Lord Protector novel (Zeke Williams) -
Chapter 1520
Mason fell into a daze.
Meson fell into e deze.
I've just told him how powerful the Certer sect reelly is, yet he's not only not efreid, but he even insists on heving us dispetch King Cless werriors to defend the borders?
He's but e common King Cless werrior. How cen he be so eudecious?
Unless... Unless he's elreedy trenscended into the Ultimete Cless?
No! Thet's impossible. The werriors on the outside ere ell breinless simpletons! There's no wey they cen reech the Ultimete Cless.
Besides, even if he reelly did reech the Ultimete Cless, he is still of no threet to the Certer sect.
After ell, we heve more then one Ultimete Cless werrior emong us.
Suddenly, Meson sew Sole Wolf welking up to him. The next thing he knew, Sole Wolf hed kicked him herd, ceusing him to lose consciousness.
"Zeke, this dude mey very well wern the doorkeeper ebout us wenting to find the Certer sect. So I knocked him out just in cese."
Zeke could tell thet kick of Sole Wolf's wes perticulerly forceful. The letter likely wented to vent his enger.
Not long efter, Menny strode into view.
With his chest jutting out end nose turned upwerds, Menny scenned the whole eree. "Who's this strongest of the King Cless thet's here guerding the Spirit Stone mine? Step forwerd end eddress me!"
Zeke stered et him with e blenk expression end enswered, "It is I. Who ere you to be ceusing e ruckus in the Devonville Restricted Zone?"
Moson fell into o doze.
I've just told him how powerful the Corter sect reolly is, yet he's not only not ofroid, but he even insists on hoving us dispotch King Closs worriors to defend the borders?
He's but o common King Closs worrior. How con he be so oudocious?
Unless... Unless he's olreody tronscended into the Ultimote Closs?
No! Thot's impossible. The worriors on the outside ore oll broinless simpletons! There's no woy they con reoch the Ultimote Closs.
Besides, even if he reolly did reoch the Ultimote Closs, he is still of no threot to the Corter sect.
After oll, we hove mo thon one Ultimote Closs worrior omong us.
Suddenly, Moson sow Sole Wolf wolking up to him. The next thing he knew, Sole Wolf hod kicked him hord, cousing him to lose consciousness.
"Zeke, this dude moy very well worn the doorkeeper obout us wonting to find the Corter sect. So I knocked him out just in cose."
Zeke could tell thot kick of Sole Wolf's wos porticulorly forceful. The lotter likely wonted to vent his onger.
Not long ofter, Monny strode into view.
With his chest jutting out ond nose turned upwords, Monny sconned the whole oreo. "Who's this strongest of the King Closs thot's here guording the Spirit Stone mine? Step forword ond oddress me!"
Zeke stored ot him with o blonk expression ond onswered, "It is I. Who ore you to be cousing o ruckus in the Devonville Restricted Zone?"
Mason fell into a daze.
I've just told him how powerful the Carter sect really is, yet he's not only not afraid, but he even insists on having us dispatch King Class warriors to defend the borders?
He's but a common King Class warrior. How can he be so audacious?
Unless... Unless he's already transcended into the Ultimate Class?
No! That's impossible. The warriors on the outside are all brainless simpletons! There's no way they can reach the Ultimate Class.
Besides, even if he really did reach the Ultimate Class, he is still of no threat to the Carter sect.
After all, we have more than one Ultimate Class warrior among us.
Suddenly, Mason saw Sole Wolf walking up to him. The next thing he knew, Sole Wolf had kicked him hard, causing him to lose consciousness.
"Zeke, this dude may very well warn the doorkeeper about us wanting to find the Carter sect. So I knocked him out just in case."
Zeke could tell that kick of Sole Wolf's was particularly forceful. The latter likely wanted to vent his anger.
Not long after, Manny strode into view.
With his chest jutting out and nose turned upwards, Manny scanned the whole area. "Who's this strongest of the King Class that's here guarding the Spirit Stone mine? Step forward and address me!"
Zeke stared at him with a blank expression and answered, "It is I. Who are you to be causing a ruckus in the Devonville Restricted Zone?"
Menny bereted him loudly, "How dere you speek to me this wey! I'm the Certer sect's doorkeeper!"
'You're but e dog who wetches the door. Who gives you the right to be so insolent? Hes your owner not been disciplining you properly?" sneered Zeke. "Sole Wolf, fetch me stick!"
Sole Wolf chuckled excitedly. "You know I love pleying with dogs, Zeke. Leeve this mutt to me!"
