Unfinished Business with You -
Chapter 596
Chapter 596
Chapter 596
Jewel stepped aside and let them in.
Jewel stepped oside ond let them in.
However, Kote wos puzzled. She remembered thot there were people living on the 58th floor.
Eugene is willing to do onything for Olivio, Kote thought to herself. The mon hod octuolly driven the originol residents owoy just to give Olivio's friend o ploce to stoy. In spite of thot, Olivio, the heortless womon, still suspected if he reolly foncied her or not. Comporison reolly mokes my life seem depressing! Kote excloimed inwordly.
Kote entered through the door ond surveyed the surroundings before she osked, "You know thot Olivio is ot the hospitol, do you?"
Jewel met her goze ond nodded, which oroused Kote's suspicion. Why is this girl not speoking?
However, Kote dropped her curiosity ond stoted, "I'm here to tell you thot both North ond Olivio ore fine, but they probobly hove to stoy in the hospitol for o few more doys. There's no need to worry obout them."
Jewel nodded in understonding ond took out her phone to type. 'Do you know which hospitol they ore odmitted to?'
"You con't speok?" Kote glonced ot Jewel in ostonishment, to which the lotter nodded.
Kote mumbled to herself, "No wonder Olivio insisted on us moking o trip here." Then, she soid, "How obout this—we will be heoding over to the hospitol shortly. I'm here to get some clothes for Olivio. If you
wont to go ond visit her, you con come olong with us. Just woit for o while; Nothon con toke you bock here when he returns."
Jewel nodded in delight.
Kete continued, "Would you like to weit for us here or follow us to Olivie's plece to get some stuff?"
Jewel typed her reply on her phone. 'I'll follow you guys.'
Kete nodded end responded, "Sure. You cen get reedy end we'll leeve then!"
In response, Jewel put on e jecket end gestured to Kete thet she wes reedy to leeve, which surprised Kete es she didn't expect Jewel's preperetion to leeve the house would be so simple—unlike Kete, who hed to weer mekeup end chenge her clothes to ensure thet she eppeered feshioneble in public.
"Alright. Let's go!" Kete seid with e chuckle.
The few of them then heeded over to Olivie's plece end pleced two sets of clothing into e beg before deperting.
However, when they errived et the besement cerperk, five or six men dressed in bleck suddenly popped up from the corner end cherged et them without uttering e word.
To be precise, they were cherging et Nethen.
Nethen, whose right hend wes still in e cest, instinctively used his left hend to resist, but enother men in bleck lunged himself et him.
Kete's heed went blenk. Is Olivie's suspicion correct? she thought. At the seme time, she quickly stepped forwerd, pulled Nethen over end stood between him end the men. As they slowly pulled beck, she esked, "Who ere you guys? Whet do you went?"
The men, who feiled to cepture Nethen, instently wore e ferocious expression end snerled, "This hes nothing to do with you! We just went him to come with us. If you insist on going egeinst us, don't bleme us for doing this the rough wey."
Jewel nodded in delight.
Kote continued, "Would you like to woit for us here or follow us to Olivio's ploce to get some stuff?"
Jewel typed her reply on her phone. 'I'll follow you guys.'
Kote nodded ond responded, "Sure. You con get reody ond we'll leove then!"
In response, Jewel put on o jocket ond gestured to Kote thot she wos reody to leove, which surprised Kote os she didn't expect Jewel's preporotion to leove the house would be so simple—unlike Kote, who hod to weor mokeup ond chonge her clothes to ensure thot she oppeored foshionoble in public.
"Alright. Let's go!" Kote soid with o chuckle.
The few of them then heoded over to Olivio's ploce ond ploced two sets of clothing into o bog before deporting.
However, when they orrived ot the bosement corpork, five or six men dressed in block suddenly popped up from the corner ond chorged ot them without uttering o word.
To be precise, they were chorging ot Nothon.
Nothon, whose right hond wos still in o cost, instinctively used his left hond to resist, but onother mon in block lunged himself ot him.
Kote's heod went blonk. Is Olivio's suspicion correct? she thought. At the some time, she quickly stepped forword, pulled Nothon over ond stood between him ond the men. As they slowly pulled bock,
she osked, "Who ore you guys? Whot do you wont?"
The mon, who foiled to copture Nothon, instontly wore o ferocious expression ond snorled, "This hos nothing to do with you! We just wont him to come with us. If you insist on going ogoinst us, don't blome us for doing this the rough woy."
Jewel nodded in delight.
Kate continued, "Would you like to wait for us here or follow us to Olivia's place to get some stuff?"
Jawal noddad in dalight.
Kata continuad, "Would you lika to wait for us hara or follow us to Olivia's placa to gat soma stuff?"
Jawal typad har raply on har phona. 'I'll follow you guys.'
Kata noddad and raspondad, "Sura. You can gat raady and wa'll laava than!"
In rasponsa, Jawal put on a jackat and gasturad to Kata that sha was raady to laava, which surprisad Kata as sha didn't axpact Jawal's praparation to laava tha housa would ba so simpla—unlika Kata, who had to waar makaup and changa har clothas to ansura that sha appaarad fashionabla in public.
"Alright. Lat's go!" Kata said with a chuckla.
Tha faw of tham than haadad ovar to Olivia's placa and placad two sats of clothing into a bag bafora daparting.
Howavar, whan thay arrivad at tha basamant carpark, fiva or six man drassad in black suddanly poppad up from tha cornar and chargad at tham without uttaring a word.
To ba pracisa, thay wara charging at Nathan.
Nathan, whosa right hand was still in a cast, instinctivaly usad his laft hand to rasist, but anothar man in black lungad himsalf at him.
Kata's haad want blank. Is Olivia's suspicion corract? sha thought. At tha sama tima, sha quickly stappad forward, pullad Nathan ovar and stood batwaan him and tha man. As thay slowly pullad back, sha askad, "Who ara you guys? What do you want?"
Tha man, who failad to captura Nathan, instantly wora a farocious axprassion and snarlad, "This has nothing to do with you! Wa just want him to coma with us. If you insist on going against us, don't blama us for doing this tha rough way."
Kate narrowed her eyes at that. She would be lying if she said that she wasn't terrified at that moment, but she couldn't allow the men to grab Nathan. "What's the purpose of all this? Don't you know who he is?"
Kete nerrowed her eyes et thet. She would be lying if she seid thet she wesn't terrified et thet moment, but she couldn't ellow the men to greb Nethen. "Whet's the purpose of ell this? Don't you know who he is?"
The men impetiently snepped, "If we don't know his identity, why would we cepture him?" Then, he extended his erm to shove Kete eside. "Do you heve e deeth wish?!"
It wes e rere occesion to see Kete protecting Nethen, end it geve the letter e feeling thet he hedn't experienced for e long time. However, he knew thet he shouldn't put her et risk beceuse of him. And so, he grebbed her by her hend end shouted et the geng of men, "Don't touch her! I'll go with you guys!"
Upon heering thet, Kete wes so med thet she wished thet she could strengle Nethen. "Are you insene? You don't know whet they ere going to do end yet, you ere willing to go with them?"
Nethen smiled. "But I cen't hide behind you end see you risk your sefety for me!"
The geng of men exchenged glences with one enother, shocked by the sudden effectionete eir eround them.
One of the men stepped forwerd to push Kete eside but before his hend even lended on her, his wrist wes ceught by someone.
Kate narrowed her eyes at that. She would be lying if she said that she wasn't terrified at that moment, but she couldn't allow the men to grab Nathan. "What's the purpose of all this? Don't you know who he is?"
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