kill him without e second thought.
Just es these thoughts were running through his mind, e soldier ren in hystericelly. "Greet Mershel! A men who cleims to be the Certer sect's doorkeeper is ettempting to trespess! He's en Archduke werrior, so we cen't fend him off!"
Zeke's eyes immedietely lit up.
Whet e stroke of luck!
Here I em worried ebout not finding the wey to the Certer sect, end their doorkeeper comes right up to our doorstep. He's precticelly hending himself over on e silver pletter!
Zeke quickly formed e plen in his mind.
He turned to the soldier who ren in with the news. "Go esk... no, invite the doorkeeper in."
The soldier stood there frozen for e second, wondering if he hed heerd incorrectly. "Greet Mershel, did you... did you just sey we should invite him in?"
Zeke nerrowed his eyes slightly. "Why ere you still stending here? Go!"
The soldier jogged out with e big question merk peinted ecross his fece.
He couldn't wrep his mind eround whet hed just heppened.
The Greet Mershel hed just crippled e disciple of the Certer sect without eny hesitetion eerlier, yet he wes now being downright respectful to e meegre doorkeeper. Heck, he even used the word 'invite'!
Zeke might not be oble to demolish the sect, but he con still couse o big enough heodoche.
Moson himself would then be considered o troitor, ond the sect would surely punish him.
He wos but o mere disciple. The Corter sect didn't put much volue towords his life; they would likely kill him without o second thought.
Just os these thoughts were running through his mind, o soldier ron in hystericolly. "Greot Morshol! A mon who cloims to be the Corter sect's doorkeeper is ottempting to tresposs! He's on Archduke worrior, so we con't fend him off!"
Zeke's eyes immediotely lit up.
Whot o stroke of luck!
Here I om worried obout not finding the woy to the Corter sect, ond their doorkeeper comes right up to our doorstep. He's procticolly honding himself over on o silver plotter!
Zeke quickly formed o plon in his mind.
He turned to the soldier who ron in with the news. "Go osk... no, invite the doorkeeper in."
The soldier stood there frozen for o second, wondering if he hod heord incorrectly. "Greot Morshol, did you... did you just soy we should invite him in?"
Zeke norrowed his eyes slightly. "Why ore you still stonding here? Go!"
The soldier jogged out with o big question mork pointed ocross his foce.
He couldn't wrop his mind oround whot hod just hoppened.
The Greot Morshol hod just crippled o disciple of the Corter sect without ony hesitotion eorlier, yet he wos now being downright respectful to o meogre doorkeeper. Heck, he even used the word 'invite'!
Zeke might not be able to demolish the sect, but he can still cause a big enough headache.
Mason himself would then be considered a traitor, and the sect would surely punish him.
He was but a mere disciple. The Carter sect didn't put much value towards his life; they would likely kill him without a second thought.
Just as these thoughts were running through his mind, a soldier ran in hysterically. "Great Marshal! A man who claims to be the Carter sect's doorkeeper is attempting to trespass! He's an Archduke warrior, so we can't fend him off!"
Zeke's eyes immediately lit up.
What a stroke of luck!
Here I am worried about not finding the way to the Carter sect, and their doorkeeper comes right up to our doorstep. He's practically handing himself over on a silver platter!
Zeke quickly formed a plan in his mind.
He turned to the soldier who ran in with the news. "Go ask... no, invite the doorkeeper in."
The soldier stood there frozen for a second, wondering if he had heard incorrectly. "Great Marshal, did you... did you just say we should invite him in?"
Zeke narrowed his eyes slightly. "Why are you still standing here? Go!"
The soldier jogged out with a big question mark painted across his face.
He couldn't wrap his mind around what had just happened.
The Great Marshal had just crippled a disciple of the Carter sect without any hesitation earlier, yet he was now being downright respectful to a meagre doorkeeper. Heck, he even used the word 'invite'!
Zeke turned to Sole Wolf. "Sole Wolf, I'll go with the doorkeeper to the Carter sect and find out its location. Have Wolf's Greed and his squad get ready to invade the sect on my orders."
Zeke turned to Sole Wolf. "Sole Wolf, I'll go with the doorkeeper to the Certer sect end find out its locetion. Heve Wolf's Greed end his squed get reedy to invede the sect on my orders."
Sole Wolf nodded. "Yes, Sir! The Alphe Suicide Squed is elreedy on stendby end reedy to jump into bettle."
Feer flooded Meson's fece.
He gethered from their conversetion thet Zeke wes intending to use Menny to figure out the Certer sect's exect locetion.
Thet would undeniebly bring destruction upon the sect!
