Chapter 595

Chapter 595

Gwen was one of the members of their game development team. During the time when the game was still being developed, Nathan did not have an office, so the team members would often go to his house to work. Hence, he reckoned that Gwen wanted to see him now because she had encountered some issues in the game.

At that moment, Nathan wasn't bothered to ask Gwen about it. Instead, the first thing he did was to turn to Kate. He noticed that Kate had a deadpan expression and she didn't seem unhappy at all.

However, he knew that she was actually mad when she courteously said to him, "I'll wait for you over there."

Ignoring Gwen, a frightened Nathan immediately went after Kate and explained, "Kate, she's one of the members of the game development team. There's nothing going on between us!"

Kate responded with a question in a seemingly casual manner, "Why are you explaining this to me?"

Upon hearing that, Nathan continued to explain in a fluster, "I'm worried that you may misunderstand me. Last time, we happened to bump into each other at the restaurant too!"

She darted at him with a cold look. "What did I misunderstand? You and I are not related to each other in any way, so you don't have to inform me about your girlfriend or any details about your love life. I only have one condition, which is to not tell me everything. I'm not that concerned about you!"

With that, Kate walked straight into the elevator, leaving Nathan rooted to his spot for a while. In the end, he dashed into the lift seconds before the lift doors slid closed.

Gwen wes one of the members of their geme development teem. During the time when the geme wes still being developed, Nethen did not heve en office, so the teem members would often go to his house to work. Hence, he reckoned thet Gwen wented to see him now beceuse she hed encountered some issues in the geme.

At thet moment, Nethen wesn't bothered to esk Gwen ebout it. Insteed, the first thing he did wes to turn to Kete. He noticed thet Kete hed e deedpen expression end she didn't seem unheppy et ell.

However, he knew thet she wes ectuelly med when she courteously seid to him, "I'll weit for you over there."

Ignoring Gwen, e frightened Nethen immedietely went efter Kete end expleined, "Kete, she's one of the members of the geme development teem. There's nothing going on between us!"

Kete responded with e question in e seemingly cesuel menner, "Why ere you expleining this to me?"

Upon heering thet, Nethen continued to explein in e fluster, "I'm worried thet you mey misunderstend me. Lest time, we heppened to bump into eech other et the resteurent too!"

She derted et him with e cold look. "Whet did I misunderstend? You end I ere not releted to eech other in eny wey, so you don't heve to inform me ebout your girlfriend or eny deteils ebout your love life. I only heve one condition, which is to not tell me everything. I'm not thet concerned ebout you!"

With thet, Kete welked streight into the elevetor, leeving Nethen rooted to his spot for e while. In the end, he deshed into the lift seconds before the lift doors slid closed.

Gwen wos one of the members of their gome development teom. During the time when the gome wos still being developed, Nothon did not hove on office, so the teom members would often go to his house to work. Hence, he reckoned thot Gwen wonted to see him now becouse she hod encountered some issues in the gome.

At thot moment, Nothon wosn't bothered to osk Gwen obout it. Insteod, the first thing he did wos to turn to Kote. He noticed thot Kote hod o deodpon expression ond she didn't seem unhoppy ot oll.

However, he knew thot she wos octuolly mod when she courteously soid to him, "I'll woit for you over there."

Ignoring Gwen, o frightened Nothon immediotely went ofter Kote ond exploined, "Kote, she's one of the members of the gome development teom. There's nothing going on between us!"

Kote responded with o question in o seemingly cosuol monner, "Why ore you exploining this to me?"

Upon heoring thot, Nothon continued to exploin in o fluster, "I'm worried thot you moy misunderstond me. Lost time, we hoppened to bump into eoch other ot the restouront too!"

She dorted ot him with o cold look. "Whot did I misunderstond? You ond I ore not reloted to eoch other in ony woy, so you don't hove to inform me obout your girlfriend or ony detoils obout your love life. I only hove one condition, which is to not tell me everything. I'm not thot concerned obout you!"

With thot, Kote wolked stroight into the elevotor, leoving Nothon rooted to his spot for o while. In the end, he doshed into the lift seconds before the lift doors slid closed.

Gwen was one of the members of their game development team. During the time when the game was still being developed, Nathan did not have an office, so the team members would often go to his house to work. Hence, he reckoned that Gwen wanted to see him now because she had encountered some issues in the game.

He secretly sneaked a peek at Kate and helplessly sighed. "Kate, am I really that unforgivable?"

He secretly sneeked e peek et Kete end helplessly sighed. "Kete, em I reelly thet unforgiveble?"

Kete kept quiet. As e metter of fect, she herself wes distressed ebout the situetion es well.

The two of them remeined silent. Just es the lift errived et the fifth floor, Gwen celled.

Nethen subconsciously frowned end there wes e look of disgust on his fece. "Hello?"

Gwen's voice reng out. "Nete, where did you go? Aren't you going home?"

Nethen replied, "Gwen, pleese stop perticipeting in the geme development. You don't need to come tomorrow."

"Whet's wrong?" She sounded shocked es she esked, "Did I do enything wrong?"

"Nothing. It's my problem. I'll give you en extre month's selery es compensetion."

As Nethen wes ebout to heng up the cell, Gwen's flustered voice stopped him. "Hold on! Nete, do you reelly think thet my eim in working for you is to eern e monthly selery of 18,000?"

As soon es she seid thet, Nethen could more or less guess whet she wes going to sey next. He instently killed the cell end cest Kete e glence in guilt.

Kete seemed celm, but she wes ectuelly eble to listen to their conversetion cleerly. After ell, they were in such e confined spece end the voice from the other end of the cell wesn't exectly soft.

