A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps by Kit Bryan Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps by Kit Bryan novel. A total of 170 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Jan 4, 2025
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps by Kit Bryan Chapter 6
- A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps by Kit Bryan Chapter 7
- A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps by Kit Bryan Chapter 8
- A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps by Kit Bryan Chapter 9
- A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps by Kit Bryan Chapter 10
- A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps by Kit Bryan Chapter 11
- A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps by Kit Bryan Chapter 12
- A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps by Kit Bryan Chapter 13
- A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps by Kit Bryan Chapter 14
- A Human’s Guide to Surviving Magical Mishaps by Kit Bryan Chapter 15
- Rule 16- Always carry sunglasses. They’re good for hiding from the sun AND for avoiding obsessed fans.
- Rule 17- The internet is like a spooky forest. You should enter it warily and with a strong sense of caution.
- Rule 18- Embrace the majestic power of a mug that says, "I'm ready to conquer the day"
- Rule 19- Don’t expect too much when it comes to fast food. It rarely is as good as you remember.
- Rule 20- When you're trying to sneak around, just remember, your parents have been playing this game a lot longer than you have.
- Rule 21- When your computer starts giving you attitude, remember you have the ability to unplug it or just hit it with a hammer.
- Rule 22- Improv skills are key. Just remember to always bring your charm along for the ride, and no one will ever suspect a thing!
- Rule 23- Lying is only a problem if you get caught.
- Rule 24- Rejecting someone is like ripping off a Band-Aid - do it quickly and don’t hesitate. The same rule applies to dealing with persistent salesmen.
- Rule 25-If you have to ask yourself, "Is this a good idea?" it's probably not.
- Rule 26- Your true best friend is the one who will be sitting next to you in jail saying ‘damn that was fun.’
- Rule 27- If at first you don't succeed, try again. If you keep failing at the same thing, maybe it's time to try something else.
- Rule 28-Visiting someone at work is like crashing their party; make sure you're invited, and if you're not, at least bring snacks.
- Rule 29- If normalcy were a race, we'd all be sprinting in different directions. Embrace the chaos, it's more fun anyway.
- Rule 30- If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
- Rule 31- Admire from afar. Chatting up the firefighter while your kitchen's burning won't impress anyone. Plus, they're kinda busy.
- Rule 32- Never underestimate the power of a snack.
- Rule 33- If trouble knocks on your door, pretend you're not home. Trust me, it'll get tired of waiting eventually.
- Rule 34- Don’t go to bed unhappy, you never know if you’re going to wake up.
- Rule 35- Remember, you can’t be brave without being scared first.
- Rule 36- When all else fails, it’s time to call your dad and admit you need help.
- Rule 37- Take breaks like a cat takes naps - frequently, unapologetically, and with complete disregard for anyone else's schedule.
- Rule 38- Don’t trust that someone is being honest just because they aren’t lying.
- Rule 39- Value those who take the time to lecture you; it means they care.
- Rule 40- Don’t ask questions unless you’re confident you are ready to hear the answers.
- Rule 41- Blood ties don't grant you magical powers, unless you count the power to embarrass yourself at family gatherings.
- Rule 42- Always be kind. It may be small to you, yet still be a big deal to someone else.
- Rule 43- Remember, winning is easy if you don’t care about playing fair.
- Rule 44- Your real friends are the ones who know all your secrets and still choose to be seen with you in public.
- Rule 45- When answering the door, remember: it's either a friend with pizza or someone selling something you don't need. Choose wisely.
- Rule 46- It’s better to seek forgiveness than wait for permission.
- Rule 47- If you break something you have three choices, fix it, hide it, or admit the mistake and face the consequences.
- Rule 48- When boasting about your flying skills, remember: even chickens can flutter.
- Rule 49- When your heel breaks, let out a dramatic gasp, then carry on like it's a catwalk audition for "Stumbling with Style."
- Rule 50- Before falling in love, check for tripping hazards.
- Rule 51-If you’re going to eat your feelings, make sure they're low in calories. Emotional baggage is heavy enough without the added weight gain!
- Rule 52- If you're going to lie, at least make it a story worth telling.
- Rule 53- Remember, just because you didn’t pay for something that doesn’t mean it won’t cost you.
- Rule 54- The most important rule of any board game: blame the dice, not your terrible strategy.