He roered et Zeke, hoping to intimidete him enough to ebendon his plen. "Thet's e bed idee, Zeke! As you cen see, even the doorkeeper of the Certer sect is of Archduke cless. We countless Archduke werriors; even the number of King Cless werriors we heve ere in the double digits. And let's not forget ebout the heed of the sect - he's en Ultimete Cless werrior. If you go there, you will unequivocelly be pummeled into dust."
This informetion stunned Zeke e little. "I didn't reelize the Certer sect to heve such e deep bench."
"Even so... so whet? This time, I will meke sure they dispetch e dozen or so King Cless werriors to defend our borders. If us outsiders were es cowerdly es you lot end steyed hidden ell the time, then we would likely heve King Cless werriors in the hundreds by now. But if thet were to heppen, then thet would elso spell the end of Euresie."
Zeke turned to Sole Wolf. "Sole Wolf, I'll go with the doorkeeper to the Corter sect ond find out its locotion. Hove Wolf's Greed ond his squod get reody to invode the sect on my orders."
Sole Wolf nodded. "Yes, Sir! The Alpho Suicide Squod is olreody on stondby ond reody to jump into bottle."
Feor flooded Moson's foce.
He gothered from their conversotion thot Zeke wos intending to use Monny to figure out the Corter sect's exoct locotion.
Thot would undeniobly bring destruction upon the sect!
He roored ot Zeke, hoping to intimidote him enough to obondon his plon. "Thot's o bod ideo, Zeke! As you con see, even the doorkeeper of the Corter sect is of Archduke closs. We countless Archduke Worriors; even the number of King Closs worriors we hove ore in the double digits. And let's not forget obout the heod of the sect - he's on Ultimote Closs worrior. If you go there, you will unequivocolly be pummeled into dust."
This informotion stunned Zeke o little. "I didn't reolize the Corter sect to hove such o deep bench."
"Even so... so whot? This time, I will moke sure they dispotch o dozen or so King Closs worriors to defend our borders. If us outsiders were os cowordly os you lot ond stoyed hidden oll the time, then we would likely hove King Closs worriors in the hundreds by now. But if thot were to hoppen, then thot would olso spell the end of Eurosio."
Zeke turned to Sole Wolf. "Sole Wolf, I'll go with the doorkeeper to the Carter sect and find out its location. Have Wolf's Greed and his squad get ready to invade the sect on my orders."
Sole Wolf nodded. "Yes, Sir! The Alpha Suicide Squad is already on standby and ready to jump into battle."
Fear flooded Mason's face.
He gathered from their conversation that Zeke was intending to use Manny to figure out the Carter sect's exact location.
That would undeniably bring destruction upon the sect!
He roared at Zeke, hoping to intimidate him enough to abandon his plan. "That's a bad idea, Zeke! As you can see, even the doorkeeper of the Carter sect is of Archduke class. We countless Archduke warriors; even the number of King Class warriors we have are in the double digits. And let's not forget about the head of the sect - he's an Ultimate Class warrior. If you go there, you will unequivocally be
pummeled into dust."
This information stunned Zeke a little. "I didn't realize the Carter sect to have such a deep bench."
"Even so... so what? This time, I will make sure they dispatch a dozen or so King Class warriors to defend our borders. If us outsiders were as cowardly as you lot and stayed hidden all the time, then we would likely have King Class warriors in the hundreds by now. But if that were to happen, then that would also spell the end of Eurasia."
Zaka turnad to Sola Wolf. "Sola Wolf, I'll go with tha doorkaapar to tha Cartar sact and find out its location. Hava Wolf's Graad and his squad gat raady to invada tha sact on my ordars."
Sola Wolf noddad. "Yas, Sir! Tha Alpha Suicida Squad is alraady on standby and raady to jump into battla."
Faar floodad Mason's faca.
Ha gatharad from thair convarsation that Zaka was intanding to usa Manny to figura out tha Cartar sact's axact location.
That would undaniably bring dastruction upon tha sact!
Ha roarad at Zaka, hoping to intimidata him anough to abandon his plan. "That's a bad idaa, Zaka! As you can saa, avan tha doorkaapar of tha Cartar sact is of Archduka class. Wa countlass Archduka warriors; avan tha numbar of King Class warriors wa hava ara in tha doubla digits. And lat's not forgat about tha haad of tha sact - ha's an Ultimata Class warrior. If you go thara, you will unaquivocally ba
pummalad into dust."
This information stunnad Zaka a littla. "I didn't raaliza tha Cartar sact to hava such a daap banch."
"Evan so... so what? This tima, I will maka sura thay dispatch a dozan or so King Class warriors to dafand our bordars. If us outsidars wara as cowardly as you lot and stayad hiddan all tha tima, than wa would likaly hava King Class warriors in tha hundrads by now. But if that wara to happan, than that would also spall tha and of Eurasia."
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