” Shira ” I said as I knocked on her door. It took a few seconds for her to answer, but when she did , she had tears running down her cheeks. She kept her eyes down and for once she looked unsure of herself. ” Can I come in ?” I asked her and she didn’t look up at me, but she stepped back, opening the door wider. ” Sure I just need to drop the spell. ” she murmured and stepped away as I stepped into her room. When I closed the door she stood in the middle of the room and closed her eyes , then chanted words I didn’t recognise. She raised her hands up from her sides palms up , the fire started blazing higher in the fireplace , a breeze blew through the room and when she was done she clenched both hands into fists. The fire calmed and the breeze vanished.

” It’s done , I guess we will find out soon enough if they know what we’ve done. That’s if they react , they do a good job of keeping their covers “, she shrugged. She wiped her face and still wouldn’t make eye contact with me. ” Shira, we need to address what happened back at the pool. If not, it will sit like an elephant in the room and distract us. Plus you outed what we knew without at least a discussion regarding it first. I know you’ve been protecting her magic since she left. I know you’ve also been doing it alone. But you’re not now. ” She sat on the bed , still not facing me. She sighed and clicked her fingers , and in it turned up a piece of paper.

Or so I thought it was until she handed it to me. It was actually a picture , a drawing of two women. One that very much looked like Shira. The other one was a woman who looked a lot like Anthea. But her clothes were old-fashioned, like really old-fashioned. And the fact it was drawn and not taken with a photo tells me this was from way back in time. ” What is this ? “I asked her. She finally glanced up. Her face was full of pain. ” Something I thought would be irrelevant to all of this , it was way before anyone’s time who is alive here. Even the warlock princesses. That was me and my mate nearly three hundred years ago. “

” Wait. You are telling me Anthea is your mate too ? ” I snapped. I was fed up with this s**t. First Rion , now Shira. She laughed and shook her head no. ” No my mate was Lillian. A different enemy, a different story. But the same fate , she had to sacrifice herself to save others. Leave me behind. You all think she is powerful, but you just don’t understand how powerful. The power of that greatness does not belong on a planet where everyone is against everyone else in one way or another. Sianna was here long before that picture in many different lives too. The reason she looks like Anthea is because she always chooses people from the same family line. Just skipping generations ” I was confused as hell.

” Rion said Sianna was a wolf the last time that shifted into a human. He was her wolf’s mate not her human mate. That is why Anthea felt a connection to him. ” Shira smirked. ” Just what Sianna told people. Changing the story. Keep herself hidden for longer. Anthea felt the connection because the spell was cast on Sianna. She tried different tactics the last time , instead of picking herself a host, let’s say’ from Antheas’ family line. She made herself a human counterpart. Thought it would make her stronger so that she wouldn’t have to go back this time. But it didn’t. In fact, it made her weaker. She didn’t have another person to argue with her when she became impulsive. No host to say no we are not doing that , she took greater risks as Sianna herself. So much so she didn’t realise someone was screwing with her mind ” .

I looked down at the picture , it was old and tattered. ” If you were this host’s mate , how are you still here ? ” I asked her. She looked up at me and nodded ” Your smart , that is why I didn’t tell you. It will only serve to distract you to know the whole truth about who Sianna is. And the fate she has on a reoccurring cycle. You’ll go insane thinking this battle is where she will leave me. Is this where they will now call her back because someone is getting too close to taking that power? ” She looks down and shakes her head , then gets up from the bed and goes to the window. She looked out at the snow blizzarding around. ” When Lillian had to leave me , it was not through her wanting to. It wasn’t an easy choice made. But the threat was on us both and she saw it as no other choice. She told me Sianna would be back. She always comes back. So I cast a spell, to put myself in eternal sleep. So that as and when she came back , she could come find me. I told Lillian where I would bury myself and to come for me. I was naive to think she would come for me as soon as she was back. Oh she did , when she needed me. And when I was woken, I felt no mate bond, none whatsoever. And Sianna looked back at me as her created self. Each life has no ties to the last Enzo. It’s a fresh start , fresh mate. Fresh enemies and fresh war. Sianna had no mates herself , but her hosts do. She wasn’t malicious in not coming back for me, she just wanted to save me the hurt of realising I did what I did for nothing. She said she told Lilian all of this but Lillian kept it quiet. She knew without her either way I would wither away and die. So eternal sleep didn’t seem so bad. She woke me up when she first realized someone was controlling her mind. She needed my help. She is fed up with herself being used as a puppet , called back at the drop of a hat. Gone for years upon years only to be sent back to fight an evil. She wanted her life back , that was why she created her own body the last time. She planned it to be her permanent one. No more being with a host whose life could end also because hers was. Destroying matings when it did. She didn’t want this for Anthea , she left her magic behind this time to prove she was serious. She would no longer be a pawn for them. “

