Seeking Within: Now -
The Pathetic Hermetic
The pathetic hermetic
took a hallucinogenic
while meditating atop a hill one day.
When came buzzing by
was a curious fly
who just wanted to hear what he had to say.
The pathetic hermetic
not too copacetic
about the fly interrupting his day
asked, May I ask why?
Cuz you’re just a fly
who’d be better off if he just shoo’d away!
The curious fly
with a quiet reply
asked, How did he get this way?
The impatient man
who was not a fan
had these few words to say:
I live by hermetic principals
each of them quite simple though.
They’re a part of you and me.
We are all mind
each one of a kind
existing throughout all eternity.
As above, so below.
There are three states you know,
of you at different vibrations.
The physical, spiritual and mental state.
Chart your course, some call it fate, but
it's all part of your mental transmutation.
Everything flows
and everything goes.
Life is more simple than strange.
Like night shifts to day
cycles repeat this way;
a universal rhythm of change.
While opposites attract.
Genders a fact.
The two add up to one.
But when love turns to hate
realize it’s all the same state
just on different ends of the spectrum.
One final thing
as you measure the swing
of my hand through cause and effect.
With his hand raised high
the hermetic maimed the fly and said,
Interrupt me and it’s your wings I collect!
It happened right then,
the so called 'Master of Zen',
realizing his error too late.
For he now knew
he’ll be a fly too
in his next life to relive his own fate.
The pathetic hermetic
not too energetic
about what he was about to endure,
walked down from the hills
and then swallowed some pills,
dreaming of something more profound..I’m sure!
In a strange twist of fate
the hermetic entered the gates
of hell with only this lesson learned.
Just try and get by
without harming a fly
or else, you’ll surely get burned.
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