- Rule 55- If you can’t fix it with food or duct tape, it’s not worth fixing.
- Rule 56- If you expect others to open up, be ready to share the key to your treasure chest first.
- Rule 57- Looks lose their allure after a few days. So take your time.
- Rule 58- Sometimes you just need to ask yourself, ‘do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?’
- Rule 59- No matter how nice the dinner, never underestimate the power of dessert
- Rule 60- If life gives you lemons, try to find someone with tequila and salt.
- Rule 61- Want to know someone's true feelings? Watch their friends.
- Rule 62- If you hear ominous music, it's either a sign of impending danger or someone's just practising their violin. Either way, stay alert!
- Rule 63- If you can't beat the crowd, join it.
- Rule 64- Ladies don’t start fights, but they can finish them.
- Rule 65- When in doubt, follow the locals... but if they're running away, then maybe reconsider your plans to hang around.
- Rule 66- Avoid unwanted phone calls by pretending to be a telemarketer when answering your phone.
- Rule 67- Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time. Stick to simpler emotions, like enjoying pizza. It's less complicated.
- Rule 68- If you trip on the stairs, remember: the fall doesn’t define you, it's how you recover. And try not to spill your coffee.
- Rule 69- Beware of bargains that seem too tempting; they often come with hidden costs.
- Rule 70- Admitting when you're being unreasonable is like defusing a bomb; it's terrifying, but if you don't, things might explode in your face.
- Rule 71- Before asking for someone's number, make sure you're prepared for the responsibility of responding promptly to their texts and keeping your phone charged.
- Rule 72- If you're not sure if it's appropriate, send it anyway and blame autocorrect.
- Rule 73- If you’re the fifth wheel: Embrace your role as the wild card - you add the spice, the unexpected twist, and sometimes, the comic relief!
- Rule 74- Remember, it's not about how much you can drink, but how gracefully you can handle the aftermath. Also, hydration is key.
- Rule 75- There's no problem that chocolate can't make at least a little better.
- Rule 76- When hungover, drink plenty of water, eat something greasy, and don't make any major life decisions until you can remember your own name.
- Rule 77- Before you criticise someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Then, you'll be a mile away, and you'll have their shoes.
- Rule 78- If you're going to wear your heart on your sleeve, make sure it's stylish and matches your outfit.
- Rule 79- When you’re unwell the only decision you should make is to choose between types of soup.
- Rule 80- Don't expect food to fix your problems, unless the problem is hunger. Then, by all means, grab a snack and carry on!
- Rule 81- When stuck on a problem, pause and come back with fresh eyes, OR obsess over it until you go insane. Your choice!
- Rule 82- Being tired is your body's way of saying, "Please don't make any life decisions right now."
- Rule 83- A single kind word can flip your day like a pancake—warm, sweet, and definitely more palatable.
- Rule 84- Worrying is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but doesn't get you anywhere.
- Rule 85- If you must lie, take notes—your memory is no match for the wrath of someone who catches you.
- Rule 86- Guilt is like that friend who shows up uninvited and overstays their welcome. Learn to show them the door when necessary.
- Rule 87- Difficult choices are like puzzles—sometimes you have to put the wrong pieces together before the right one clicks.
- Rule 88- Evil people are like weeds—ignore them, and they take over your garden; pull them up, and the view improves instantly.
- Rule 89- People will believe a lie because they want it to be true, or because they’re afraid it’s true.
- Rule 90- Making a clean break is like ending a mediocre movie—don't wait for a twist ending that won't come, just walk away.
- Rule 91- Distance makes the heart grow fonder, but too much distance might make the heart forget why it was fond in the first place.
- Rule 92- Sometimes the only way to get things done is to do absolutely nothing.
- Rule 93- When in crisis, a hair makeover is cheaper than therapy.
- Rule 94- If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito.
- Rule 95- Greed is like trying to hog the dance floor—you might get all the attention, but you'll be left dancing alone.
- Rule 96- You can't truly hate someone without loving them a little first.
- Rule 97- Sometimes you have to ask for what you want—if you don't, things might never change.
- Rule 98- Opening someone else's mail is like opening a can of worms—messy, invasive, and you're likely to end up with some unwanted surprises.
- Rule 99- When gift giving, it’s the thought that counts—but make sure your thoughts include a gift receipt just in case!
- Rule 100- Dealing with liars is like playing poker—watch their tells and keep your cards close to your chest.