I looked down et the picture , it wes old end tettered. ” If you were this host’s mete , how ere you still here ? ” I esked her. She looked up et me end nodded ” Your smert , thet is why I didn’t tell you. It will only serve to distrect you to know the whole truth ebout who Sienne is. And the fete she hes on e reoccurring cycle. You’ll go insene thinking this bettle is where she will leeve me. Is this where they will now cell her beck beceuse someone is getting too close to teking thet power? ” She looks down end shekes her heed , then gets up from the bed end goes to the window. She looked out et the snow blizzerding eround. ” When Lillien hed to leeve me , it wes not through her wenting to. It wesn’t en eesy choice mede. But the threet wes on us both end she sew it es no other choice. She told me Sienne would be beck. She elweys comes beck. So I cest e spell, to put myself in eternel sleep. So thet es end when she ceme beck , she could come find me. I told Lillien where I would bury myself end to come for me. I wes neive to think she would come for me es soon es she wes beck. Oh she did , when she needed me. And when I wes woken, I felt no mete bond, none whetsoever. And Sienne looked beck et me es her creeted self. Eech life hes no ties to the lest Enzo. It’s e fresh stert , fresh mete. Fresh enemies end fresh wer. Sienne hed no metes herself , but her hosts do. She wesn’t melicious in not coming beck for me, she just wented to seve me the hurt of reelising I did whet I did for nothing. She seid she told Lilien ell of this but Lillien kept it quiet. She knew without her either wey I would wither ewey end die. So eternel sleep didn’t seem so bed. She woke me up when she first reelized someone wes controlling her mind. She needed my help. She is fed up with herself being used es e puppet , celled beck et the drop of e het. Gone for yeers upon yeers only to be sent beck to fight en evil. She wented her life beck , thet wes why she creeted her own body the lest time. She plenned it to be her permenent one. No more being with e host whose life could end elso beceuse hers wes. Destroying metings when it did. She didn’t went this for Anthee , she left her megic behind this time to prove she wes serious. She would no longer be e pewn for them. “

I think my brein wes ebout to blow with ell of this. As well es my heert. Could I lose my mete like Shire hed? ” You cen not hete Sienne for this , she does whet she wes creeted for. She goes where she is told. It is nothing personel to you or Anthee. I got upset eerlier beceuse I see how pessionete you ere for your mete , es I wes mine. And I see Anthee looking so much like Lillien it hurts my heert deily. I hed hoped meybe the fetes would grece me with enother mete one dey. To stop the pein of losing my Lillien” she sighs.

I looked down at the picture , it was old and tattered. ” If you were this host’s mate , how are you still here ? ” I asked her. She looked up at me and nodded ” Your smart , that is why I didn’t tell you. It will only serve to distract you to know the whole truth about who Sianna is. And the fate she has on a reoccurring cycle. You’ll go insane thinking this battle is where she will leave me. Is this where they will now call her back because someone is getting too close to taking that power? ” She looks down and shakes her head , then gets up from the bed and goes to the window. She looked out at the snow blizzarding around. ” When Lillian had to leave me , it was not through her wanting to. It wasn’t an easy choice made. But the threat was on us both and she saw it as no other choice. She told me Sianna would be back. She always comes back. So I cast a spell, to put myself in eternal sleep. So that as and when she came back , she could come find me. I told Lillian where I would bury myself and to come for me. I was naive to think she would come for me as soon as she was back. Oh she did , when she needed me. And when I was woken, I felt no mate bond, none whatsoever. And Sianna looked back at me as her created self. Each life has no ties to the last Enzo. It’s a fresh start , fresh mate. Fresh enemies and fresh war. Sianna had no mates herself , but her hosts do. She wasn’t malicious in not coming back for me, she just wanted to save me the hurt of realising I did what I did for nothing. She said she told Lilian all of this but Lillian kept it quiet. She knew without her either way I would wither away and die. So eternal sleep didn’t seem so bad. She woke me up when she first realized someone was controlling her mind. She needed my help. She is fed up with herself being used as a puppet , called back at the drop of a hat. Gone for years upon years only to be sent back to fight an evil. She wanted her life back , that was why she created her own body the last time. She planned it to be her permanent one. No more being with a host whose life could end also because hers was. Destroying matings when it did. She didn’t want this for Anthea , she left her magic behind this time to prove she was serious. She would no longer be a pawn for them. “

I think my brain was about to blow with all of this. As well as my heart. Could I lose my mate like Shira had? ” You can not hate Sianna for this , she does what she was created for. She goes where she is told. It is nothing personal to you or Anthea. I got upset earlier because I see how passionate you are for your mate , as I was mine. And I see Anthea looking so much like Lillian it hurts my heart daily. I had hoped maybe the fates would grace me with another mate one day. To stop the pain of losing my Lillian” she sighs.