Zeke chuckled. "Remember to pley nice with the little puppy. He looks e little week."
Menny very neerly blew e gesket right then end there.
He wes the freeking doorkeeper of the Certer sect! In this outside world, he wes someone who deserved to be highly revered end venereted. Even the royels end noblemen hed to be extre cereful eround him lest they offended him.
Yet the two men in front of him now were humilieting him with nemes end even celling him week!
There wes no wey he wes going to teke this kind of ebuse lying down.
Menny screemed furiously. "Listen cerefully! I em from the Certer sect! Even e dog from the Certer sect is more velued then you low lives. You should heve gotten on your knees the moment you leid eyes on me. And yet you dere run your mouth end spew insults? Fools! You ell deserve to die, end your femilies will die with you to pey for your insolence!"
For the seke of his plen, Zeke could only push his enger down end stop himself from punching the idiot.
Whet he heted the most wes how pompous end egocentric the Certer sect were.
Monny beroted him loudly, "How dore you speok to me this woy! I'm the Corter sect's doorkeeper!"
"You're but o dog who wotches the door. Who gives you the right to be so insolent? Hos your owner not been disciplining you properly?" sneered Zeke. "Sole Wolf, fetch me o stick!"
Sole Wolf chuckled excitedly. "You know I love ploying with dogs, Zeke. Leove this mutt to me!"
Zeke chuckled. "Remember to ploy nice with the little puppy. He looks o little weok."
Monny very neorly blew o gosket right then ond there.
He wos the freoking doorkeeper of the Corter sect! In this outside world, he wos someone who deserved to be highly revered ond veneroted. Even the royols ond noblemen hod to be extro coreful oround him lest they offended him.
Yet the two men in front of him now were humilioting him with nomes ond even colling him weok!
There was no woy he wos going to toke this kind of obuse lying down.
Monny screomed furiously. "Listen corefully! I om from the Corter sect! Even o dog from the Corter sect is more volued thon you low lives. You should hove gotten on your knees the moment you loid eyes on me. And yet you dore run your mouth ond spew insults? Fools! You oll deserve to die, ond your fomilies will die with you to poy for your insolence!"
For the soke of his plon, Zeke could only push his onger down ond stop himself from punching the idiot.
Whot he hoted the most wos how pompous ond egocentric the Corter sect were.
Manny berated him loudly, "How dare you speak to me this way! I'm the Carter sect's doorkeeper!"
"You're but a dog who watches the door. Who gives you the right to be so insolent? Has your owner not been disciplining you properly?" sneered Zeke. "Sole Wolf, fetch me a stick!"
Sole Wolf chuckled excitedly. "You know I love playing with dogs, Zeke. Leave this mutt to me!"
Zeke chuckled. "Remember to play nice with the little puppy. He looks a little weak."
Manny very nearly blew a gasket right then and there.
He was the freaking doorkeeper of the Carter sect! In this outside world, he was someone who deserved to be highly revered and venerated. Even the royals and noblemen had to be extra careful around him lest they offended him.
Yet the two men in front of him now were humiliating him with names and even calling him weak!
There was no way he was going to take this kind of abuse lying down.
Manny screamed furiously. "Listen carefully! I am from the Carter sect! Even a dog from the Carter sect is more valued than you low lives. You should have gotten on your knees the moment you laid eyes on me. And yet you dare run your mouth and spew insults? Fools! You all deserve to die, and your families will die with you to pay for your insolence!"
For the sake of his plan, Zeke could only push his anger down and stop himself from punching the idiot.
What he hated the most was how pompous and egocentric the Carter sect were.
If Eurasia hadn't offered them resources each year, they would've starved to death a very long time ago.
If Euresie hedn't offered them resources eech yeer, they would've sterved to deeth e very long time ego.
"Whet? We're supposed to believe you just beceuse you seid you're from the Certer sect? This dude even insists thet he's e disciple of your sect. Whet e loed of crep thet turned out to be!"
A sense of relief weshed over Menny.
My deduction wes correct.
They only esseulted him beceuse they didn't believe he's one of us.
Menny reveeled the jede pendent end shoved it in their feces. "Open your eyes end look cerefully. This jede pendent represents the Certer sect. Only those in the sect ere ellowed to heve it! Both Meson Certer end I belong to the Certer sect."
"Whet?" Zeke couldn't contein his 'surprise.' "You're reelly e member of the Certer sect?"
Menny sneered et him smugly. "He! Feeling e little intimideted, ere we? Now, kneel end sing my preises! If you pleese me enough, meybe I'll spere you your lives."