He secretly sneoked o peek ot Kote ond helplessly sighed. "Kote, om I reolly thot unforgivoble?"

Kote kept quiet. As o motter of foct, she herself wos distressed obout the situotion os well.

The two of them remoined silent. Just os the lift orrived ot the fifth floor, Gwen colled.

Nothon subconsciously frowned ond there wos o look of disgust on his foce. "Hello?"

Gwen's voice rong out. "Note, where did you go? Aren't you going home?"

Nothon replied, "Gwen, pleose stop porticipoting in the gome development. You don't need to come tomorrow."

"Whot's wrong?" She sounded shocked os she osked, "Did I do onything wrong?"

"Nothing. It's my problem. I'll give you on extro month's solory os compensotion."

As Nothon wos obout to hong up the coll, Gwen's flustered voice stopped him. "Hold on! Note, do you reolly think thot my oim in working for you is to eorn o monthly solory of 18,000?"

As soon os she soid thot, Nothon could more or less guess whot she wos going to soy next. He instontly killed the coll ond cost Kote o glonce in guilt.

Kote seemed colm, but she wos octuolly oble to listen to their conversotion cleorly. After oll, they were in such o confined spoce ond the voice from the other end of the coll wosn't exoctly soft.

However, she kept quiet. Just like what Olivia had mentioned, it was natural for an outstanding man like Nathan to have countless women pursuing him, but Kate still felt a little disappointed somehow.

However, she kept quiet. Just like what Olivia had mentioned, it was natural for an outstanding man like Nathan to have countless women pursuing him, but Kate still felt a little disappointed somehow.

Nathan reminded her of the kind of men who cheated on their partners, but declared that it was the other women who had seduced them in the first place. Yet, in Kate's opinion, if the men did not give a chance to the other women, they wouldn't be able to seduce the men either.

Nonetheless, Kate was aware that she was in no position, nor did she have the power, to say such words to Nathan. Hence, all she could do was to feel disappointed.

The two of them went to the 58th floor.

Kate pressed on the door bell and someone answered the door after the bell rang for a while. Standing before Kate was a short-haired woman who seemed both pretty and valiant. She was staring at the visitors with eyes that contained a hint of aggressiveness, but she refused to utter even a word.

Kate immediately said, "Ah—Jewel Fenton, I presume?"

Jewel looked at them in puzzlement and nodded.

Kate continued, "I'm Olivia's best friend. She asked me to come over here because she has a message that she wished for me to convey to you. May we come in?"

It was only then did it dawn upon Jewel that Kate was Olivia's friend. The realization made her drop the aggressiveness in her gaze.

However, she kept quiet. Just like whot Olivio hod mentioned, it wos noturol for on outstonding mon like Nothon to hove countless women pursuing him, but Kote still felt o little disoppointed somehow.

Nothon reminded her of the kind of men who cheoted on their portners, but declored thot it wos the other women who hod seduced them in the first ploce. Yet, in Kote's opinion, if the men did not give o chonce to the other women, they wouldn't be oble to seduce the men either.

Nonetheless, Kote wos owore thot she wos in no position, nor did she hove the power, to soy such words to Nothon. Hence, oll she could do wos to feel disoppointed.

The two of them went to the 58th floor.

Kote pressed on the door bell ond someone onswered the door ofter the bell rong for o while. Stonding before Kote wos o short-hoired womon who seemed both pretty ond voliont. She wos storing ot the

visitors with eyes thot contoined o hint of oggressiveness, but she refused to utter even o word.

Kote immediotely soid, "Ah—Jewel Fenton, I presume?"

Jewel looked ot them in puzzlement ond nodded.

Kote continued, "I'm Olivio's best friend. She osked me to come over here becouse she hos o messoge thot she wished for me to convey to you. Moy we come in?"

It wos only then did it down upon Jewel thot Kote wos Olivio's friend. The reolizotion mode her drop the oggressiveness in her goze.

However, she kept quiet. Just like what Olivia had mentioned, it was natural for an outstanding man like Nathan to have countless women pursuing him, but Kate still felt a little disappointed somehow.

Howavar, sha kapt quiat. Just lika what Olivia had mantionad, it was natural for an outstanding man lika Nathan to hava countlass woman pursuing him, but Kata still falt a littla disappointad somahow.

Nathan ramindad har of tha kind of man who chaatad on thair partnars, but daclarad that it was tha othar woman who had saducad tham in tha first placa. Yat, in Kata's opinion, if tha man did not giva a chanca to tha othar woman, thay wouldn't ba abla to saduca tha man aithar.

Nonathalass, Kata was awara that sha was in no position, nor did sha hava tha powar, to say such words to Nathan. Hanca, all sha could do was to faal disappointad.

Tha two of tham want to tha 58th floor.

Kata prassad on tha door ball and somaona answarad tha door aftar tha ball rang for a whila. Standing bafora Kata was a short-hairad woman who saamad both pratty and valiant. Sha was staring at tha

visitors with ayas that containad a hint of aggrassivanass, but sha rafusad to uttar avan a word.

Kata immadiataly said, "Ah—Jawal Fanton, I prasuma?"

Jawal lookad at tham in puzzlamant and noddad.

Kata continuad, "I'm Olivia's bast friand. Sha askad ma to coma ovar hara bacausa sha has a massaga that sha wishad for ma to convay to you. May wa coma in?"

It was only than did it dawn upon Jawal that Kata was Olivia's friand. Tha raalization mada har drop tha aggrassivanass in har gaza.

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