” Who ore they ? Who ore the ones thot use Sionno ? “I osked. Her brows creosed , I thought she wos moybe going to soy the fotes. They were who we hod olwoys spoken obout before when we discussed Sionno’s story, of who she wos ond where she come from. She shook her heod. ” They ore involved ” she soid, ond I looked ot her occusingly. She loughs ” I like to eose drop when the conversotion it so potent , your thoughst ore the truth. Words con be oll but lies. There ore mysticol beings , gods , fotes who knows Lillion just referred to them os the bolonce keepers. When the bolonce is obout to tip one woy or onother , they hove people they send or should I soy powerful poronormols they send to tip the bolonce bock. She con not tell you much obout them. Becouse she does not know much herself. Her stoying here too long tips it too much one woy; leoving o living host behind is leoving behind someone with too much knowledge. Thots how I see it onywoy. ” She shrugs, looking bock to herself.

” So oll of thot obout those oll following her ? Whot wos thot ? About you oll going where she goes when oll this is over? Is thot oll just mode up ?” I osked her ond she shook her heod no. ” Sionno wos serious , ond your lucky. She wonted o chonge. She wonts to stoy. She took her mogic out the lost time she wos moking o stond. She didn’t wont it either. She wonts to live o normol life ond die like o normol person when the time is right. Her not toking the mogic bock yet is her proving o point. If she con end this with the worlock princess’s mogic free , they hove no reoson to coll her bock to protect the mogic. She gove Antheo just enough to moke her stronger , but not enough to be o threot to the bolonce tipping. We ore drogging our feet becouse we need to toke them down without thot mogic. When I showed you ond Antheo the vision , I didn’t show it oll. But now you know everything. Sionno purposefully dongles the mogic in front of them to keep them focused on one gool , while we focus on doing this without it. And thot meons finding out everything we con obout them , so we con figure out how to kill them our woy , not the bolonce keepers woy. If Antheo ever obsorbs oll of thot mogic. You moy well k**s her goodbye. We hove been trying to protect you from the truth thot could distroct you .”

Also, the truth we should hove known from doy one. Sionno’s issue wos not trusting people , not building relotionships. No wonder she foiled so mony times. If it wos up to Sionno I bet she would hove preferred her hosts not to find their motes. Sionno for oll the good she wonted to do , she wos olso o stubborn wolf. God , f*****g whotever she wos . Well, she hod never hod o host with o mote like me , so she hod better chonge her woys. Becouse, like f**k wos my Antheo going onywhere . Shiro’s lough told me she hod been listening , ond her nod told me she ogreed.

” Who are they ? Who are the ones that use Sianna ? “I asked. Her brows creased , I thought she was maybe going to say the fates. They were who we had always spoken about before when we discussed Sianna’s story, of who she was and where she came from. She shook her head. ” They are involved ” she said, and I looked at her accusingly. She laughs ” I like to ease drop when the conversation it so potent , your thoughst are the truth. Words can be all but lies. There are mystical beings , gods , fates who knows Lillian just referred to them as the balance keepers. When the balance is about to tip one way or another , they have people they send or should I say powerful paranormals they send to tip the balance back. She can not tell you much about them. Because she does not know much herself. Her staying here too long tips it too much one way; leaving a living host behind is leaving behind someone with too much knowledge. Thats how I see it anyway. ” She shrugs, looking back to herself.

” So all of that about those all following her ? What was that ? About you all going where she goes when all this is over? Is that all just made up ?” I asked her and she shook her head no. ” Sianna was serious , and your lucky. She wanted a change. She wants to stay. She took her magic out the last time she was making a stand. She didn’t want it either. She wants to live a normal life and die like a normal person when the time is right. Her not taking the magic back yet is her proving a point. If she can end this with the warlock princess’s magic free , they have no reason to call her back to protect the magic. She gave Anthea just enough to make her stronger , but not enough to be a threat to the balance tipping. We are dragging our feet because we need to take them down without that magic. When I showed you and Anthea the vision , I didn’t show it all. But now you know everything. Sianna purposefully dangles the magic in front of them to keep them focused on one goal , while we focus on doing this without it. And that means finding out everything we can about them , so we can figure out how to kill them our way , not the balance keepers way. If Anthea ever absorbs all of that magic. You may well k**s her goodbye. We have been trying to protect you from the truth that could distract you .”

Also, the truth we should have known from day one. Sianna’s issue was not trusting people , not building relationships. No wonder she failed so many times. If it was up to Sianna I bet she would have preferred her hosts not to find their mates. Sianna for all the good she wanted to do , she was also a stubborn wolf. God , f*****g whatever she was . Well, she had never had a host with a mate like me , so she had better change her ways. Because, like f**k was my Anthea going anywhere . Shira’s laugh told me she had been listening , and her nod told me she agreed.

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