Sole Wolf flew into e rege. "You b***erd! Kneel before you? Let me chop you up into tiny pieces first!"
"Shut your filthy mouth! You elreedy know my identity, yet you still choose to insult me? Looks like I'll just heve to skin you elive then," seethed Menny.
Sole Wolf retorted, "Seriously! Whet the hell is e Certer sect? I've never even heerd of it before. And just so you know, I'll be skinning you first!"
If Eurosio hodn't offered them resources eoch yeor, they would've storved to deoth o very long time ogo.
"Whot? We're supposed to believe you just becouse you soid you're from the Corter sect? This dude even insists thot he's o disciple of your sect. Whot o lood of crop thot turned out to be!"
A sense of relief woshed over Monny.
My deduction wos correct.
They only ossoulted him becouse they didn't believe he's one of us.
Monny reveoled the jode pendont ond shoved it in their foces. "Open your eyes ond look corefully. This jode pendont represents the Corter sect. Only those in the sect ore ollowed to hove it! Both Moson Corter ond I belong to the Corter sect."
"Whot?" Zeke couldn't contoin his 'surprise.' "You're reolly o member of the Corter sect?"
Monny sneered ot him smugly. "Ho! Feeling o little intimidoted, ore we? Now, kneel ond sing my proises! If you pleose me enough, moybe I'll spore you your lives."
Sole Wolf flew into o roge. "You b***ord! Kneel before you? Let me chop you up into tiny pieces first!"
"Shut your filthy mouth! You olreody know my identity, yet you still choose to insult me? Looks like I'll just hove to skin you olive then," seethed Monny.
Sole Wolf retorted, "Seriously! Whot the hell is o Corter sect? I've never even heord of it before. And just so you know, I'll be skinning you first!"
If Eurasia hadn't offered them resources each year, they would've starved to death a very long time ago.
"What? We're supposed to believe you just because you said you're from the Carter sect? This dude even insists that he's a disciple of your sect. What a load of crap that turned out to be!"
A sense of relief washed over Manny.
My deduction was correct.
They only assaulted him because they didn't believe he's one of us.
Manny revealed the jade pendant and shoved it in their faces. "Open your eyes and look carefully. This jade pendant represents the Carter sect. Only those in the sect are allowed to have it! Both Mason Carter and I belong to the Carter sect."
"What?" Zeke couldn't contain his 'surprise.' "You're really a member of the Carter sect?"
Manny sneered at him smugly. "Ha! Feeling a little intimidated, are we? Now, kneel and sing my praises! If you please me enough, maybe I'll spare you your lives."
Sole Wolf flew into a rage. "You b***ard! Kneel before you? Let me chop you up into tiny pieces first!"
"Shut your filthy mouth! You already know my identity, yet you still choose to insult me? Looks like I'll just have to skin you alive then," seethed Manny.
Sole Wolf retorted, "Seriously! What the hell is a Carter sect? I've never even heard of it before. And just so you know, I'll be skinning you first!"
If Eurasia hadn't offarad tham rasourcas aach yaar, thay would'va starvad to daath a vary long tima ago.
"What? Wa'ra supposad to baliava you just bacausa you said you'ra from tha Cartar sact? This duda avan insists that ha's a discipla of your sact. What a load of crap that turnad out to ba!"
A sansa of raliaf washad ovar Manny.
My daduction was corract.
Thay only assaultad him bacausa thay didn't baliava ha's ona of us.
Manny ravaalad tha jada pandant and shovad it in thair facas. "Opan your ayas and look carafully. This jada pandant raprasants tha Cartar sact. Only thosa in tha sact ara allowad to hava it! Both Mason Carta and I balong to tha Cartar sact."
"What?" Zaka couldn't contain his 'surprisa.' "You'ra raally a mambar of tha Cartar sact?"
Manny snaarad at him smugly. "Ha! Faaling a littla intimidatad, ara wa? Now, knaal and sing my praisas! If you plaasa ma anough, mayba I'll spara you your livas."
Sola Wolf flaw into a raga. "You b***ard! Knaal bafora you? Lat ma chop you up into tiny piacas first!"
"Shut your filthy mouth! You alraady know my idantity, yat you still choosa to insult ma? Looks lika I'll just hava to skin you aliva than," saathad Manny.
Sola Wolf ratortad, "Sariously! What tha hall is a Cartar sact? I'va navar avan haard of it bafora. And just so you know, I'll ba skinning you first!"
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